Bentley, Elvira Carr, d. 1983.

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John Boyd Bentley was born in Hampton, Virginia 9 February 1896. He attended the College of William and Mary and served in the U. S. Field Artillery in World War I. Bentley attended the Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia He served as an Episcopal clergyman in Alaska and in Williamsburg. He then served as Suffragan Bishop and Bishop of Alaska. From 1947 to 1964, Bentley was Director of Overseas Missions of the Episcopal Church. He died 12 June 1989.

  • 1896, February 9: Born, Hampton, Virginia,son of Charles Headley Bentleyand Susan Elizabeth (Cake) Bentley
  • 1915: Entered College of William and Mary(attended 1915-1916 and 1920-1921 but did not graduate)
  • 1917: Entered service in U.S. Field Artillery
  • 1921, May 28: Married Elvira Wentworth Carr(died, 1983)
  • 1921: Attended Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia
  • 1921 - 1925 : Episcopal clergyman in Alaska
  • 1926 - 1930 : Episcopal clergyman in Williamsburg, Virginia
  • 1931: Ordained Bishop in Denver, Colorado
  • 1931 - 1942 : Suffragan Bishop of Alaska
  • 1942 - 1947 : Bishop in charge of Alaska
  • 1947 - 1964 : Director of Overseas Missions of Episcopal Church
  • 1964: Retired and moved to Hampton, Virginia
  • 1964 - 1989 : Episcopal minister in Diocese of Southern Virginia
  • 1989, June 12: Died, Hampton, Virginia.

From the guide to the John Boyd Bentley Papers, 1895-1987, (Special Collections, Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary)

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Death 1983

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Ark ID: w6c00g01

SNAC ID: 24940794