creatorOf |
William Morrow and Company. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1930.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
creatorOf |
Phillips, Frances, 1896-. Letters, 1938-1962, to Lewis Mumford.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library |
referencedIn |
Russell, Phillips, 1884-1974. Charles Phillips Russell papers, 1861-1974 [manuscript].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
referencedIn |
LeGette Blythe Papers (#4852), 1852-1996
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection |
referencedIn |
Wilson, Neill Compton, 1889-. Neill Compton Wilson papers, 1944-1969.
Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives |
referencedIn |
Hughes, Lawrence (John Lawrence), 1925-. Papers, 1958-1976.
Univerisity of Wyoming. American Heritage Center. |
referencedIn |
Hobson, Thayer. Thayer Hobson Papers, 1913-1967 (bulk 1958-1967).
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center |
referencedIn |
Wole Soyinka papers, 1966-1996.
Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University |
creatorOf |
Kinross, Patrick Balfour, Baron, 1904-. Papers of Patrick Balfour, Baron Kinross, 1922-1976.
Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens |
creatorOf |
Beattie, Ann. Papers of Ann Beattie [manuscript], 1985-1986.
University of Virginia. Library |
referencedIn |
Mayse, Arthur, 1912-1992. Arthur Mayse fonds.
University of British Columbia Library |
creatorOf |
Black, Hillel. [Letter, 1977 Jun. 14 : to Fred Rogers].
Saint Vincent College, Saint Vincent Library |
referencedIn |
Kathleen Millay collection of papers, 1904-1956, 1906-1943
The New York Public Library. Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature. |
referencedIn |
Nahum Sabsay papers, 1924-1969.
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk)
Houghton Library |
referencedIn |
Stern, Madeleine B., 1912-2007. Madeleine Stern papers generated by the publication of Plots and Counterplots (a compilation of thrillers by Louisa May Alcott), 1976-1977.
Concord Free Public Library, Special Collection |
referencedIn |
Varner, Velma Vara, 1916-1972. Papers, 1946-1973.
Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries |