Digby, John

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Title: 1st Earl of Bristol

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000296.0x0003b4

Epithet: MP, of Mansfield Woodhouse, county Nottinghamshire

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x000090

Epithet: of Add MS 36996

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001094.0x0000b9

Epithet: of Mansfield Woodhouse, co. Nott., gentleman

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000700.0x0000bb

Title: 3rd Earl of Bristol

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x000091

Epithet: of Stowe MS 145

Title: Earl of Bristol

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x000095

Epithet: Lord Digby, afterwards Earl of Bristol

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x00008f

Epithet: Captain of Horse

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000440.0x00008e

Archival Resources
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referencedIn JESSOP PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 185). Miscellaneous official and private correspondence and papers of Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex; 1614 -1646, n.d.Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex: Correspondence and papers of and rel. to: 17th cent.includes:ff...., 1614-1646 British Library
referencedIn Ireland: Letters and papers of Dr. E. Borlase, relating chiefly to the Rebellion of 1641.: 1608-1682.Edmund Borlase, MD, of Chester: Letters and papers, chiefly rel. to the Rebellion in Ireland: in 1641, late 17th cent.includes:f. 1 London PARISHES... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION Of political tracts, state letters and papers relating to Home and Foreign affairs, chiefly in the reigns of Qu. Elizabeth and James I., many of them having been transeribed from original documents; 1509-1628. Other copies of artt. 2, 3, 1... British Library
creatorOf PAPERS RELATING TO FOREIGN AFFAIRS, PARLIAMENT, etc.; 1525-1624, n.d.. Partly Latin. Partly copies.1. ff. 1-85b. Original (unless otherwise described) correspondence of English ambassadors in France and Rome, etc.; 1530-1533, n.d. Not in LP Hen. VIII..., 1525-1625 British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. VIII. (ff. 311). 1 July, 1612-24 March, 1612 [3]. Edmondes's drafts are very numerous in this volume, and are addressed to the King and to Robert Carr, Viscount Rochester. They give a very particular account of the dissensions i... British Library
referencedIn PROCEEDINGS against John Digby, Earl of Bristol, for his conduct of the negotiations at Madrid for a marriage between Charles, Prince of Wales, and the Infanta of Spain, consisting of copies of articles, speeches, letters, etc. ; 1624-1628. The conte... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1710Paper, in folio, ff. 359, XVII Century; bound with Nos.1691 & 1731 A.1. Notae quaedam Historicae pro annis 1176, 1189, 1181. f. 1.2. 'Threneticon Trojae', versibus elegiacis. f. 2.Incip. 'Pergama flere volo, fato Danais data Solo capta dol... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS Of State papers and political tracts; circ. 1565-1629. The contents are :-1. A conference between William Axton, minister of Morton-Corbet, co. Salop, and [Thomas Bentham] Bishop of Lichfield, Thomas Bickley, Chancellor of Lichfield, and... British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 338). Correspondence mainly addressed to Sir Leoline Jenkins, Robert Spencer, 2nd Earl of Sunderland, and Sidney Godolphin, 1st Lord Godolphin, [1st Earl of Godolphin 1706], in addition to Lord Middleton and Dr Owen Wynn... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of political tracts, reports of trials, precedents, versw, etc., chiefly of the first half of the xviith century. The principal are:-1. Song, "How happie is hee borne or taught," by S' H[enry] W[otton], f. 11 b. 2. "The names and ages of the ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE of Robert Long (cr. Bart. 1662, d. 1673), Surveyor-General to Qu. Henrietta Maria, member of the Privy Council, and Secretary of State to Charles II.; 1649-1654. The contents consist chiefly of letters addressed to him as Secr..., 1649-1654 British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 266). 1602-Aug. 1619. The writers are:-[William Herbert, 3rd Earl of] Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain; 16 Sept. [1616],20, 30 May [1619]. The second letter mentions the death of Richard Burbage, the actor. ff. 7, 81, 102. Sir Thomas Edmondes..., 1602-1619 British Library
referencedIn HISTORICAL LETTERS AND PAPERS (ENGLISH AND FOREIGN) OF THE 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES: a collection of copies closely resembling those in Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Tanner 82 (see Cat. Cod. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., Pt. iv, Codices T. Tanneri, ed. A. Hackman..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 257). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston; 1619-1620. The writers are:-Sir Robert Naunton, Secretary of State; Sir George Calvert, Secretary of State; 20 Jan., 20 Mar. 1619[20]. ff. 122,134. 4 Aug., 20 Nov. 1620. ff. 173, 2..., 1619-1620 British Library
referencedIn PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS, etc.; 1610-1621. Copies. The material chiefly consists of Commons proceedings for the fourth and fifth sessions of the first Parliament of James I, Feb.-Dec. 1610, particularly concerning the attack on impositions. See Proc..., 1610-1621 British Library
referencedIn CASSIOBURY PAPERS. Vol. V. Miscellaneous State-papers and letters, etc., viz.:-1. Valuation of Peterborough Abbey: "Valor tocius nuper monasterii ibidem de anno r.r. Henrici viijui xxxjmo" [1539]. Amount 2003l. 13s. l.5/8d. gross, 1746l. 15s. 3 3/8d..., 1539-1688 British Library
referencedIn Grant British Library
creatorOf TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CLII. John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol: 'Interrogatories ministered unto the Earle of Bristoll shortlie after his retourne out of Spaine. 1624.' Copy. For Bristol's answers to these twenty points, drawn up by the King's commands ..., 1624 British Library
referencedIn WODEHOUSE PAPERS. Vol. XXI. Reports of Proceedings in Parliament, with copies of a few royal letters, etc., relating almost entirely to the impeachment of [Georoe Villiers,] Duke of Buckingham, the case of [John Digby,] Earl of Bristol, and the levy ..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. IX. (ff. 368). 26 March, 1613-8 July, 1614. The negotiations for the marriage of Prince Charles with the Princess Christine are continued throughout this volume, and the letters and discussions of the proposed articles by James ... British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES in Parliament, etc.; 1558-1695. 1. "Queen Elizabeths speech (a) to her secretary [Sir W. Cecil] and other her Lords," 20 Nov. 1558. In a hand of the 18th cent. f. 1; -(b) to the two Houses, 12 Nov. 1586. f. 2. 2. "Answeres to the first part ... British Library
creatorOf Vol. XLIII (ff. 128). 1611-1619.John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol: William Trumbull, d 1635 diplomatist: Letters to William Trumbull from John Digby: 1611-1624: Mostly autograph. Signed., 1611-1619 British Library
referencedIn SCUDAMORE PAPERS. VOL. IV. Miscellaneous Tracts, etc.; 1611-1629. As follows:-(1) 'Certayne Remembrances to prince Charles written by Sr Charles Cornwallis duringe his committment in the tower'; i.e. 1614-1615. Beg. 'for his most excellent highnes...., 1611-1629 British Library
creatorOf Vol. XLIV (ff. 126). 1620-1624.John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol: William Trumbull, d 1635 diplomatist: Letters to William Trumbull from John Digby: 1611-1624: Mostly autograph. Signed., 1620-1624 British Library
referencedIn Vol. viii. (ff. 622). LETTERS addressed to Sir John Nicholas and his son Edward Nicholas; 28 June, 1670 26 Mar. 1726. Sir Henry Yelverton, 2nd Bart., of Easton; 28 June, 6 Aug. 1670, ff. 1, 3. Sir Philip Warwick; Chislehurst, 3 June, 1671-2 July, 167..., 1670-1726 British Library
creatorOf LETTER-BOOK OF JOHN, BARON DIGBY, 1st Earl of Bristol 1622, as ambassador to Spain; 14 March 1622-29 Aug. 1623. Latin, English, French and Spanish. The volume relates chiefly to the Spanish Marriage project. See: S. R. Gardiner, Prince Charles and th..., 1622-1623 British Library
referencedIn ENGLISH poems, by [John] Lord Digby, -Reynolds, John Donne, Dean of St. Pauls, F[rancis] B[eaumont], [Sir] H[enry] W[otton], Sir H[enry] G[oodyear], Henry Skipwith, G. Lucy, T[homas] P[estell], [Sir] J[ohn] B[eaumont], Hen[ry] Kinge [Bishop of Chich..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE and papers of Col. Charles Fairfax relating to the siege of Pontefract, etc., including letters of 0. Cromwell, Major-Gen. John Lambert, Col. John Morris, Governor of Pontefract, and others; 12 Aug. 1645-8 Oct. 1651. A transcript from ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical and other letters and papers, including correspondence, etc. of Sir William Clarke [ob. 1666], secretary to Gen. George Monck, and his son, George Clarke, Judge Advocate, Secretary at War, etc. [ob. l737]; 1556-1753 1. Warran..., 1556-1753 British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 304). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1622, 1623. The writers are:-Simon Digby; Vienna, 7 Jan. 1621-8 Oct. 1622. ff. 3, 19, 23, 66. William Trumbull; Brussels, Al Jan. 1621[2]. f 5. Conde de Gondomar; 31 ..., 1622-1623 British Library
creatorOf TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CLIII. John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol: 'Interrogatories ministered unto the Earle of Bristoll with his Answere'; circa 11 July 1624. Copy. Another contemporary copy of 72393 above. Paper: ff. 14. 300 x 193mm. Sewn gathering. Wa... British Library
referencedIn " A BOOKE of the coppies of letters, speeches, and papers"; Nov. 1622-Aug. 1625. In a nearly contemporary hand. 1. Letter from James I. to the Elector Palatine, 10 Nov. 1622, respecting the negotiations for his restoration to the Palatinate; with the... British Library
referencedIn VOL. 1. (ff. 513). 1560-1649. John [Jewell, Bishop of] Salisbury; London, etc., 23 Feb.-7 Oct. 1560, 19 Mar. 1562 [3], ff. 1-6. Sir J[ohn] Evelyn, of co. Wilts; 26 Sept. 1621, f. 10. Matthew Nicholas, brother of Sir Edward, Dean successively of Brist..., 1560-1649 British Library
referencedIn OFFICIAL and political papers:-1. Extracts, with notes, from Acts relating to monastic lands and the Court of Augmentations; 26-37 Hen. VIII. f. 1.2. ',The Queenes ... oration in the Parliament howse, Marcii, 1576." f. 3. 3. The justices of Dorset t..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn MIDDLETON PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 322). Papers rel. to preparations of William, Prince of Orange, in Holland, for the invasion of England, letters from the Channel ports detailing the movements of his fleet, letters from Lords Lieutenants, customs' and..., 1688 British Library
referencedIn 'THE EARLE OF BRISTOLL HIS ANSWER to certaine Articles exhibited against him in Parliament by the Duke of Buckingham. . .', being an account of complaints brought against John Digby, 1st Earl of Bristol, relative to his conduct of the marriage negoti..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. II., 1576-1624 1. Joan[nes] Sturmius, Rector [of the Academy at Strassburg], to Edmund Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, on his appointment to that see; Argentorati [Strassburg], 20 March, 1576. Lat. Hologr. f. i. 2. Instructions from William, ..., 1576-1624 British Library
referencedIn THURLOE PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 274). (1) Thomas Wharton, Baron Wharton, 1696, and (1715) Marquess, to William III, on the state of the country; 25 Dec. 1689. Copy. For another copy see Add. MS. 4107, f. 78. ff. 2-10. (2) Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of S... British Library
referencedIn Vol. vi. (ff. 204). 1626-1689. The writers are:-Sir Francis Nethersole; Hague, 10 Jan.-Nov. 1626, 25 June, 1633, ff. 4, 19, 25,138. Earl of Holland; [-Oct. -Dec. 1628], ff. 34, 36, 40. Abbate [Cesare Alessandro] di Scaglia, Ambassador from Savoy ..., 1626-1689 British Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE Of the family of Pitt, chiefly of Sir William Pitt, Teller of the Exchequer and Commissioner of the Navy (ob. 1636), and of his son Edward Pitt, Teller of the Exchequer (ob. 1643) 1598-1650. Included are the following letters, etc. 1. ..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn James Petiver, FRS, Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence (N.B. Petiver died in April 1718, but letters were written to him up to 12 Febr. 1719.): 1697-1718/9, and n.d.Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronol... British Library
referencedIn LETTER-BOOK contaning,, drafts of letters, official and private, of Thomas Read [Reid, Ithaedus], Latin Secretary to James I, covering the period 1619-1623 ; with a few common-places. Autograph, except for f. 109. The official correspondence, which f..., 1619-1623 British Library
referencedIn Vol. i. (ff. 401). 1588-1649. 1. " Queene Elizabeth's whole army at sea agaynst the Spanish forces in anno 1588 ": list of the ships, with number of men and names of captains. f. 1. 2. Instructions for Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake commanding..., 1588-1647 British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. II. (ff. 342). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1621. The writers are:-William Trumbull; 6 Jan.-14 Dec. 1621. fr. 1-301 passim. John Digby, Baron Digby; 12 Jan.-23 Dec. 1621. ff. 3, 50,73, 104,144, 191, 194, 225, 2..., 1621 British Library
referencedIn VOL. I.-George Abbott (brother of the Archbp. of Canterbury), to Sir Richard Browne, 1 Apr. 1629 (written on a back of a Latin letter from Francis Wright to himself), f 5 ;-Sir Richard Anderson, Bart., to John Evelyn, 21 May, 1684, f. 8;-Sir Allen Ap..., 1624-1712 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical and other papers; 1588-1721. With a table of contents in the hand of Thomas Astle. 1. Part of the book of the Commissioners for the Sequestration of delinquents' estates in co. Essex; 31 Jan. 1645 [6]-17 Apr. 1646. f 2. Moran... British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. VII. (ff. 321). 26 March, 1611-30 June, 1612. During this period affairs connected with the succession of Cleves were quiet. The two Electors were content, after Juliers had been recaptured, to renew their engagement to continue... British Library
referencedIn RALPH STARKEY TRANSCRIPTSTranscripts of State Papers and political tracts made chiefly by Ralph Starkey (d. 1628), relating with few exceptions to the royal marriages of England; 1474-1624. Viz.:-(1) Covenant for a proposed marriage of Cicely, dau. ..., 1474-1624 British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1430Paper, in folio, ff. 85, XVII century; bound up with 3956.1. The articles of the Commons assembled in Parliament against Thomas Wentworth first Earl of Strafford, in maintenance of his accusation, whereby he stands charged of high treason.... British Library
referencedIn EDMONDES PAPERS. Vol. X. (ff. 389). 16 July, 1614-24 Mar. 1615 [6]. The volume opens with the instructions of James I. to Edmondes on his return to France. The latter continues to give full details of the dissensions in the French Court, which lasted... British Library
creatorOf Chartulary, etc,. of the Benedictine Abbey of Sherborne, co. Dorset, containing copies of royal, papal and episcopal charters in Latin and Anglo-Saxon, followed by passions, gospels, collects, blessings and other ceremonies; circ. 1146, with later a..., approximately 1146 British Library
referencedIn Parliament: Proceedings in both Houses: 1621-1628/9.George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: Political poems and epitaphs, etc., on: 1620-1628.George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham: Parliamentary speeches, papers, etc., touching: 1620-1628.includes... British Library
referencedIn Houghton Library printed book provenance file, A-D Houghton Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS political and other papers; 1640-circa 1660; belonging to the preceding collection:-1. Reports of speeches, etc., in Parliament, and London news-letters; 3 Nov. 1640-16 Feb. 164.0/1, f. 1. 2. Proposicions sent from Kilkenny touchinge a..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Vol. iv. (ff. 210). 1622, 1623. The writers are:-Les deputez des Eglises Reformées de France et souveraineté de Béarn assemblez à la Rochelle"; 1-24 Jan.29 May, 1622. Fr. Signed by [Jean Paul de] Lescun, and [Jonas (le] Bessay, presidents, and other..., 1622-1623 British Library
referencedIn HISTORY Of the negotiations of [John Digby] Earl of Bristol for the Spanish match between Prince Charles and the Infanta, 1611-1626; together with an account of the charges afterwards brought against the Earl in respect of the same. Transcripts of t... British Library
referencedIn TRANSCRIPTS of historical letters, political tracts, and other papers, viz 1. Qu. Anne Boleyn to Henry Vlll.; " From my dolefull Pryson in the Tower," 6 May, [1536]. " Founde amonge Cromwell's Papers." Printed in Cabala, London, 1691, p. 1. f. 1. 2. ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical papers; 1633-1740. 1. Warrant from [Richard Weston, Earl of] Portland [Lord Treasurer] to Sir Robert Py, Knt., Auditor of the Exchequer, and others, to levy a tally for £107 17s. 6d., paid in by John [Digby,] Earl of Bristol,..., 17th century-18th century British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. DLXXXIII (ff. 93). Political, literary and family papers; [1601?]-1659, n.d. The position of some of these papers in the list in H.M.C. 8th Report, pt. 1, pp. 2-12, suggests that they may be associated with Add. MSS. 61681 and 6..., 1601-1659 British Library
referencedIn ASTON PAPERS. Vol. IV. (ff. 253). Correspondence of Sir Walter Aston (continued); 1624-1625. The writers are:-William Trumbull; Brussels, 13 Jan. 1623[4]-6 Jan. 1624[5]. ff. 14, 39, 41, 62, 67, 69, 82, 91, 104, 122, 133, 139, 147, 157, 164, 174, 183...., 1624-1625 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS AND LETTERS, ETC., relating to English affairs, domestic and diplomatic, with some legal papers, etc.;circa 1571-1626, n.d. Copies, circa 1626-1633. The Ralegh material (no. 2 below) comprises eleven letters, etc., 1603-1612, n.d..., 1571-1633 British Library
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Loghort al. Loegar Castle, Cork


Active 1474

Active 1701


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