Silverstein, Abe, 1908-2001

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Silverstein was Director for Space Flight Programs.

From the description of Vela Hotel Experiments for Ranger 1 and 2 Spacecraft : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jun 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095499

Silverstein was Director of Space Flight Development.

From the description of Post-Vega Program : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1959 Dec 21. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095881

From the description of NASA Policy Regarding Sterilization of Payloads Which Might Impact a Celestial Body : letter to William H. Pickering, 1959 Oct 8. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733096428

From the description of Sterilization of Payloads : memo to Director, Goddard Space Flight Center, 1959 Oct 15. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733098696

Silverstein was Director of Space Flight Programs.

From the description of Establishment and Conduct of Space Sciences Program - Selection of Scientific Experiments, 1960 Apr 5. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097503

From the description of NASA General Management Instruction 4-1-1; JPL Designated Project Manager for Ranger Series : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Feb 16. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095665

From the description of Scientists at NASA centers to maintain records of research : letter to William H. Pickering, 1960 Mar 31. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097501

From the description of Statement of Policy for Dealing with Outside Organizations in Development of Scientific Experiments on JPL Missions : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jan 25. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095614

From the description of Questions regarding launches P-32 through P-36 : letter to William H. Pickering, 1960 May 10. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097515

From the description of Data Acquisition Requirements for the Ranger Program Using the 250-Foot Antenna at Jodrell Bank : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Nov 15. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095510

From the description of Assignment of Ranger Project Manager : memo for Those Concerned, 1961 Mar 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095670

From the description of Construction Projects at JPL : memo to Western Operations Office, 1961 Feb 10. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095663

From the description of NASA Steering Group on Lunar, Planetary, and Interplanetary Exploration : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jan 26. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095611

From the description of Assignment of Surveyor Project Manager : memo For Those Concerned, 1961 Mar 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095666

From the description of Contract Technical Monitoring Assigned to JPL : letter to Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, Development Operations Division, Army Ballistic Missile Agency, 1960 Jun 6. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095625

From the description of Approval of Agena 3, 4, and 5 scientific experiments : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 May 23. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733100696

From the description of Approval of JPL contract with the RAND Corporation : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jul 12. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097547

From the description of Implementation of NASA Management Instruction 4-1-1 : memo to Director of Launch Vehicle Programs, 1961 Mar 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733099053

From the description of Official Code Names and Designations for Scheduled Flight Missions : memo, 1960 Apr 12. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097506

From the description of Operating Philosophy of Space Flight Programs Flight Mission Groups : memo to Director, Office of Launch Vehicle Programs, 1960 Nov 14. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733100308

From the description of Lunar and planetary program extending to 1965 : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1995 Mar 14. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097491

From the description of NASA acceptance with limitations of the JPL 1961 operating plan : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Sep 7. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097101

From the description of Request for Review of Ranger Program : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Oct 14. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095502

From the description of Spacecraft Decontamination and Sterilization Procedures : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jul 11. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095623

From the description of Problems in Ranger and Ranger Follow-On Programs : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Oct 31. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097639

From the description of Establishment of the Space Exploration Program Council : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jan 15. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097479

From the description of Ranger Project Development Plan Extension : letter to William H. Pickering, Director of JPL, 1961 Jun 9. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733096968

From the description of Project Development Plan for Four Ranger Flights Approved Subject to Conditions : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Aug 22. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095825

From the description of JPL Operating Plan Revision, FY 1961 : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Feb 21. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095661

From the description of Designation of JPL as Ranger Project Manager : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Feb 16. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097591

From the description of Designation System for Missions and Payloads : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 May 16. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097509

From the description of Procurement of TV Capsules for Ranger Follow-On Missions : memo to Associate Administrator, 1961 Sep 28. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097673

From the description of NASA Space Sciences Steering Committee's formal approval of scientific experiments for Agenas 3, 4 , and 5 : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 May 23. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097523

From the description of Office of Lunar and Planetary Programs to Serve as Principal Coordinating Group between JPL and NASA Headquarters : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jul 5. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095627

From the description of Assignment of Surveyor Project Manager : memo to Those Concerned, 1961 Mar 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733099051

From the description of Launch Vehicle Capabilities and Performance : memo to Dr. Goett, Goddard Space Flight Center, 1960 Nov 10. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097054

From the description of Guidelines for Four Additional Ranger Flights and Payloads : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Jun 9. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095674

From the description of Relationships with the AMR (Atlantic Missile Range) : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1961 Oct 3. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097622

From the description of Information needed for a decision regarding the forecast of a shortage of FY 1961 R&D money at JPL : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Nov 17. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097104

From the description of Implementation of NASA Management Instruction 4-1-1 : memo to Director of Launch Vehicle Programs, 1961 Mar 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733095669

From the description of Instrumentation for Rangers 1 and 2 : letter to William H. Pickering, 1960 Jan 26. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733096089

From the description of JPL FY 1961 Operating Plan : memo to NASA Western Operations Office, 1961 Jan 9. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097109

From the description of Assignment of Ranger Project Manager : memo to Those Concerned, 1961 Mar 29. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733099048

Silverstein was Director of Lewis Research Center.

From the description of Atlas-Agena Reliability : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1964 Jan 24. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733098451

Silverstein was Director of Space Flight Development.

Ritland was a Major General in the United States Air Force and Commander of the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division.

From the description of NASA / AFBMD (Air Force Ballistic Missile Division) Management Agreement, 1960 Jan. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097484

Abe Silverstein, 1908-2001, a giant in the field of aerospace engineering and development, was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. He received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, in 1929, and a Mechanical Engineering professional degree, in 1934, at Rose Polytechnic Institute.

Silverstein began his professional career with the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), in 1929, at the Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia. There, he helped design and, later, was placed in charge of the full-scale wind tunnel. In this facility he directed important research that led to increased high-speed performance for most of the United States combat aircraft of World War II.

In 1943, he was transferred to the NACA Aircraft and Engine Research Laboratory (later named, NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory) at Cleveland, Ohio. As chief of the Wind Tunnel and Flight Division, Silverstein directed research in propulsion aerodynamics in the Altitude Wind Tunnel. These investigations led to significant improvements in both reciprocating and early turbojet aircraft engines. He also pioneered research on large-scale ramjet engines.

Following World War II, Silverstein was responsible for the concept, design and construction of the nation's first supersonic propulsion wind tunnels. The investigations in these facilities greatly contributed to the development of present-day supersonic aircraft. In 1949, he was placed in charge of all research at Lewis and in 1952 was appointed Associate Director of the laboratory.

Silverstein was called to NACA Headquarters in Washington, D. C. in 1958 to plan the organization and programs for a new space agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), to be built around NACA as its core. Subsequently, he was appointed Director of NASA's Office of Space Flight Programs that included the development of both manned and unmanned spacecraft. He initiated the Tiros weather satellites and communication satellites. He directed the task forces that carried out the Mercury manned flights. This activity laid the groundwork for the Gemini and Apollo programs and the latter's success in landing men on the moon.

Dr. Silverstein returned to Cleveland in 1961 as Director of the NASA Lewis Research Center, responsible for the development of advanced space power and propulsion systems. Under the latter program, he was the guiding force behind the creation of the Centaur launch vehicle. From its first successful launch in 1963 to the end of the century, Centaur was the workhorse of the American space program, propelling spacecraft to the moon and to the outer planets and both scientific and commercial satellites into earth orbit.

Dr. Silverstein retired in 1969 with 40 years of government service. He went on to work for Republic Steel Corporation, in Cleveland, Ohio, from 1970-1977, where he helped develop pollution controls.

Abe Silverstein received numerous awards and honors throughout his career. He was American representative to the Joint Meeting of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences and the Royal Aeronautical Society in London in 1947; he delivered the annual Wright Brothers Lecture before the Institute of Aerospace Sciences in 1948; he delivered the 49th Wilbur Wright Memorial Lecture in London in 1961; and he delivered the Biennial Theodore von Karman Memorial Lecture at the Tenth Annual Israel Conference on Aviation and Astronautics in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1968. He was awarded an honorary engineering degree by Case Institute of Technology in 1958; an honorary Doctor of Science Degree by Rose Polytechnic Institute in 1959; an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by Yeshiva University in 1960; an Honorary Doctor of Applied Science Degree by John Carroll University in 1967; and an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree by Baldwin Wallace College in 1970. He was presented the Air Force Exceptional Civilian Award in 1960; the NASA Medal for Outstanding Leadership in 1961; the National Civil Service's Career Service Award in 1962; the Sylvanus Albert Reed Award of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) in 1964; the Louis W. Hill Space Transportation Award of the AIAA in 1967; the Boy Scout Silver Beaver Award, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal and the Rockefeller Public Service Award in 1968; and the Spirit of St. Louis Medal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1974. Lastly, in 1997, he was awarded the prestigious Guggenheim Medal for significant contributions to the advancement of flight and joined the distinguished company of previous winners, such as Orville Wright, William Boeing and Charles Lindberg.

In addition to his professional career, Dr. Silverstein was active in community and civic affairs. He was instrumental in the founding of Beth Israel-The West Temple of Cleveland in 1954. His concern for human rights led to his involvement in the Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism, serving as President, 1965-1969. Silverstein's interest in guiding youth to constructive endeavors led to his active participation with Boy Scouts of America in city, district, and local levels. He served as a Trustee of Cleveland State University, Case Western Reserve University, and the Cleveland Natural History Museum; a member of the Baldwin-Wallace College Council of Cleveland Business and Industrial Leaders, the Carnegie-Mellon University Mechanical Engineering Visiting Committee, the Advisory Board of Deaconess Hospital, and the Cleveland Federal Executive Board.

Silverstein married Marion Crotser in 1950. They had three children: Joseph, Judith and David. Marion died in 1998.

click here to view the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History entry for the Cleveland Council on Soviet Anti-Semitism

click here to view the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History entry for Beth Israel-West Temple

click here to view the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History for the Cleveland Jetport

From the guide to the Abe Silverstein Papers, 1929-2000, (Western Reserve Historical Society)

Silverstein was Director of Space Flight Programs.

From the description of Contract Monitoring Responsibility : letter to William H. Pickering, JPL Director, 1960 Jan 25. (Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives). WorldCat record id: 733097481

Archival Resources


Birth 1908-09-15

Death 2001-06-01





Ark ID: w6xt6jf6

SNAC ID: 83559933