Virginia agricultural experiment station

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A study of rural standards of living was conducted in Grayson County, Virginia by the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Bureau of Home Economics and the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station in June, 1931. As part of a larger cooperative study of social and economic conditions in the southern Appalachian highlands, the resulting report was to "form the basis for the development of effective and much needed home extension work as well as furnish valuable information of use to the departments of education, public health, the state traveling library, and other agencies in the state and county" (from the Annual Report of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute Agricultural Experiment Station, 1931). The survey employed several temporary workers to collect data from approximately 330 Grayson County homes. Compilers collected data on such items as sources of income, food produced, wild foods gathered, clothing and food purchases, family size, education, occupations and locations of adult children not at home, indebtedness, types of home, and amounts spent on health and personal items. Included among this data is a set of questions relating to individuals within the family, including birthplaces, names of parents, relationships, etc.

Data from the survey was eventually used in a report by Faith M. Williams titled "Variations in Farm-Family Living," which appeared in United States Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication No. 205, Economic and Social Problems and Conditions of the Southern Appalachian Highlands . Information gleaned from the study also seems to have been used in a number of other reports by federal agencies.

A related cooperative study of Grayson County farm organization and management was conducted in 1930/1931 by the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station and the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics. The findings of that study were published in Bulletin 304 of the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station.

From the guide to the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Farm Family Study (Grayson County, Virginia), 1931, (Special Collections, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.)

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Active 1924

Active 1939





Ark ID: w62c54cq

SNAC ID: 20501908