Bridget of Sweden, 1303-1373, mystic and saint of the Catholic Church

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Epithet: mystic and saint of the Catholic Church

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000387.0x000126

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Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn BREVIARY of the Brigittine nuns at Genoa. Contents: 1. Calendar: the Translation, Deposition, and Canonization of St. Bridget ("sancte Brigide matris nostre," May 28, July 23, Oct. 7) in red. f. 1. 2. "Ordo cantus et lecture sororum ordinis sancti Sa..., 1470 British Library
referencedIn PRAYERS and Meditations, in Latin and English, partly in verse. Much of the English part occurs also in the Vernon MS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. 1. Form of confession in Engl. prose, with explanation of the commandments, sins, senses and wor... British Library
referencedIn "CIERTI CAPITOGLI tratti del libro della beta Brigida, sposa di Christo, prencipesa de regno di Suetia, ne quagli si conte[n]gono alcune profetie ouero riuelaçioni," etc. Italian translation of selections from the seven books of Revelations of St. Br..., approximately 1400 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS tracts, in Latin, viz. :-1." Memoria venerabilis magistri Theodorici Engelhusz," a monk of Wittenburg, near Hildesheim, ob. 1434. f. 3. 2. "Isti pape instituerunt successive divinum officium." f. 3. 3. Reistrum in librum sanctissime do..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION of religious tracts, offices, prayers, etc., connected with the Priory of Ely; in Latin (except art. 36). 1. Metrical epitaph on Alan of Walsingham, Prior of Ely (ob. 1364?), beg. "Hos operatorum, dum vixit, corpore sanus " (see Wharton,..., 13th century-15th century British Library
creatorOf Astrological compilation and political prophecies, 1490 British Library
referencedIn Saint Bridget,; of Sweden: "Extracta de libris Revelationum Dei Beate Birgitte": 15th cent.includes:ff. 54-60 b Saint Matilda,; Abbess: Liber spiritualis gratiæ: 15th cent.: Extract.f. 61 Saint John,; Apostle and Evangelist: De duodecim privilegi... British Library
referencedIn HOURS of the Virgin, preceded by a calendar and followed by commemorations of St. Bridget and other saints (f. 67), " ordo ad visitandum infirmum " (f. 117), "officium ad deferendum corpus exanime ad ecelesiam," with an antiphon (f. 132 b), penitenti..., 15th century British Library
referencedIn 1. LIVES and passions of Saints, viz. : SS. Anne, Joseph the Just, Simeon, John the Baptist, John the Evangelist, James the Apostle, James the Less, Simon and Jude, and Servatius; with the Epistles of SS. John, James, and Jude, sermons on the Present..., 15th century-16th century British Library
referencedIn Receipts: Miscellaneous receipts: 14th cent.: Dutch, Fr., and Lat.Owners of Manuscripts: Maycotte (Robert).includes:ff. 1-6 Psalter: Orationes omnium psalmorum in psalterio: 15th cent.ff. 2-6 Liturgies LATIN: Orationes omnium psalmorum in psalter... British Library
referencedIn Presented by John Wickham Legg, Esq., F.R.C.P.40146. BREVIARY of Scandinavian use, with other liturgical matter, executed in the province of Upsala, possibly in the diocese of Strengnäs, since both feasts of St. Eskill occur in the calendar; these, h... British Library
creatorOf SYON ABBEY: rules, etc., of the Bridgettine Abbey of Syon, co. Midd.; late 15th-early 16th cent. Latin. Origin: England. For other manuscripts of rules of this house, in English, see: Arundel MS. 146;-St Paul's Cathedral MS. no. 5, N. R. Ker, Medi... British Library
referencedIn Prayers: Manual of devotion: 17th cent.includes:ff. 28--36 Saint Bridget,; of Sweden: The fifteen prayers of: 17th cent.f. 38 b Charles II of England: Prayer for: 17th cent. British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Nuremberg, Bavaria
Upsala, Sweden
San Quirico d'Orcia, Siena
Erfurt, Saxony
Isleworth, Middlesex
Genoa, Italy
Jerusalem, Israel


Birth 1303

Death 1373

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Ark ID: w6g83bkt

SNAC ID: 19869153