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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. DCXIII (ff. 491). 1. Articles published in the Nineteenth Century, Jan.-Oct. 1879, viz.:-(a) " The Friends and Foes of Russia." The MS. is fuller than the printed version. f. I ;-(b) " On Epithets of Movement in Homer." f.40;-(..., 1876-1879
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Vol. IX. (ff. 539). 1837-June, 1838.includes:ff. 5, 410 Edward Massie: Letter to Bp. Butler: 1826-1837. f. 6 Lieutenant G-A-McDermott, Rifle Brigade: Letter to Bishop Butler: 1837. ff. 8, 17, 91, 114, 130, 434, 436 Walter Farquhar Hook, Dean of C..., 1837-1838
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Vol. VIII. (ff. 508). 1836.Education: Correspondence of Dr. Butler, when Head-master of Shrewsbury School: 1798-1836.Archdeaconry of Derby: Correspondence of Dr. Butler when Archdeacon: 1822-1836.Shrewsbury, Shropshire: Correspondence and papers of D..., 1836
British Library |
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Vol. CCXV (ff. 292). Jan. -Feb. 1828.includes:f. 4 Revenue: Comparative tables of sup plies for the Services: 1818-1835.ff. 6, 64, 66, 107, 141 Archibald Kennedy, 1st Marquess of Ailsa: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1846.f. 7 Laurence ...
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Vol. CCXLIll (ff. 390). Jan.-July 1837.includes:ff. 1, 205 James Scarlett, 1st Baron Abinger: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1825-1843.ff. 4, 33, 95, 259 Charles William Vane, Baron Stewart; formerly Stewart; 3rd Marquess of Londonderry: Corres...
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Vol. CCCLVII.(ff. 433). 11-31 Dec. 1843.includes:ff. 1, 101 George Robert Dawson, Under-Secretary of State: Correspondence with his brother-in-law Sir R. Peel: 1813-1846.f. 3 Charles Gatliff: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1843.: Signed.f. 3 Thomas Sou...
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Vol.CCCLXXXIV (ff.510). 1-19 Apr. 1845.includes:f. 1 Wilson Jones, formerly MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1841, 1845.f. 3 M-Thompson, daughter of C Thompson, Perpetual Curate of Fazeley: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1845.ff. 5, 6 John Campbel...
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Vol. XXXV (ff. 286). 1841-1851.includes:f. 1 Juan Manuel de Rosas, President of Argentina: Letter rel. to: 1841: Extract.f. 3 James Whyte, Minister of Methlick: Letters to Arthur Hamilton-Gordon: 1844-1860.f. 7 Alicia Anne Hope-Johnstone, wife ..., 1841-1851
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Vol. IX, 1814-1868.includes:f. 2 Henrietta Elizabeth Cholmondeley, wife of Thomas, 1st Baron Delamere 1821: Letter to Lady Glynne: 1814.: Imperf.ff. 4-34 passim Thomas Grenville, bibliophile and statesman: Letters to Mrs. W. E. Gladstone: 1839-18..., 1814-1868
British Library |
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Vol. LIX ( ff. 345 ). 18 Jan. 1864-23 Apr. 1875.includes:f. 1 Mrs F. Cecilia Tubbs, translator: Agreement with R. Bentley: 1864.: Signed.ff. 1-243 passim Richard Bentley, publisher (I): Agreements with authors and others: 1829-1871.: Mostly sign...
British Library |
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COBDEN PAPERS. Vol. XXXI (ff. 192). (1) Miscellaneous letters, etc., from Richard Cobden; 1836-1864. ff. 1-89b. Typewritten copies.(2) Correspondence of Catherine Anne, wife of Richard Cobden; 1856-1875. Followed (ff. 134-151) by that of other member..., 1835-1921
British Library |
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Vol. CCCLVIII (ff. 432). 1-19 Jan. 1844.includes:ff. 1-5 Joseph Atkinson: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1841-1845.ff. 6, 6 b Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, Keeper of the National Gallery; PRA: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1841-1848.f. 9 Moss...
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A-K. MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters., 1529-1859
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. CLXXXV (ff. 361). Correspondence with :-1. F[rancis] T[urner] Palgrave, Professor of Poetry at Oxford, 1846-1891. f. 1. 2. John Henry Parker, C.B., Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, 1850-1883. f. 133. 3. Arthur W[ellesley] Peel,..., 1846-1895
British Library |
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Vol. DLXXXI (ff. 155). 1879.England; Parliament: Notes, etc., by W. E. Gladstone for speeches: 1832-1895.includes:f. 1 Walter Farquhar Hook, Dean of Chichester: Address on, etc., by W. E. Gladstone: 1879.ff. 62-140 Elections Parliamentary: Papers..., 1879
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Vol. VI. (ff. 449). 1831-1833.Shrewsbury, Shropshire: Correspondence and papers of Dr. Butler, when Head-master of the school: 1798-1836.Education: Correspondence of Dr. Butler, when Head-master of Shrewsbury School: 1798-1836.Archdeaconry of Derby: ..., 1831-1833
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Vol. VII. (ff. 393). 1834-1835.Education: Correspondence of Dr. Butler, when Head-master of Shrewsbury School: 1798-1836.Archdeaconry of Derby: Correspondence of Dr. Butler when Archdeacon: 1822-1836.Shrewsbury, Shropshire: Correspondence and papers ..., 1834-1835
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Vol. II. 1860.includes:f. 1 John Eadie, DD: Biographical notice of: 1860. f. 2 Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of the Royal Academy (1850-1865): Letter to R. Griffin and Co.: 1860. ff. 4, 6 Sir Herbert Benjamin Edwardes, K C B: Autobiographica..., 1860
British Library |
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Vol. I (ff. 329). 1814-1865.includes:f. 1 John Tupper Connell, Curate at St Margaret's, Westminster: Extract from register by: 1834. f. 1 William Hazlitt, the younger, Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy: Register of his baptism, 1814. Copy: 1834. ..., 1814-1865
British Library |
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Vol. CCCLIX (ff. 347). 20 Jan.-9 Feb. 1844.includes:f.2 William Nattle, Curate of St. Ive: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1844.f. 4 John Shawe Manley, of Manley Hall, county Staffordshire: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1841-1846.f. 6 Theophilus Rich...
British Library |
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Horne, Thomas Hartwell, 1780-1862. Letters to the Rev. Thomas Hartwell Horne, 1822-1861
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Vol. CCCCXLII (ff. iii+ 231) 1835-1844.includes:ff. 6 b, 14, 168, 180 b, 190 b, 191 b, 198 b Dudley Ryder, Viscount Sandon; 2nd Earl of Harrowby: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1835-1875.ff. 24b, 29 Sir George Grey, 2nd Baronet; of Fallodon..., 1835-1844
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SUPPLEMENTARY LAYARD PAPERS. Vols. XVII (ff. 192). 1828-1862, n.dincludes:f. 1 Comte de Murutz: Letter to Comtesse — from Comte — de Murutz: 1828: Fr.f. 5 Madame Camille Mancini: Letter to Sir A. H. Layard and his brothers from Madame Camille Man..., 1828-1862
British Library |
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Vol. CCCCXV (ff. 363). 1-10 July 1846.includes:f. 1 'Author of the Catholicon of Christianity': Letter, so signed, to Sir R. Peel: 1846.f. 3 Poetry ENGLISH: "Voices from the Within": 1846.f. 5 Political and Satirical Poems: Miscellaneous verses...
British Library |
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. II. English literary autographs; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Edmund Waller, Andrew Marvell, John Evelyn, John Locke, John Dryden, Joseph Addison, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, William Congreve, Sir Richard Steele, ..., approximately 16th century-20th century
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Vol. IX, ff. 234, A-Ma.includes:f. 1 James Hamilton, 2nd Marquess and (1868) 1st Duke of Abercorn: Letter to G. Roper: 1873. f. 3 Charles John Abraham, Bishop of Wellington: Letter to R. Owen: 1858. f. 4 Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, 10th Baronet: Letter...
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. CXXVIII (ff. 359). Correspondence with :-1. W[alter] F[arquhar] Hook, Dean of Chichester, 1838-1875. f 1. 2. A[lexander] J[ames] B[eresford] Hope, later Beresford-Hope, M.P., 1842-1882. f. 227.includes:ff. 1-224 b Walter Far..., 1838-1882
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE of the Rev. H. T. Ellacombe on the subject of Church Bells; 1824-1882. The names of the writers will be found in the Index. Paper; ff. 358. Small Folio.includes:f. 3 Richard Cole, Church-bell-hanger: Letter to Rev. H. T. Ellacombe: 185..., 1824-1882
British Library |
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PALGRAVE PAPERS. Vol. IX. Letters and poems, for the most part extracted from printed books formerly in the collection of Francis Turner Palgrave and given to the British Museum. Contents:-(1) Letters (about 150), addressed mainly to F. T. Palgrave ..., 1831-1923
British Library |
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Vol. LVIII ( ff. 339 ). 30 Sept. 1854-14 Dec. 1863.Richard Bentley, publisher (I): Agreements with authors and others: 1829-1871.: Mostly signed.includes:ff. 1, 2, 63, 64, 135, 136, 237 Comte Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone Libri-Carrucci della S...
British Library |