creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Ubu Rex / by Alfred Jarry, translated by David Copelin ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1990 - production photos.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Ubu Rex / by Alfred Jarry ; translated by David Copelin ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1990 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Good News / music by Ray Henderson ; book by Laurence Schwab and B.G. DeSylva ; lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by Leslie Frankish, 1989.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Good News / book by Laurence Schwab and B.G. DeSylva ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1989 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). The Millionairess / by Bernard Shaw ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 2001 - video.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Native Earth Performing Arts Archives. Weesageechak Begins to Dance V : A festival of New Native Plays and Playwrights ; stage manager Jeffrey Trudeau ; assistant stage manager Lisa Longboat, 1992 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Ubu Rex / by Alfred Jarry ; translated by David Copelin ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1990 - performance file.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Hit the deck / book by Herbert Fields ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1988 - videotape.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Good News / by Laurence Schwab and B.G. DeSylva ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1989 - videotape.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / by Romney Brett and Cole Porter ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1989 - performance file.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). The Night of January 16th / by Ayn Rand ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by Pam Johnson, 1987.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / Music and lyrics by Cole Porter, book by Ramney Brent from the novel by James Laver ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1989 - production photos.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / music by Cole Porter ; libretto by Romney Brent from the novel by James Laver ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by Christine Plunkett, 1989.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Night of Jan. 16th / by Ayn Rand ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1987 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Grand Theatre Collection (University of Guelph). Schippel, the plumber / adapted by C. P. Taylor based upon the play Bürger Schippel by Carl Sternheim ; directed by Allen Macinnis, 2003 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Hit The Deck / based on the book by Herbert Fields ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1988 - production photos.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / music and lyrics by Cole Porter ; book by Romney Brent ; from the novel by James Laver ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1990 - performance file.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Night of January 16th / by Ayn Rand ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1987 - production photos.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Grand Theatre Collection (University of Guelph). Schippel, the Plumber / by C.P. Taylor ; based on "Bürger Schippel" by Carl Sternheim ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 2002 - performance file.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Good News / based on the book by Laurence Schwab and B.G. DeSylva ;; lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1989 - production photos.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People Theatre Archives (University of Guelph). Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang / by Mordecai Richler ; lyrics by Dennis Lee ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 2004 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Hit The Dark / a nautical musical comedy in two acts based on the book by Herbert Fields ; music by Vincent Youmans, lyrics by Leo Robin, Clifford Grey and Irving Caesar ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1988 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). The Millionairess / by Bernard Shaw ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 2001 - performance files.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). In Good King Charles's Golden Days / by George Bernard Shaw ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1997 - performance files.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / by Cole Porter ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1990 - teacher's study guide.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People Theatre Archives (University of Guelph). Bunnicula / adapted for the stage by Jon Klein from the book by Deborah and James Howe ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 2005 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Hit the Deck / music by Vincent Youmans ; book by Herbert Fields ; lyrics by Leo Robin, Clifford Grey and Irving Caesar ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by Patrick Clark, 1988.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Grand Theatre Collection (University of Guelph). Schippel, the Plumber / by C.P. Taylor ; based on "Bürger Schippel" by Carl Sternheim ; directed by Allen MacInnis, designer, Michael Eagan, 2002 - technical drawings.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Night of Jan. 16th / by Ayn Rand ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1987 - performance files.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Hit The Deck / book by Herbert Fields ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1988 - performance file.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People Theatre Archives (University of Guelph). Two Weeks, Twice a Year / by Colin Thomas ; directed by Allen MacInnis and Nicole Arends, 2003 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). The Millionairess / by Bernard Shaw ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by William Schmuck, 2001.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Ubu Rex / by Alfred Jarry ; translated by David Copelin ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by Cameron Porteous, 1990.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / music and lyrics by Cole Porter ; book by Romney Brent from the novel by James Laver ; directed by Allen MacInnis ; technical drawings by Christine Plunkett, 1990.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). The Millionairess / by Bernard Shaw ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 2001 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |
creatorOf |
Shaw Festival Collection (University of Guelph). Nymph Errant / music and lyrics by Cole Porter ; book by Romney Brent ; based on the novel by James Laver ; directed by Allen MacInnis, 1989 - house program.
University of Guelph. McLaughlin Library |