The Communications Workers of America, Local 4372 is located in Portsmouth, Ohio. At the time the records begin in 1943, the employees of the Portsmouth Home Telephone Company were originally members of the United Electrical and Radio Workers of America, Local 802, affiliated with the CIO. In 1946, however, the members disaffiliated with the CIO and became known as Local 504, Ohio Federation of Telephone Workers. In 1948, the NFTA joined ranks with the Communications Workers of America, although the OFTW did not vot to become amalgamated with CWA until 1949, at which time Local 504 of OFTW became known as CWA Local 4372. Because the national CWA had joined with CIO, Local 4372, as member of CWA, was again affiliated with CIO.
From the guide to the Communications Workers of America, Local 4372 records, 1943-1973, (Ohio University)