Kellems, Vivien, 1896-1975

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Vivien Kellems was born 7 June 1896 in Des Moines, Iowa. In 1927 Ms. Kellems founded Kellems Cable Grips, Inc. based on a patent for an improvement in the cable grip developed by her brother. She remained president of the company, based in Stonington, Conn., for over thirty years. In her private life, she campaigned for women's equality, equal suffrage along party lines and tax reform. She died in 1975, while in the process of appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court in protest of unequal tax rates for singles.

From the description of Vivien Kellems papers, n.d., 1883-1976. (University of Connecticut). WorldCat record id: 319638172

Vivien Kellems was born 7 June 1896 in Des Moines, Iowa, to David Clinton and Louisa Flint Kellems . Shortly after her birth, her parents, both Christian Ministers, moved their family to the west coast and settled in Eugene, Oregon . Being the only girl of a family with seven children, Vivien developed a rugged and competitive personality from a young age. Attending the University of Oregon, she participated as the only female on the debate team. Vivien Kellems obtained a bachelors degree in 1918 and a masters degree in economics shortly there after. Following graduation, she moved east to New York City in pursuit of a doctorate from Columbia University and the University of Edinburgh .

While in New York, an improvement on an existing cable grip was made by her older brother, Edgar E. Kellems, which he patented in the late 1920s. Using the patent as the focal point, Ms. Kellems founded Kellems Cable Grips, Inc. in 1927 and eventually moved her plant to Stonington, Connecticut . Successfully operating the company as president for over thirty years, the company's devices were used most notably during the construction of the Chrysler Building, George Washington Bridge, and also played an important role in production of wire and artillery shell grips used during World War II.

In her personal life, Vivien Kellems encountered various struggles for justice as she fought for women's equality, equal suffrage along party lines and tax reform. As a member of the Liberty Belles, Vivien led by example as the group encouraged equality of women in the home, workplace and society. Running as an independent candidate for senate, Ms. Kellems protested strict party line voting that only required a single lever pull rather than voting individually by candidate. Through civil disobedience, Vivien Kellems made her position known as she sat in a voting booth for nine hours straight before she fainted from exhaustion. With a degree in economics, unfair taxation by the government was at the forefront of Vivien Kellems ' battles. In 1948, alongside of her business partner and brother David Kellems, she protested against withholding taxes from her employees' checks claiming, "if they wanted me to be their (tax) agent, they'd have to pay me, and I want a badge." After a lengthy court battle ensued, it was found that the Kellems Co. would go bankrupt if they continued to not withhold taxes. Admitting defeat, Vivien would later fight against the singles income tax law that was enacted after World War II. In the law, citizens who were not married paid twice the amount of income tax than did those citizens of equal earnings who were married. In protest, from 1965 until her death, Vivien Kellems would merely send in tax forms with no pertinent information instead sending a blank form with her signature. Coming close to victory many times in the United States Supreme Court during the first half of the 1970s, Ms. Kellems' fight in this case ended in vain, as she died before her final appeal was heard in 1975.

From the guide to the Vivien Kellems Papers, undated, 1879-1976., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Kellems, Vivien, 1896-1975. Vivien Kellems papers, n.d., 1883-1976. University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library
creatorOf Swanson, Gloria. Papers. Series IV. Other Interests, 1923-1983. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn G. J. Stillson MacDonnell Papers MS 70., 1970-1987 Sophia Smith Collection
referencedIn Polly Ruhtenberg papers, 1946-1983 University of Oregon Libraries. Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn White House Central Files (Eisenhower Administration). 1953 - 1961. Official Files. 1953 - 1961. OF 158 Women. 1953 - 1961. Letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower to Vivien Kellems Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn White House Central Files (Eisenhower Administration). 1953 - 1961. Official Files. 1953 - 1961. OF 158 Women. 1953 - 1961. Letter from James Murphy to Clifford Roberts Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
creatorOf Vivien Kellems Papers, undated, 1879-1976. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Herman Wolf Papers, undated, 1926-1981. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn MacDonnell, G.J. Stillson. G.J. Stillson MacDonnell Papers, 1970-1987 Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn Thomas J. Dodd Papers, undated, 1919-1971. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn White House Central Files (Eisenhower Administration). 1953 - 1961. Official Files. 1953 - 1961. OF 158 Women. 1953 - 1961. Letter from Mrs. J. Ramsay Harris to James Murphy Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn White House Central Files (Eisenhower Administration). 1953 - 1961. Official Files. 1953 - 1961. OF 158 Women. 1953 - 1961. Letter from Vivien Kellems to Dwight D. Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abercrombie and Rivers corporateBody
associatedWith A. E. Samuels and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Aetna Life Insurance corporateBody
associatedWith A. J. Peck person
correspondedWith Allard, Leola person
associatedWith American Steel and Wire Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith A. M. Maylett person
associatedWith Andrews, Kenneth person
associatedWith Antonio A. Herschmann person
associatedWith Arnold Bayley person
correspondedWith Arthur J. Peck person
associatedWith Arthur Peck person
associatedWith A. T. Coley person
correspondedWith Atherton, Gertrude person
correspondedWith Bagueley, Noel person
associatedWith Bailey, Anna person
associatedWith Bailey, Ed person
correspondedWith Baird, Edgar person
correspondedWith Baker, Bryant person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Evangeline person
associatedWith B. Altman & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Beach, Dorothy person
associatedWith Beacon Crest, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Benjamin, Harry person
correspondedWith Benson, John B. person
associatedWith Bernhard, Ann person
correspondedWith Betty R. Smythe person
correspondedWith Billington, Donna Jean person
associatedWith Binney and Smith Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Bob Packwood person
associatedWith Boby Baker-Estes person
correspondedWith Bolster, Maude person
correspondedWith Bonaire, L. person
associatedWith Briesen and Schrenk corporateBody
associatedWith British Ropes Limited corporateBody
correspondedWith Brookfield, Frank person
correspondedWith California Earthworm Farms corporateBody
correspondedWith Callanan, E. E. person
associatedWith Capital Electric Supply Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Carlson, Roy person
associatedWith Carolina Power and Light Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Catepillar Tractor Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Caxton Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Chemical Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Cia Cubana de Electricidad corporateBody
associatedWith Cia Venezolana de Electricidad corporateBody
associatedWith Citizens Foreign Aid Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Citrano, Christine person
correspondedWith Clarke, Adela person
correspondedWith Clarke Electric Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Clarke, Florence person
associatedWith Clark Getts, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Clarkson, Hyde and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Claude L. Matthews person
correspondedWith Cleaver, Ralph person
associatedWith C. L. Matthews person
correspondedWith Clucao, Joe person
correspondedWith Coleman, O. K. person
correspondedWith Coley, Pearl person
correspondedWith Collens, Charles person
correspondedWith Collens, Clarence person
correspondedWith Collins, Ashton person
associatedWith Committee of Single Taxpayers, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coni and Covington corporateBody
correspondedWith Conley, Edward James person
correspondedWith Conlon Corp. corporateBody
correspondedWith Connecticut Light & Power corporateBody
correspondedWith Connor, Michael A. person
associatedWith Consolidated Gas Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coonan, J. E. person
associatedWith Corn Exchange Bank and Trust Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Corn Exchange Trust Company corporateBody
associatedWith Co$t corporateBody
correspondedWith Coto, Julio C. person
associatedWith Craig Sutton person
correspondedWith D'Almeida, Armando person
associatedWith Dan Smoot person
associatedWith David C. Kellems person
associatedWith David C. Kellems, II person
associatedWith David Kellems person
correspondedWith David R. Shelton person
associatedWith David R. Shleton person
correspondedWith de Silva, Jorge person
correspondedWith Dillon, Mary E. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Thomas J. (Thomas Joseph), 1907-1971 person
associatedWith Doran, Jon person
correspondedWith Dunbar, Virginia person
correspondedWith Dunn, Frank person
associatedWith Eddie Richenbacker person
associatedWith Edgar E. Kellems person
associatedWith Edith Glanville person
associatedWith Edward A. Holden person
associatedWith E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Ejner Schjoth person
associatedWith Electrical Light and Power corporateBody
associatedWith Electrical Trade Publishing Company corporateBody
associatedWith Electric Bond and Share Company corporateBody
associatedWith Elsa Low person
associatedWith Emanuel R. Cappas person
correspondedWith E. P. Dutton & Co, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fairey, E. person
associatedWith Fansteel Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Fansteel Metallurgical Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Fansteel Metalurgical Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Fensterwald and Ohlhausen corporateBody
associatedWith Fernando Cortez Avila person
correspondedWith Fidelity Title & Trust Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith First National Bank of Eugene, Oregon corporateBody
associatedWith Fiwale Equipment Manufacturing Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Flynn, Blanche person
correspondedWith Foley, Peter person
correspondedWith Forbes, Helen person
associatedWith Frederic von Zedlitz person
correspondedWith Gates, Dottie person
correspondedWith Gavin, Basil person
associatedWith George L. Mater person
associatedWith George L. Mitchell person
associatedWith G. F. Harmer person
correspondedWith Gilmore, Samuel person
correspondedWith Goble, Lena person
associatedWith Goodbody and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Goodspeed Opera House corporateBody
correspondedWith Grossman, George person
associatedWith Hackeling, Oberkirch, Corbin and Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hampton, J. W. person
correspondedWith Harji, Malik person
correspondedWith Harris, Sara person
associatedWith Harry S. Bodin person
correspondedWith Haskins, Ethel person
correspondedWith Hawkins, Emmie person
correspondedWith Herbert W. Clark person
correspondedWith Hofe, George Douglas person
associatedWith Holmes, Clara person
correspondedWith Holmes, Jewel person
associatedWith Homer D. Babbidge, Jr. person
associatedWith Homer F. Kellems person
correspondedWith Hotel New Yorker corporateBody
correspondedWith Hsu, Jabin person
associatedWith I. Miller and Sons corporateBody
correspondedWith Independent Citizens Research FOundation corporateBody
associatedWith Industrical Engineering corporateBody
associatedWith Inland Revenue corporateBody
associatedWith Internal Revenue SErvice corporateBody
associatedWith International Standard Electric Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith IRS corporateBody
associatedWith I.R.S. corporateBody
correspondedWith Jacobs, Whipple person
associatedWith James A. Owen person
correspondedWith James Cornford person
correspondedWith Jamison, Hugh person
correspondedWith Jammer, J. person
associatedWith John A. Roebling's Sons Company corporateBody
associatedWith John B. Bension Insurance corporateBody
associatedWith John B. Benson Insurance corporateBody
associatedWith John B. Benson Isnurance corporateBody
associatedWith John Hanson person
associatedWith John M. Lupton person
associatedWith Johnnie Walters person
associatedWith Jonathon Cape person
associatedWith Joseph Di Palma person
associatedWith Joseph V. Reed person
associatedWith J. R. Williston and Company corporateBody
associatedWith Julie Medlock person
associatedWith Kellam, Irene person
associatedWith Kellems Cable Grips corporateBody
associatedWith Kellems Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kellems Company corporateBody
associatedWith Kellems, David Clinton person
associatedWith Kellems, David Clinton, II person
associatedWith Kellems, David L. person
correspondedWith Kellems, Edgar person
associatedWith Kellems family. family
associatedWith Kellems family. family
associatedWith Kellems, Faye person
associatedWith Kellems, Florence person
associatedWith Kellems, George person
associatedWith Kellems, Hazel Dean person
correspondedWith Kellems, Homer person
associatedWith Kellems, Inez person
associatedWith Kellems, Jesse person
associatedWith Kellems, Kaye person
associatedWith Kellems, Kenneth person
associatedWith Kellems, Kenneth Clinton person
correspondedWith Kellems, Louisa Flint person
associatedWith Kellems Products, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Kellems, Randolph person
associatedWith Kellems, Tille person
associatedWith Kellems, Vangelder person
associatedWith Kellems, Vivienne person
associatedWith Kellom, Rex E. person
correspondedWith Kiener, David person
associatedWith Klein and Hart corporateBody
correspondedWith Kobak, Edgar person
correspondedWith Kodym, Harold person
correspondedWith Kroner, Alberto person
associatedWith Lawrence Turner person
associatedWith Liberty Belles, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Liese Lotte Merzbach Linn person
correspondedWith Longman, Walter person
associatedWith Louisa F. Kellems person
correspondedWith Low, Elsa person
correspondedWith Luman, Dottie person
associatedWith MacDonnell, G. J. Stillson person
associatedWith MacDonnell, G.J. Stillson. person
correspondedWith Mann, Conklin person
correspondedWith Mansfield, K. W. person
correspondedWith Martin and Son corporateBody
correspondedWith Mason, Veyne person
correspondedWith Matthews, Claude person
associatedWith McGraw-Hill Companies corporateBody
correspondedWith McGraw-Hill Publishing Company corporateBody
associatedWith McMahan, Elizabeth person
associatedWith McMahan, Vira person
correspondedWith McMullin, Loretta person
associatedWith Mildred Allen person
correspondedWith Miller, T. Lee person
correspondedWith Montanaro, Vincent person
associatedWith Moore, Berton person
correspondedWith Mutual Telephone Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Nafe, Ann person
associatedWith National Association of Manufacturers corporateBody
associatedWith National Women's Party corporateBody
correspondedWith Nehls, Herbert person
correspondedWith Northwest Christian College corporateBody
associatedWith N. Slater Company corporateBody
associatedWith Parkside, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Paul Couts, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Peck, A. J. person
correspondedWith Pengra, Charles person
associatedWith Pequot Press corporateBody
associatedWith Percy Warren Green person
associatedWith Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Philip Long person
associatedWith Phoenix Utility Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Pinto, Fernando person
associatedWith Pitnam Electric Products Company corporateBody
associatedWith P. M. G. corporateBody
associatedWith P. M. G. Limited corporateBody
correspondedWith PMG Metal Trust Limited corporateBody
correspondedWith Pollock, Channing person
correspondedWith Pollock, John C. person
associatedWith Precision Timer Co., Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Premier Photo Service, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Proctor, Gary person
correspondedWith Pullman Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pullman & Comley corporateBody
associatedWith Ralph Cleaver person
correspondedWith Randall, Jesse person
associatedWith Ray Blain person
associatedWith Raymond Fratus person
associatedWith Ray Williams person
correspondedWith Reardon, Ebba person
correspondedWith Reed, Joseph Verner person
correspondedWith Reed, May person
associatedWith Revere Copper and Brass corporateBody
associatedWith Richard Marogg person
correspondedWith Riegger, Adolph L. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Jane L. person
associatedWith Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation corporateBody
associatedWith Roebling's Sons Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Rolfs, Maria person
associatedWith Ros Andrews person
associatedWith Ruhtenberg, Polly King, 1907-1983 person
correspondedWith Sam Longman person
associatedWith Samuel B. Erskine person
associatedWith Saunders Norvell person
correspondedWith Schwartz, Anne person
correspondedWith Schwartz & Bluestein corporateBody
associatedWith Sherwin Williams Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Singh, J. J. person
correspondedWith Snow, John Howland person
associatedWith Society for Advancement of Management corporateBody
associatedWith Stam, Ben person
associatedWith Sterling Opera House Foundation, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Steve Ebbin person
correspondedWith Stoddard, Milton A. person
associatedWith Swanson, Gloria. person
associatedWith Swiss Metalworks Selve and Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Syracuse Lighting Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Telephnoy Publishing Corp. corporateBody
correspondedWith Thompson-Taylor, Wullie person
associatedWith Thornton Victory person
correspondedWith Thune, Erik person
correspondedWith Tynan, Olive person
correspondedWith United Engineers & Constructors, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith United States of America corporateBody
associatedWith Universal Cable Grip Co. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Edinburgh corporateBody
correspondedWith U. S. House of Representatives corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Senate corporateBody
associatedWith Vangelder, Enna person
associatedWith Vangelder, Fenna person
associatedWith Vangelder, Jack person
associatedWith V. De Berker person
associatedWith Vivien Kellems person
correspondedWith Wake, Hereward person
correspondedWith Watson, Stewart person
associatedWith W. B. Goudielock person
correspondedWith W. B. Wooley & Co., Ltd. corporateBody
associatedWith W. C. Westcott person
associatedWith Wells Fargo & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Westinghouse Electric Supply Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Widmer's Wine Cellars corporateBody
correspondedWith Wilbraham, R. H. person
correspondedWith Wilbur Mills person
associatedWith William E. Goudielock person
associatedWith William J. Tracy person
correspondedWith Williams, George B. person
correspondedWith Willkie, Wendell L. person
associatedWith W. Machin person
associatedWith WNHC-TV corporateBody
associatedWith Wolf, Herman. person
associatedWith Wonham Trading Corporation, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wood, George W. person
correspondedWith Zavattaro, Mario person
correspondedWith Zedlitz, Frederic von person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Stonington (Conn.)
Stonington (Conn.)
United States
Electric wire and cable industry
Electric wire and cable industry
Women chief executive officers
Women chief executive officers
Women's rights
Women's rights


Birth 1896-06-07

Death 1975




Ark ID: w65q5pkd

SNAC ID: 28383674