Sharp, Susie Marshall, 1907-1996

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Susie Marshall Sharp was born in Rocky Mount, N.C., on 7 July 1907 to James Merritt Sharp and Annie Britt Blackwell Sharp. She was the eldest of seven children who survived to adulthood, including Sally Blackwell, Annie Hill, Thomas Adolphus, Louise Wortham, Florence Abigail, and James Vance.

James Merritt Sharp was born 26 September 1877. In 1900, he established Sharp Institute, a co-educational day and boarding school. The school burned down in 1907. Sharp had been studying law, and the end of his teaching career led to one as a lawyer. Sharp passed the Supreme Court's bar examination in 1908. In 1914, he moved his practice to Reidsville, N.C., where he remained for the next 38 years. He served in the North Carolina State Senate in 1925 and 1927, representing the 17th district.

Annie Britt Blackwell (4 March 1884-9 April 1971), the daughter of John Pomfret Blackwell and Sally Wortham Blackwell, was a teacher at Sharp Institute. She married James Merritt Sharp in 1906.

Susie Marshall Sharp, the couple's first child, was named after her mother's younger sister Susie and her Civil War grandfather, James Marshall Sharp. Susie Sharp attended Reidsville public schools from 1914 to 1924. An excellent student and a champion debater, she was chosen class salutatorian. Following her graduation from high school in 1924 and her entrance to the North Carolina College for Women (now the University of North Carolina at Greensboro), Sharp developed an interest in chemistry. In part because of her debating ability, however, she had been encouraged to become a lawyer, and, in 1926, following an all-night session of wrestling over her decision, she chose law over chemistry.

In 1926, Sharp entered the School of Law at the University of North Carolina, the only woman in her class. She soon encountered the entrenched attitudes of the time that opposed women being lawyers. In spite of the obstacles, Sharp became an editor of the North Carolina Law Review and a member of the Order of the Coif. She received her LL.B. degree with honors in 1929. Sharp passed the bar examination in 1928 while still in school and returned to Reidsville in 1929 to practice law with her father. In the early 1930s, Sharp served as secretary and legal researcher at the University of North Carolina School of Law. As a female lawyer Sharp was a rarity at the time; women were not allowed to serve on juries in North Carolina until 1946.

Sharp was appointed Reidsville's city attorney in 1939. In 1948, her growing influence in the governmental and political affairs of Rockingham County led her father's friend, Kerr Scott, to appoint her as his campaign manager for Rockingham County in the Democratic primary for governor. In the summer of 1949, Governor Scott appointed Susie Sharp to the North Carolina Superior Court bench, making her the first female judge in the history of the state. Judge Sharp's first term established her interest in prison conditions, a concern she maintained for the remainder of her career.

Governor Terry Sanford appointed Sharp to the North Carolina Supreme Court on 9 March 1962. Justice Sharp's appointment made her the first female member of the North Carolina Supreme Court and only the second associate justice from Rockingham County, Thomas Settle having preceded her nearly 100 years earlier in 1868. She was elected in November to fill the remainder of Associate Justice Emory Denny's term, and, in 1966, she was elected to a full eight-year term.

Forced by a newly enacted retirement law to retire in 1974, Chief Justice William Haywood Bobbitt and the rest of the court encouraged Sharp, as the senior associate justice, to seek the chief justiceship. In 1974, she became the first female in the United States to be elected chief justice of a state supreme court, garnering 74 percent of the vote.

During Justice Sharp's seventeen-year tenure on the court, she wrote 459 majority opinions. Her first reported case was Trust Company v. Willis, 257 N.C. 59 (1962), and her last reported case was Pipkin v. Thomas & Hill, Inc., 298 N.C. 278 (1979). In addition, she authored 124 concurring opinions and 45 dissenting opinions.

Sharp's major opinions include: Toone v. Adams, 262 N.C. 403 (1964), about an umpire's right to sue a baseball team and manager who had incited the crowd against him; D & W, Inc. v. Charlotte, 268 N.C. 577 (1966), ruling that brown-bagging in restaurants was not permitted under the law then in existence; Rabon v. Rowan Memorial Hospital, Inc., 269 N.C. 1 (1967), abolishing hospitals' immunity from liability under the charitable immunity doctrine; Hall v. Board of Elections, 280 N.C. 600 (1972), establishing criteria for college students' eligibility to vote where they went to college; Smith v. State, 289 N.C. 303 (1976), that limited the ancient doctrine of sovereign immunity ; and In re Peoples, 296 N.C. 109 (1978), the first decision removing a judge for willful misconduct in office.

Chief Justice Sharp successfully advocated for a constitutional amendment, passed in 1980, requiring that all judges be lawyers, after having faced fire extinguisher salesman James Newcomb as her Republican opponent for the chief justiceship.

Sharp received many honors, beginning in 1950 with an honorary LL.D. degree from the North Carolina College for Women. She received an honorary L.H.D. degree from Pfeiffer College in 1960 and honorary LL.D.s from Queens College in 1962, Elon College in 1963, Wake Forest College in 1965, Catawba College in 1970, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1970, and Duke University in 1974. In 1952, the February issue of the Ladies Home Journal recognized her as one of the thirteen outstanding women in public office throughout the country. Twenty-four years later, she was selected by Time magazine in its 6 January 1976 issue as one of twelve women of the year for 1975.

Sharp's accomplishments resulted in a series of awards from women's organizations including the 1959 Achievement Citation from the North Carolina Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, the Distinguished Service Award for Women from the Chi Omega Sorority in 1959, the Alumni Service Award from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1975, and the Special Award for Outstanding Legal Achievement from the New York Women's Bar Association in 1976.

Susie Sharp died in 1996.

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Susie Sharp Papers, 1900-1997 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Sallie Blackwell Sharp Taylor and Lawrence Arthur Taylor papers, 1932-1999. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Ceremonies for the presentation of a portrait of the Honorable Adrian Jefferson Newton to the Supreme Court of North Carolina., 11:00 A.M., 4 March 1977, Courtroom of the Supreme Court Justice Building, Raleigh Archives of American Art
creatorOf Sharp, Susie, 1907-1996. Susie Sharp papers, 1900-1997. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Bertha S. Adkins Papers. 1928 - 1983. Personal Files, 1928 - 1983 Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
referencedIn Richard B. Cheney Files. 1974 - 1977. Richard Cheney's General Subject Files Gerald R. Ford Library
referencedIn White House Central Files Subject Files on Federal Government (Organizations), August 1974–January 1977 Gerald R. Ford Library
referencedIn Hugh Morton Photographs and Films, late 1920s-2006, (bulk 1940s-1990s) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection.
referencedIn Hugh Morton Photographs and Films, late 1920s-2006, (bulk 1940s-1990s) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. North Carolina Collection.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith A. C. McIntosh person
associatedWith Adamee, Paul Chester person
associatedWith Administrative Office of the Courts corporateBody
associatedWith A. Earle Garrett, Sr. person
associatedWith Agnes R. Neville person
associatedWith Albert Coates person
associatedWith Alexander, Elreta person
correspondedWith Alexander, Lelia person
associatedWith Alexander, Lelia M. person
associatedWith Allen Langston person
associatedWith American Bar Association corporateBody
associatedWith American Law Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Annie Britt Blackwell Sharp person
associatedWith Annie Hill Sharp Klenner person
associatedWith Armstrong, Frank M. person
correspondedWith Averitt, Edith person
correspondedWith Bacon, Mabel person
correspondedWith Baird, Lucy person
associatedWith Barbara Taylor person
correspondedWith Beck, Dorothy Fahs person
associatedWith Bell, J. Spencer person
correspondedWith Bethea, Virginia person
associatedWith Bickett, William Y. person
associatedWith Bobbie Sharp person
associatedWith Bobbitt, William H. (William Haywood), 1900-1992. person
associatedWith Bolich, W. Bryan person
correspondedWith Boulliat, Nuion person
associatedWith Branch, Joseph person
correspondedWith Breckenridge, Jean person
correspondedWith Breckenridge, Millard S. person
correspondedWith Breckenridge, Venitah person
associatedWith Britt, David M. person
associatedWith Brock, Walter person
correspondedWith Brogden, Willis J. person
associatedWith Brogden, W. J. person
correspondedWith Brown, Maude person
associatedWith Buncombe County Democratic Women's Club corporateBody
associatedWith Carlton, J. Phil person
correspondedWith Carpender, Catharine C. person
correspondedWith Carter, Sarah person
correspondedWith Casper, Margaret person
correspondedWith Chaney, Margaret person
associatedWith Charles McCormick person
associatedWith Charles T. McCormick person
associatedWith Chi Omega corporateBody
associatedWith Clarence M. Kelley person
associatedWith Coates, Albert person
associatedWith Coates, Albert, 1896-1989. person
associatedWith Collier, Robert person
associatedWith Conference of Chief Justices corporateBody
associatedWith Conference of Superior Court Judges corporateBody
associatedWith Conference of Superior Court Judges and District Court Judges corporateBody
associatedWith Constance Gwaltney person
correspondedWith Copeland, J. William person
correspondedWith Counts, Donie person
associatedWith Court of Appeals corporateBody
correspondedWith Covington, William T., Jr. person
correspondedWith Davis, Bobbie person
associatedWith Delta Kappa Gamma corporateBody
associatedWith Democratic Campaign Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Democratic Executive Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Democratic Party corporateBody
associatedWith Democratic Party (N.C.) corporateBody
associatedWith Democratic Women of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith Denny, Emery Byrd person
associatedWith Devin, William A. person
associatedWith Dorothy Fahs person
associatedWith Dukakis, Michael person
associatedWith East Carolina University corporateBody
associatedWith Eleanor Torrens person
correspondedWith Elliott, Lucille person
associatedWith Elon College corporateBody
associatedWith Elreta Alexander person
associatedWith Ervin, Sam person
associatedWith Evelyn Ripple person
associatedWith Executives Club corporateBody
associatedWith Exum, James G. person
correspondedWith Fahs, Dorothy person
associatedWith Federal Bureau of Investigation corporateBody
correspondedWith Fillman, Margaret person
associatedWith Florence Sharp Newsom person
associatedWith Fredrick Klenner, Jr. person
associatedWith Fred R. Klenner person
associatedWith Freeman, Franklin person
associatedWith Friday, William C. person
associatedWith Fultz family
correspondedWith Garrett, A. Earle, Jr. person
correspondedWith Garrett, A. Earle, Sr. person
correspondedWith Garrett, Susie Webb Blackwell person
associatedWith Gertrude Klenner Wilkerson person
correspondedWith Godwin, Howard person
associatedWith Governor's Crime Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Gowell, Bertha Mable person
associatedWith Graham, Frank Porter person
associatedWith Greensboro Bar Association corporateBody
associatedWith Greensboro College corporateBody
associatedWith Griffin Bell person
associatedWith Griffin, Ken person
correspondedWith Gwaltney, Constance person
associatedWith Gwen Sharp person
correspondedWith Gwyn, Allen H. person
correspondedWith Gwyn, Janie S. person
correspondedWith Henry, Helen person
correspondedWith Henry, Tom person
associatedWith Howard Gibson Godwin person
associatedWith Hugh Lobdell person
associatedWith Hunt, Jim person
associatedWith Huskins, J. Frank person
associatedWith Institute of Government corporateBody
associatedWith James Iredell person
associatedWith James Merritt Sharp person
associatedWith James Vance Sharp person
associatedWith Janie Sands person
associatedWith Jean Breckenridge Newnam person
associatedWith Jim Newcomb person
associatedWith Joan Mondale person
associatedWith John B. Lewis person
associatedWith Joyner, William T.: Publications Endowment corporateBody
associatedWith Judicial Council corporateBody
associatedWith Judicial Planning Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Judicial Standards Commission corporateBody
associatedWith Juvenile Code Revision Committee corporateBody
correspondedWith Keller, Lina person
associatedWith Ken Griffin person
associatedWith Kennedy, Edward person
associatedWith Kennedy, John F. person
correspondedWith Kennett, Lee person
correspondedWith Klenner, Annie Hill Sharp person
correspondedWith Klenner, Fredrick Robert, Jr. person
associatedWith Labor Party corporateBody
associatedWith Lake, I. Beverly person
correspondedWith Langston, Allen person
associatedWith Larry Taylor person
associatedWith Law Alumni Association of UNC, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Lee Kennett person
associatedWith Lelia Alexander person
correspondedWith Leonard, Janie person
associatedWith Lina Keller person
correspondedWith Lobdell, Hugh L. person
associatedWith Louise Sharp person
correspondedWith Lyons, Virginia person
associatedWith Lyon, Virginia person
associatedWith Manning, Allen person
associatedWith Margaret Fillman person
correspondedWith Martin, Frances person
associatedWith Mary Potts person
associatedWith Maude Brown person
correspondedWith McIntosh, A. C. person
associatedWith Millard Breckenridge person
associatedWith Montague, Bert person
associatedWith Moore, Dan K. person
associatedWith Mordecai Square Historical Society corporateBody
associatedWith Morris, Naomi person
associatedWith Morton, Hugh M. person
associatedWith Morton, Hugh M. person
associatedWith Mrs. Hoyle Ripple person
associatedWith M. T. Van Hecke person
associatedWith National Center for State Courts corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference of Law Reviews corporateBody
associatedWith National Conference on the Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Administration of Justice corporateBody
associatedWith National Judicial College corporateBody
associatedWith Near East College Association (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Neville, Agnes R. person
associatedWith Newcomb, Jim person
correspondedWith Newnam, Jean Breckenridge person
correspondedWith Newnam, Margaret person
correspondedWith Newnam, Margaret Reid person
correspondedWith Newsom, Alice person
correspondedWith Newsom, Florence Abigail Sharp person
correspondedWith Newsom, Robert person
associatedWith Newton, Adrian Jefferson person
associatedWith New York Women's Bar Association corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Association of District Court Judges corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Awards Commission corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Bar Association corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Citizens Association corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina College for Women. corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Conference of Superior Court Justices corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Court Commission corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Criminal Justice Information Security and Privacy Board corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Judicial Council corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Senior Citizens Association corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina Sheriffs' Association corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State Bar corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina State Music Society corporateBody
associatedWith North Carolina. Supreme Court corporateBody
associatedWith Nuion Boulliat person
associatedWith Orlando, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Palmer, Mary Anne person
associatedWith Peace College corporateBody
correspondedWith Penn, Anne Garrett person
associatedWith Pennrose Park Country Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Perkins, E. M. person
associatedWith Pfeiffer College corporateBody
associatedWith Phi Alpha Delta corporateBody
associatedWith Phi Beta Kappa corporateBody
associatedWith Pless, J. Will person
correspondedWith Potts, Mary person
associatedWith Powell, Laura L. corporateBody
associatedWith Price, J. Hampton person
associatedWith Queens College corporateBody
associatedWith Reid, David E. person
associatedWith Reidsville Veterans Housing Commission, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ripple, Evelyn person
associatedWith Robert Newsom, Jr. person
associatedWith Rockingham Community College corporateBody
associatedWith Rockingham County Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Ross, Ruby person
associatedWith Ruby Ross person
associatedWith Ruffin, Thomas person
associatedWith Ruth Hutchinson person
correspondedWith Sands, Janie person
associatedWith Sharp family
correspondedWith Sharp, Annie Britt Blackwell person
correspondedWith Sharp, Annie Hill person
associatedWith Sharp family. family
associatedWith Sharp Family family
correspondedWith Sharp, Florence Abigail person
correspondedWith Sharp, Gwen person
correspondedWith Sharp, James Merritt person
associatedWith Sharp, James Merritt, 1877- person
correspondedWith Sharp, James Vance person
correspondedWith Sharp, Louise person
correspondedWith Sharp, Louise W. person
correspondedWith Sharp, Sallie person
correspondedWith Sharp, Thomas person
correspondedWith Sharp, Thomas A. person
correspondedWith Sharp, Tommy person
correspondedWith Sharp, Tyrrell C. person
correspondedWith Smith, Janie Sands person
correspondedWith Snell, Mary person
associatedWith Snow, A. C. person
associatedWith Stockton, Ralph person
associatedWith Susie Sharp Newsom Lynch person
associatedWith Susie Webb Blackwell Garrett person
correspondedWith Taylor, Barbara person
correspondedWith Taylor, Larry person
associatedWith Taylor, Raymond M. (Raymond Mason) person
associatedWith Tharrington, J. Harold person
associatedWith Thomas Sharp person
associatedWith Thompson, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Torrens, Eleanor person
correspondedWith Tyner, Nina person
associatedWith Tyrell Sharp person
associatedWith UNC-TV corporateBody
correspondedWith United States Supreme Court corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina (1793-1962). School of Law. corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Charlotte corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Greensboro corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Wilmington corporateBody
associatedWith Valentine Museum corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Hecke, M. T. person
associatedWith Vanore, Andy person
associatedWith Virginia Lyons person
associatedWith Wake County Democratic Executive Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Walter F. Mondale person
associatedWith Walter Raleigh person
correspondedWith Wilkerson, Gertrude Klenner person
associatedWith William T. Covington, Jr. person
associatedWith Wilson Pest Control Company corporateBody
associatedWith Woman's Club of Raleigh corporateBody
associatedWith Woman's College of the University of North Carolina corporateBody
associatedWith Wright, T. W. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Raleigh NC US
Rocky Mountain NC US
United States 00 US
North Carolina NC US
Political campaigns
Equal rights amendments
Portrait painting
Women judges
Women law students
Women lawyers
Women's rights


Birth 1907-07-07

Death 1996-03-01



Ark ID: w68w4v6t

SNAC ID: 24028951