Giron, Pedro, Duca d'Ossuna, Viceroy of Naples

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Epithet: Viceroy of Naples

Title: Duca d'Ossuna

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000625.0x00022d

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn A COLLECTION of Papers, in Spanish and Italian, relating to the affairs of Germany, in the following order :-Ancient Germany, according to Tacitus, written in 1661, f. I ;-Jurisdiction of the Pope in the German Empire, f. 5;-Genealogical descent of ..., 1548-1683 British Library
referencedIn (ff. 278). RELATIONS and other papers referring to the Italian Republics, Spain, etc.; 1597-1626:-1. Relatione di tutti Prencipi et Republiche d'Italia," f. 1. 2 Relatione delle cause che dell' anno 1615 hanno mosso la Rep,' Veneta a rompere la guer... British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION Of State Papers, many of them Originials, of the xvith and xviith centuries, in Spanish, Italian, and Latin, relating to the Spanish dominions in Italy, in the following order: Royal Ordinances, regulating the proceedings of the Spanisli..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn LETTERS relating to appointments of knights and other affairs of the military orders of Calatrava, Santiago, etc., chiefly addressed to [Don Luis da Cuña], Marquis of Caraçena, President of the Council of Spain; 1613-1623. Among the writers are:-Jua..., 1613-1623 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters and papers relating to the family of Carafa, Dukes of Nocera; 1525-1656. Span. and Ital. lncluded are letters of-The Emperor Charles V., ff. 1, 2;-Antoine [Perrenot], Cardinal de Granvelle, f. 3;-Don Juan de Austria, f. 5;-Philip II...., 1525-1656 British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of Miscellaneous Papers, in Spanish, intitled " Papeles de Hacienda," relating chiefly to the affairs of Spain, in 1613 -16l9, viz:-Account of the King's [Philip III.] Revenues and Expenses, 1613, f. 1 Letter from Marie de' Medici to Louis ..., 1613-1619 British Library
referencedIn "TRATADOS varios:" miscellaneous papers relating to the history of Spain; 1487-1-697. Span. Paper; xviith cent. Folio.Kingdom of Spain: Collections and transcripts of historical, political, and domestic papers,: 13th-17th centt.includes:f. 1 Alfons..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn "IDEA del Gouierno del Reyno de Sicilia de Don Pedro Celestre. Al Exadel Señor Duque de Ossuna, Virey y Capitan General en el por su Mag[esta]d;" dated Palermo, 14 Apr. 1611, and signed by the author. Paper. The following notes are on the title-page:... British Library
referencedIn "RELAZIONE della Coniura di D. Alfonso della Queue, Ambasciator di Spagna in Venetia, del Duca d'Ossuna [Pedro Giron] Vicere di Napoli e di D. Pedro di Toledo Gouernator di Milano. Detta volgarmente il Triumvirato Spagiluolo [1618]. Copiata L'Anno 17..., 1727 British Library
referencedIn LETTER from Pedro Giron, Duke of Ossuna, Vice-Roy of Naples, to Pope Paul V., respecting assistance given by him to the Duke of Savoy, against Spain, [circa 1616,] translated from Spanish into Italian;-Copies of Letters from Cardinal [Caspar de] Borg..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. III.includes:f. 41 Pedrodi Toledo, Governor of Milan: Relazione della congiura di: 1618. f. 41 Alfonso della Queva, Marchese di Bedmar: Accounts of his conspiracy against Venice: 1618.: Ital. f. 41 Pedro Giron, Duca d'Ossuna; Viceroy of Naples..., 18th century British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Mirandola, Italy
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Nikolsburg, South Moravian
Brindisi, Italy
Sicily, Italy
Italy, Europe
Madrid, Spain
Naples, Italy
Manfredonia, Naples
Austria, Kingdom of, Europe
Granada, Province of, Spain
Granada, City of, Spain
France, Europe
Friesland, Province of, the Netherlands
Pontremoli, Italy
Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Venice, Republic of, Europe
Alsace, Province of, France
Lipari Islands, Sicily
Valladolid, Spain
Venice, Italy
Netherlands, Europe
Switzerland, Europe
Sabionetta, Lombardy
Naples, Italy
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Friuli, Italy
Spain, Kingdom of, Europe
Denmark, Kingdom of, Europe
Venice, Italy
Munich, Bavaria
Lombardy, Italy
Porto Longone, Italy
Italy, Europe
Córdoba, Spain


Active 1501

Active 1727

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Ark ID: w6h23f0p

SNAC ID: 26459969