Bertram, Arthur, 1860-1955.

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From the 1890s to the mid 1920s, Arthur Bertram served as a theatrical manager in England for a number of different theaters and actors.

From the description of Arthur Bertram papers, 1889-1962 1900-1924 bulk. (University of California, Davis). WorldCat record id: 32912912


Born in England on March 24, 1868, Arthur Bertram's career began at the age of twelve with his appearance on stage in Horns . Bertram was also a boy bugler in the Second Queens Own Royal West Kent Regiment, but at the age of seventeen, after being made corporal, he quit the regiment. In 1887 he played a small role in Hunt the Slipper, but by 1888 had been engaged by F.A. Barnes as an acting manager for a tour of A Sailor's Fortune . Following this engagement, it appears that Bertram spent the rest of his career offstage.

Beginning in 1888, Bertram spent more than thirty years serving as an acting manager to a number of actors and actresses in England, including Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Marie Tempest, John Hare, Comyns Carr and Henry Irving. In 1892, Bertram began work as an advance agent for theater companies including the Burns-Crotty Opera Company and the Garrick Theatre. He gradually worked his way up the ladder, and in 1897 he had his own season at the Strand Theatre. As a business manager for theatrical artists, Bertram was responsible for many activities including, engaging theaters, actors and playwrights, as well as promoting the production and making sure the bills and salaries were paid. His behind the scenes work allowed the actors to continue in their profession and gain notoriety. He was managing Mrs. Patrick Campbell and arranged her American tour of Magda during 1901 to 1902. From 1914 to 1919, he was the business manager for Henry Irving at the Savoy Theatre. Upon Irving's death in 1919, Bertram represented his estate until 1924.

Bertram retired from management by 1927 and died in 1955 at the age of 95.


Autobiography, Arthur Bertram Papers, D-134.

Donohue, Joseph Jr. The Theatrical Manager in England and America. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1971.

Parker, John. Who's Who in Theatre 1922. England: Boston, Small, Maynard and Co., 1922.

Powell, Kerry. The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

From the guide to the Arthur Bertram Papers, 1889-1962, (1900-1924 bulk), (University of California, Davis. General Library. Department of Special Collections.)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Arthur Bertram Papers, 1889-1962, (1900-1924 bulk) University of California, Davis. General Library. . Dept. of Special Collections
creatorOf Bertram, Arthur, 1860-1955. Arthur Bertram papers, 1889-1962 1900-1924 bulk. University of California, Davis, Shields Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Alexander, George person
correspondedWith Arliss, George person
correspondedWith Authors, Unidentified person
correspondedWith Bancroft, George person
associatedWith Barnett, Ernie person
correspondedWith Beerul-Crotty, Georgina person
correspondedWith Belasco, David person
associatedWith Bertram, Arthur person
associatedWith Bertram, Celestine person
associatedWith Bertram, Frank person
associatedWith Blackford, Gordon person
correspondedWith Bozier, Alfred person
correspondedWith Brereton, Austin person
associatedWith Brooke, Emily person
correspondedWith Brune, Clarance person
associatedWith Campbell, Patrick, Mrs. person
associatedWith Campbell, Patrick, Mrs., 1865-1940. person
correspondedWith Chattell, Henry person
correspondedWith Compton, Edward person
correspondedWith Compton, Fay person
correspondedWith Courtneidge, Robert person
correspondedWith Cree, Kate person
correspondedWith Daly, Brian person
correspondedWith Forbes-Robertson person
correspondedWith Forman, A. K. person
correspondedWith Frohman, Charles person
associatedWith Grant, Alfred person
correspondedWith Hare, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Hare, John person
associatedWith Hare, John, 1844-1921. person
correspondedWith Holmes, Gordon person
correspondedWith Irving, Dorothea (Baird) person
correspondedWith Irving, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Irving, H. B. (Henry Brodribb) person
associatedWith Irving, H. B. (Henry Brodribb), 1870-1919. person
correspondedWith Irving, Lady Florence person
correspondedWith Irving, Laurence person
correspondedWith Johnston, Arthur person
associatedWith Jones, Hal person
correspondedWith Kimbell, David person
correspondedWith Langton, J. D. person
correspondedWith London County Council corporateBody
correspondedWith Lord Chamberlain's Office corporateBody
associatedWith Makeham, Eliot person
correspondedWith Manners, George person
correspondedWith Miller, Gilbert person
correspondedWith Millward, Jessie person
correspondedWith Missie person
correspondedWith Nethersole, Olga person
correspondedWith North, Jessie person
correspondedWith O'Neill, Frank person
correspondedWith O'Neil, Peggy person
associatedWith Online Archive of California. corporateBody
correspondedWith Perry, Percy person
correspondedWith Potter, Brown person
correspondedWith Robertson, T. W. person
correspondedWith Rozle, Edwin Million person
correspondedWith Rydon, George? person
correspondedWith Santley, Kate person
associatedWith Savoy Theatre (London, England). corporateBody
associatedWith Shaw, Bernard person
associatedWith Stewart, Florence person
associatedWith Tempest, Marie, 1866-1942. person
correspondedWith Tempest, Marie (aka Mrs. Gordon Lennox) person
correspondedWith Terry, Edward person
correspondedWith Tree, Viola person
correspondedWith Tylieb? person
associatedWith University of California, Davis. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Waldon, Rich person
correspondedWith Waring, Herbert person
associatedWith Watson, Harry person
correspondedWith Whelen, Frederick person
correspondedWith Williams, Bransby person
associatedWith Willy, Will B. person
correspondedWith Wood, G. W. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Performing arts
Theater management
Theater management


Birth 1860

Death 1955

Related Descriptions


Ark ID: w6j40n92

SNAC ID: 24349639