Mrs Tutin, who published under her maiden name Pennington, was a pioneer in the use of pollen in Lake sediments to reconstruct the vegetational history of the British Isles, and wrote many important publications in the area. In 1942 she married Tom Tutin, the famous botanist and head of Botany at Leicester, and for some 30 years they together played a major role in the teaching and development of the department. Hers was a life of extraordinary achievement, she not only brought up 4 children (3 girls and a boy), but lectured on a variety of topics including mycology, carried out an active research program and became an honorary professor in 1980 and an FRS in 1979. She retired from the FBA in 1987 but she retained close contact until just before her death.
Lund J.W.G., 1984: Winifred Tutin - a personal note. In: Lake sediments and environmental history (ed. Haworth E.Y., Lund J.W.G.) p1-10. Leicester, University Press. (D7.163)
From the guide to the Winifred Tutin collection, 1930s-1980s, (Freshwater Biological Association Collections)