Rose Mary Muckley was born at St. Henery in Le Sueur County, Minnesota in 1884. She and her sisters Augustine, Elizabeth, and Mary Margaret spent their early years on the family farm. They received their elementary education in a one-room rural school, and the family moved to Minneapolis when the girls were in their teens so that they could more easily attend high school and college. Rose taught rural school for four years before entering the University of Minnesota; she graduated in 1912. She began her teaching career in St. Cloud, Minnesota and then moved to South High in Minneapolis where she taught English and drama from 1918 to 1954. Throughout her career she wrote poetry, was an active member of the Minnesota Poets, and published her one book of poetry, Stars Are Wonderful in 1960. She continued her creative work in her retirement and died in 1969.
From the guide to the Rose Muckley papers, 1912-1966, (University of Minnesota Libraries. Literary Manuscripts Collections, Manuscripts Division)