Anne of Bohemia, 1366-1394, consort of Richard II

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Accession date: 1377

Places: England

Epithet: consort of Richard II

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000472.0x000063

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Roll of writs, lotters patent, etc., of Richard II.Richard II of England: Roll of writs and letters patent: 1377-1399. British Library
referencedIn Isabella of France, Queen Consort of Richard II, 1403 (10036)Richard II of England: Seal of Qu. Isabella: 1403. British Library
referencedIn Treaties: Expenses incurred by the Earl of March on his journey to Scotland to treat with the Scots: May-June 1378.: Fragm.Scotland: Expenses of the Earl of March on his journey to Scotland to treat with the Scots: 1378.: Fragm.Edmund Mortimer, 3rd E... British Library
referencedIn DEEDS relating to the manor of Pulverbach, co. Salop. Latin. 1. Copy of a grant by Peter Corbet, Lord of Caus, to Ralph Le Boteler of a wood in Caus and Mensterleye, 14 Aug. 1314; and of a grant by Henry III. to Philip Marmion of free warren in Pulve..., 1339-15th century British Library
referencedIn GREAT SEAL of Richard II., not quite perfect; in green wax. [xxvi.15.]Richard II of England: Impression of the great seal. British Library
referencedIn PRYMER, in English, of Salisbury use, containing the Hours of the Virgin, with the Penitential Psalms, Litany of the Saints, Office of the Dead, Commendations, etc., preceded by tables for finding Easter, and a calendar. Imperfect; wanting leaves aft..., approximately 1400 British Library
referencedIn The following Nos., 29,259-32,739, were presented by the Earl of Chichester.29,259. INSPEXIMUS of an Act of Parliament, 21 Rich. II. [1397-8], revoking the acts of the Parliament of 11 Rich. II. [1387-8]; temp. Hen. IV. British Library
referencedIn (Gr. xlvi.) COLLECTIONS relating to tournaments, etc..-1. "The ordinances, statutes, and rules made and inacted by John [Tiptoft], Earle of Worcestre, constable of England, by the kinges; [Edward IV.] comandement, at Windsore, the xxixth day of May,... British Library
referencedIn Richard II of England: Seals. British Library
referencedIn Richard II of England: Casts of Exchequer seal. British Library
referencedIn COMPILATION of London customs, made for a London fishmonger, circ. 1395. Contents:-1. List of sheriffs and mayors, 1 Rich. I.-19 Rich. II. f. 1. 2. Chronological memoranda in Latin, in several series, viz.:-(a) Notes on the seven ages, etc., beg. "..., 1281-1400 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 494). 1. " RELATION de cc qui fut négotié en l'an 1525 [1527] avec Henry VIII., Roy d'Angleterre, et le Cardinal [Thomas Wolsey, Archbishop] d'York, par [Gabriel de Grammont] l'Evesque de Tarbe, [François] le Vicomte de Turenne, et le Président ... British Library
referencedIn STATUTES of England and documents relating to London, viz.: 1. "Carta de libertatibus Anglie" : Magna Charta, as confirmed by Edw. 1, 1297. Lat. f. 11. 2. "Carta de Foresta" ; as confirmed by Edw. I, 1297. Lat. f . 14. 3. "Prouisiones de Merton" ; 12..., 13th century-15th century British Library
referencedIn Richard II of England: Petition to, of the town of Berwick-on-Tweed: n.d.Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland: Petition to the Privy Council, with answer: 1385. n.d. British Library
referencedIn SIR SIMONDS D'EWES: copies and abstracts of records kept in the Tower of London; bef. 1650. Latin. Partly autograph. The Chartae Antiquae lettered A to Z are copied in full as far as class X and abstracted for Y and Z. The present volume is far more ... British Library
referencedIn Great Seal of Richard the Second.Richard II of England: Impression of his Great Seal: Orig. British Library
referencedIn Richard Weston: General pardon to: 1398.Richard II of England: General pardons by: 1398.: (fragm. of Great Seal). British Library
referencedIn PARDON granted by Richard, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester [afterwards King Richard II.] to Robert de Middeltone, for the death of William Jaudrelle, and other transgressions; dat. 5 May, 51 Edw. III. [1377]. With the Exchequer Seal of the Prince... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS of Sir Julius Cæsar, Judge of the Admiralty; among which are, Latin verses by William Ravenseroft, addressed to Sir J. Caesar on new year's day;--Mr. Guyn's Preface to his Reading on the Common Law of England;-Observations on the... British Library
referencedIn FERRERS COLLECTIONS. Historical, heraldic, and genealogical notes, andpersonal legal memoranda of Henry Ferrers, of Baddesley-Clinton, co. Warw., antiquary (d. 1633). Autograph. The contents are as follows:-(1) Diary and personal memoranda. ff. 1-4,..., 13th century British Library
referencedIn Richard II of England: Seals. British Library
referencedIn TREATISES onstate ceremonial, heraldry, etc.:-1. "Seruicia dominorum ad coronacionem regis Anglie " [Ricardi II.], 2. "Solempnitas coronacionis regis Anglie " [Ricardi II.], f. 13. 3. "Exequie regales quum ex hoe seculo reges migrare contigerint," f..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn ROYAL LICENCE for Michael de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, to alienate to the Carthusian Priory at Kingston-upon-Hull houses and land in Anlaby, E.R., co. York; 1398. Cf. Cal. Patent Rolls, 1396-1399, p. 464. Great seal of Richard 11.Hull, East Ridin..., 1398 British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION OF TRACTS: includes items translated by John Shirley (d.1456); mid -late 15th cent. Origin: England. The reference to Henry VI on f. 72v suggests a date after 1461. English and some Latin. Imperfect at end (catchword f. 224v). For descri... British Library
referencedIn John Vydeln: Grant to, in South Wraxhall and Leigh, in Bradford-on-Avon: 1385.Thomas Scathelok, alias Atte Forde; bondman of the manor of Bradford-on-Avon, county Wiltshire: Grant by, of land in [South] Wraxhall and Leigh: 1385.Richard II of England:... British Library
referencedIn CUSTOMS, etc., of the city of London and of the borough of Bishhop's Lynn, now King's Lynn, co. Norfolk. The first part of the MS., a copy, in one hand of the first half of the 14th cent, of ordinances, etc., relating to London tempp. Hen. III.-Edw. ..., 14th century British Library
referencedIn STREATFEILD COLLECTIONS. Vol. XLVI. Similar collection of biographical, historical, and other notes. Amongst them are:-1. " References to [James] Ingram's Saxon Chronicle, more especially as they relate to Kent." f. 97. 2. Extracts from Frederick vo..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn WILLEMENT'S ROLLROLL OF ARMS containing painted shields of the twenty-six founders of the Order of the Garter, and of the nobility temp. Richard II, copied from a roll made between 1392 and 1397; late 15th-early 16th cent. Imperfect at the beginning...., 1409-1540 British Library
referencedIn Philippe de Mortimer, widow of Roger de Mortimer: Debts to the King: circ. 1386.Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March: Debts to the Crown: circ. 1386.Richard II of England: Rents due to, from lands of the Earl of March: circ. 1386.Mortimers family; Earl... British Library
creatorOf ESTATE BOOK OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL PRIORY; late 13th-early 14th cent. Latin and French, with some Anglo-Saxon. Origin: England. Compiled in the time of Prior Henry Eastry (1284-1331), with a small number of later medieval additions. Davis, Cartul... British Library
referencedIn WARDROBE BOOK of 16-17 Richard II., being the accompt of Baldwin Radyngton, Comptroller of the Wardrobe of the Household, for the third year of office of John Carp[enter?], Treasurer of the Household and Keeper of the Wardrobe, viz. for the year endi..., 1393 British Library
referencedIn PRIVY SEAL, of' Richard I or II.; recent impression.. Presented by C. H. Read, Esq.Richard II of England: Privy seal of (or Richard I?).Richard I of England: Privy seal of Richard I. or II. British Library
referencedIn Richard II of England: Seals. British Library
referencedIn IMPRESSION of signet of Richard II (?), from matrix at the City of London Museum. Presented by Mr. A. P. Ready.Richard II of England: Impression of signet of (?). British Library
referencedIn Richard II, Privy seal, 1397. (10034)Richard II of England: Privy seal: 1397. British Library
referencedIn TREASURERS' Accompts, muster-books and other papers of Sandwich, co. Kent, and its members; 1382-1695. 1. Notification to the Cinque Ports of the general confirmation of Magna Carta, etc., by Richard II.; 24 Oct. 1382. Latin. Contemp. copy. f. 1. 2. ... British Library
referencedIn EXTENT of the possessions of the Bishop of St. David's, made in 1326 by David Fraunceys, Chancellor; and renewed in 1516 (see f. 63) by order of Edward [Vaughan], then Bishop. Lat. Examined [in 1516?] by H. Cadharne, whose signature and monogram are ..., 16th century British Library
referencedIn B. Appeal and Process against Alexander Neville, Archbishop of York, and others in the Parliament of Feb., 11 Ric. II. [1388]. French. See Rot. Parl. III. 228. Vellum roll; 11 ft. 4 in. x 10 in. Early xvth cent.Alexander Neville, Archbishop of York: ... British Library
creatorOf IMPRESSION of the Exchequer seal of Richard II. Presented by Peter J. Seaby, Esq.Exchequer: Richard II of England: Exchequer seal of Richard II: n.d. British Library
referencedIn COMPOTUS-BOOK of the Guild of the Blessed Mary in St. Botolph's church, Boston, co. Linc., 1514-1525; containing annual statements of receipts and payments by the Alderman, Secretary, Chamberlains and Bailiffs of the guild or their deputies. The Bail..., 1514-1525 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I.Rayleigh, Essex: Court-book of the honour: 1553-1606.County of Kent: Court-books of the Honour of Rayleigh partly in: 1553-1606.: Lat.County of Surrey: Court-book of the honour of Rayleigh partly in: 1553-1606.: Lat.Bindings ENGLISH: Wooden bo... British Library
referencedIn CHRONICLE of Richard II., etc., in French:-1. " Cy commenchent les cronicques du roy Richart dengleterre, comment ses seigneurs le trahirent et de sa mort et le couronnement du roy Henry de Lencastre, qui fu couronne apres lui en lan de grace mil cc..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn (V. ff. 309). Oct. 1748-July, 1750.Hugh Valence Jones, Clerk in Secretary of State's Office afterwards Solicitor to the Treasury: Letters to the 1st Lord Hardwicke: 1748-1763.includes:ff. 17, 19 Thomas Robinson, 1st Baron Grantham: Correspondence wit... British Library
referencedIn Selby Abbey; W.R., Yorkshire: Royal charters to: 1204-1383.Purveyance: Charter to Selby Abbey of exemption from: 1383.Richard II of England: Charter to Selby Abbey: 1383. British Library
referencedIn THREE impressions (not quite perfect) en plague, of the Privy Seal of Richard II., attached to portions of the original documents, on vellum. [xxxvi. 187, a, b, c.] Presented by Sir F. Madden, K.Hincludes:a, b, c Richard II of England: Privy Seal. British Library
referencedIn Richard II of England: Casts of Exchequer seal. British Library
referencedIn COURSES to be observed in reformation of the late disorder by the Kings of Armes in giveing Coates ;-A minute for the draught of a commission for the reformacion of the Office of Armes, 23 Feb. 1614; -A briefe rehearsall of the causes of the present ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn ACCOMPT-ROLL of Master Hugh Herland, one of the King's Carpenters, of the payments made by John Godmaston, Clerk of the Works, for the repair of Westminster Palace, St. Stephen's Chapel, etc.; from Easter, 1395, to Easter, 1396. British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers, viz.:-A. 1. STATUTES and ordinances of war made at Durham, 17 June I-July], 9 Ric. II. [1385], f. 1. 2. Warrant of Charles I. to John Evans of Stafford for a loan of twenty pounds in money or plate for the defence of the kingdo... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION of historic chronicles, relazioni, papal instructions, letters and discourse relating to the Hanseatic League, Monferrato, Great Britain, Rome, Mantua, Spain, India, Florence, Bohemia, Lucca, Modena, Switzerland, Poland, Prus... British Library
referencedIn Two CHRONICLES, in French, written in the same hand, viz. 1. Brief general chronicle from the Creation to the marriage of Edward II. of England with Isabella of France, 25 Jan. 1308. Begins, " Au comenchement du monde puis que Dieux ot fait ciel et t..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS illustrative of the History of England and Spain, namely:-Letter from Richard II. to the King, of Arragon, [Peter IV.] dat. Westminster, 26 Aug. [circ. 1386], Lat. on vellum;-Letter from Henry VII. to Francesco de Rojas, the Count de..., approximately 1386-1662 British Library
referencedIn VOL. II. Translations of the following documents, viz. Writ and inquisition ad quod damn., for a giant of land in Arley co. Warw., from Richard de Caldeford to the church of Arley, for a collect to be said for the soul of Robert Norys, 31 Edw 111. [1..., 1198-1812 British Library
referencedIn Richard II, Signet, n.d. (10035)Richard II of England: Signet: n.d. British Library
referencedIn Vol,. III.; tempp. Edw. I.-Rich. II. 1. Accounts of various ambassadors to France, Spain, Hainault, etc. 1 Edw. III.-17 Rich. II. [1327-1394], ff. 5, 6, 18, 19, 26, 30, 41, 42, 45, 46, 51, 53, 59, 73, 90, 122, 124, 136. 2. Expenses of the maintenance..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Vol.. IV.; tempp. Hen. III.-Hen. VII. 1. Accounts relating to David Bruce, prisoner in England; 21-31 Edw. III. [1347-1357], f. 4. 2. English benefices in the hands of Cardinals; 20 Edw. III. [1346], f. 7. 3. Itineraries, from household accounts, for..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Richard Romyn, of county Hampshire: General pardon to: 1398.Richard II of England: General pardons by: 1398.: (fragm. of Great Seal). British Library
referencedIn William de Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester: Request, as Lord of Taunton, for inspeximus of record of borders of cos. Somerset and Devon: 1386.Taunton, Somerset: Record of perambulation of the county boundary at: 1367.Walter de Monyton, Abbat of Glaston... British Library
referencedIn CORONATION ceremonials of England and France, with copies of treaties and other historical matter relating to England, Scotland, France, and Spain. The first two articles are later additions in different hands. 1. "Articula tabule rotunde." f. I b. 2..., 1254-1573 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Maenan, Caernarfonshire
Leigh, Wiltshire Leigh in
Almondbury, Yorkshire
Guernsey, Channel Islands
Gascony, France
Bayeux, France
Durham, England
Dublin, Ireland
Brumley, Lancashire
Surrey, England
Boston, Lincolnshire
Calais, France
Hierathog, Denbighshire
Plympton, Devon
River Thames, England
Sutterton, Lincolnshire
Calais, France
Switzerland, Europe
London, England
Surrey, England
Bradford, West Riding of Yorkshire
Kent, England
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Ireland, Europe
Huntingdonshire, England
Great Warley, Essex
Upton Warren, Worcestershire
Kent, England
Wales, United Kingdom
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Portugal, Europe
Queenborough, Kent
Lisbon, Portugal
Melksham, Wiltshire
Llanwith, Denbighshire
Mensterleye, Shropshire
Kirkton in Holland, Lincolnshire
Sussex, England
Havering atte Bower, Essex
United Provinces, the Netherlands
Channel Islands, United Kingdom
Holbeach, Lincolnshire
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
London, England
Wyberton, Lincolnshire
Norwich, Norfolk
Peniche, Portugal
Havering atte Bower, Essex
Campsall, Yorkshire
Clare, Suffolk
Slaidburn, Yorkshire
Scotland, United Kingdom
Anlaby, East Riding of Yorkshire
Ireland, Europe
Pontefract, Yorkshire
Long Fen, Lincolnshire
Borley, Essex
London, England
Bennington, Holland
Algarkirk, Lincolnshire
Rayleigh, Essex
Church-Stanton, Devon
Naples, Italy
Wennington, Essex
Grafton, Worcestershire
York, Province of, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Boston, Lincolnshire
Kent, England
Quadring, Lincolnshire
Montreuil, France
London, England
Saxony, Germany
Walmer, Kent
Bedfordshire, England
Wrangle, Lincolnshire
Caus, Shropshire
Marlow, Buckinghamshire
Baddesley Clinton, Warwickshire
Southwark, Surrey
Fosdike, Lincolnshire
Wigtoft, Lincolnshire
Hadham, Hertfordshire
Leake, Lincolnshire
Devizes, Wiltshire
Scotland, United Kingdom
Sandwich, Kent
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Wexebrugge, Middlesex
Donington, Lincolnshire
Essex, England
South Wraxhall, Wiltshire
Sandown Bridge, Kent
Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire
Taunton, Somerset
Scotland, United Kingdom
Warwickshire, England
Rainham, Essex
Great Chart, Kent
Charlton-Cannvill, Somers
South Lynn, Norfolk
Somerset, England
London, England
Upminster, Essex
Skibeck, Lincolnshire
Hastings, Sussex
Canterbury, Province of, Kent


Birth 1366

Death 1394

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Ark ID: w69418s0

SNAC ID: 29278051