The Faculty Senate is an organization made up of members of the faculty concerned with academic matters and matters relating to the intellectual life of the university, including policies on admission, grading and academic regulations, granting of awards, student activities and cultural affairs, and policies governing University Research, the library, and computer usage. It consists of 51 voting members, 3 from each of the acadmic councils (College of Visual and Performing arts, Business and Industry, Engineering, Humanities, Nursing, and Social Science), one professional librarian, and 29 members at large, each elected to three year terms. Its existent is mandated by the Faculty Federation Agreement with the Board of Trustees (the contract). It was organized in November of 1965. The original purpose, as stated in its first consitution was to represent the faculty in "the determination of educational and research policies" and to make recommendations on such atters as "subject matter and methods of instruction, requirements for admission for academic performance" and through recommendations, to "maintain and develop public relations." Primarily, the Senate was organized to serve as a recommendatory body to serve "not only the needs of the faculty but, also, to be of aid to the administration and governing board in matters relating to the faculty."
From the description of University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Faculty Senate records 1965-2006. 1965-2006. (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth). WorldCat record id: 223958736