Day, Melvin S.

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Born in Lewiston, Maine on 22 January 1923. Education: B.S., Chemistry, Bates College (1943). Employment: 1943-1944 Metal Hydrides Inc ; 1944-1946 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ; 1946-1948, 1950-1960 Atomic Energy Commission ; 1960-1970 National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; 1970-1972 National Science Foundation ; 1972-1978 National Library of Medicine ; 1978-1982 National Technical Information Service ; 1982-1984 Thyssen-Bornemisza Corp., Netherlands ; 1984-1986 International Thompson ; 1986-1988 Herner and Company ; 1988-1997 M. Day Consulting ; 1991-1994 BIIS Corporation ; 1994-1996 GlobeNet Corporation

From the description of Oral history interview with Melvin S. Day 1997 July 15 (Chemical Heritage Foundation). WorldCat record id: 76937862

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Ark ID: w67q12nz

SNAC ID: 19625850