The Dept. of Environmental Quality was created by an act of the General Assembly (effective April 1, 1993) by consolidating the programs, functions, staff, facilities, assets, and obligations of the State Water Control Board, the Dept. of Air Pollution Control (State Air Pollution Control Board), the Dept. of Waste Management (Virginia Waste Management Board), and the Council on the Environment. The director of the department is appointed by the Governor.
It is the policy of the Dept. of Environmental Quality to protect the environment of Virginia in order to promote the health and well-being of the Commonwealth's citizens by assisting in the effective implementation of state policies aimed at conserving the Commonwealth's natural resources and protecting its atmosphere, land and waters from pollution; coordinating permit review and issuance of procedures to protect all aspects of the environment; establishing and implementing a pollution prevention program to reduce the impact of pollutants; establishing procedures for and undertaking long-range environmental program planning and policy analysis; conducting comprehensive evaluations of the Commonwealth's environmental protection programs; providing for public education programs; developing uniform administrative systems to ensure coherent environmental policies; coordinating with federal agencies on environmental issues, such as environmental impact statements; promoting environmental quality through public hearings, permitting, inspection, monitoring and enforcement to enhance, preserve and protect Virginia's natural, scenic and historic environment; and advising the Governor and the General Assembly on matters relating to environmental quality.
From the guide to the Environmental Impact Statements of the Dept. of Environmental Quality, 1976-2004, (The Library of Virginia)