In 1969 the Ford Foundation approved a five-year grant to Syracuse University for the continued availability, distribution, and servicing of materials developed by the American Foundation for Continuing Education and the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, both former grantees of the Ford Foundation's Fund for Adult Education. Prior to that, in 1950, University College (UC) of Syracuse University (SU) had published a series of "blue books" in the field; the University's Library of Continuing Education (LCE) developed and published a number of works in the 1960s; and ERIC initiated documents, which the University had published alone or in cooperation with other institutions. All began to be collected under the general rubric of SUPCE, along with significant works by prominent adult educators and material published by other adult education organizations such as the Fund for Adult Education. Doris Chertow served as the editor for the publications under SU's Vice President for Continuing Education, Alexander N. Charters.
Although SUPCE's federal funding ended in 1975, it continued to release updates to original SUPCE publications as well as publishing the occasional new monograph under its own name and, later, under the auspices of the Academic Institute for Educators of Adults (AIEA) within the School of Education at Syracuse University, until 2008.
From the guide to the Syracuse University Publications in Continuing Education (SUPCE)Records, 1951-2008, 1955-1975, (Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries)