Starkey, George

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Epithet: alias Eirenæus Philalethes

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000245.0x000211

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn George Starkey, alias Eirenæus Philalethes: Tractatus alchymici: 17th cent. British Library
referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 1-7 b Medicine: Annotationes in Institutiones Medicinæ: 17th cent.ff. 8-114 Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-1... British Library
referencedIn George Starkey, alias Eirenæus Philalethes: Marrow of alchemy, by Eirenæus Philoponos Philalethes: 1654.Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of. British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-7 b George Starkey, alias Eirenæus Philalethes: Codex veritatis: 1653-1656.ff. 69-72 Everard Maynwaring:... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-8 Leone Allacci, Keeper of the Vatican Library: Instructions to, respecting the removal of the Palatine library at Heidelberg to the Vatican: 1622.: Ital.ff. 1-8 Heidelberg, Germany: Instructions to Dr. L. Allaccio conc. the remova... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-16 George Starkey, alias Eirenæus Philalethes: Tractatus alchymici: 17th cent.f. 16 b Poetry ENGLISH: Ve... British Library
referencedIn Writers of Manuscripts: Bellingham (Samuel), M.D.Samuel Bellingham, MD: Wrote MSS.includes:ff. 2, 3 b, 11 b, 13, 23, 24 Philalethes Anonymus: Epistolæ J. F. Hertodt a Todtenfeldt ad Ephemeridum collectores contra, cum responsionibus: 17th cent.ff. ... British Library
referencedIn includes:f. 1 Quintus Septimius: Dictys of Crete's "Wars of' Troy"; interpreted by: 17th cent.: Fragm.f. 1 Dictys Cretensis: Argument of his "Warres of Troy": 17th cent.: Imperf.ff. 3-68 John Lydgate: Practise "de lapide Philosophorum,": 16th, ... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 2-13 b George Starkey, alias Eirenæus Philalethes: Exposition of Sir G. Ripley's epistle to Edward IV.: 17th cent.ff. 2-13 b George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington: Exposition of his epistle to Edward IV. by G. S.: 17th cent.f. 14 Geo... British Library
referencedIn Receipts: Miscellaneous receipts: 17th cent.Medicine. Charms and Receipts: Orationes et receptæ medicæ.: 10th-18th centt.: Lat., Fr., Dutch, Engl., Germ., Ital., and Span.includes:f. 30 William Butler, MD, of Cambridge: Receipts for debility: 17th ... British Library
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Heidelberg, Germany
Leek, Staffordshire




Ark ID: w6n97745

SNAC ID: 21591618