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(XIII. ft. 449). 1821-1859.includes:ff. 1, 57, 139, 141 George John West, 5th Earl Delawarr: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1819-1827. ff. 3, 69 Major-General Sir Reginald Pole-Carew, KCB: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1788-1824. ff. 5, 64..., 1821-1859
British Library |
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BEAUVALE PAPERS. Vols. LXII-LXIV. Dispatches to Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, Foreign Secretary; 1839-1840. Drafts and copies.Three volumes., 1839-1840
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXII (ff. 361). 5-21 Feb. 1842.includes:f. I Charles Barry Baldwin, MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1841-1846.f. 5 Montague Gore, MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1842, 1845.f. 8 Sir Robert Harry Inglis, 2nd Baronet; MP: Corres...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXVIII (ff. ii+137). 20 May-13 Oct. 1813.includes:ff. 15, 15v, 103, 103v Edward Augustus Kent, Duke of; son of George III: Letters from J. C. Herries to Duke of Kent: 1811-1816: Copies.ff. 22v-90 passim Sir George Harrison, T...
British Library |
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Vol. CCVIII (ff. 349). April 1846-Feb. 1848.includes:f. 1 Alexander Baring, 1st Baron Ashburton: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1829-1846.f. 2 Montagu John Wynyard, Rector of West Rounton, county Yorkshire: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: ...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVIII (ff. 434). 13 Aug.-7 Nov. 1823.includes:f. 1 John Rosson, barrister: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1823. ff. 3-432 passim Henry Hobhouse, Under-Secretary of State: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1818-1848. ff. 12, 16, 102, 111, 125 Richar...
British Library |
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Papers of John Cam Hobhouse, Baron Broughton, as President of the Board of Control 1835-41 and 1846-52, 1827-1852
British Library |
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Vol. CCCVIII (ff. 376). Jan.-June 1860.includes:ff. 1, 254 Thomas Milner-Gibson, MP: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1859-1872.ff. 3, 7 William Francis Cowper, Baron Mount-Temple; afterwards Cowper-Temple: Correspondence with W. E. Gladston...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXI (ff. 395). 15 Jan.-14 Mar. 1818.includes:ff. 1, 346, 387 Leopold I of Belgium: Letters, etc., rel. to his income, arms etc.: 1818. f. 3 Andrew Dickie, of Messrs Coutts and Co., bankers, of London: Letter to G. Harrison: 1818. f. 4 Willi...
British Library |
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Vol. CCXVII (ff. 423). 21 May-Dec. 1828.
British Library |
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BEAUVALE PAPERS. Vols. LXX-LXXV. Private letters to Lord Palmerston; 1832-1841. Copies. Six volumes., 1832-1841
British Library |
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CHURCH PAPRES. Vol. I. (ff. 152). Letter-books and papers relating to the Ionian Islands, and to the campaigns made by Church witli the Austrian army, 1809 -1815. lncluded (f. 142) is the report on the Islands which he made for the Congress of Vienna..., 1809-1815
British Library |
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Vol. XLVII (ff. 378). July, 1846-1847.Charles Alison, Secretary of Embassy at Constantinople; Minister in Persia: Letters to Sir A. H. Layard: circ 1843-1870.Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, 1st Baronet: Correspondence with Sir A. H. Layard: 1845-1891....
British Library |
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Vol. CXCIII (ff. 372). 1-26 Feb. 1825.includes:f. 1 Sir Thomas Sherlock Gooch, 5th Baronet: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1823-1845.f. 3 Hon Hugh Lindsay, MP; Marshal of the Admiralty Court: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1824-1843.f. 5 Ja...
British Library |
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PALMERSTON PAPERS. Vol. IV. Two quill pens of Lord Palmerston (59854 B, C) and a sheet of paper in which he used to keep them (59854 A); mid 19th cent. 3 items.
British Library |
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Vol. CVI (ff. 330). 16 June-July, 1823.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:f. 1 Sir Joseph Planta, the younger; GCH: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1818-1826. f. 7 George ...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXVI (ff. 362). 26 May-11 June 1817..includes:f. 2 Hon Richard Hare, Viscount Ennismore 1822: Correspondenee with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1818.f. 4 James Hargreaves, Vicar of Shenstone, county Staffordshire: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812...
British Library |
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Vol. X (ff. 219). 1815-1873.includes:f. 1 Ralph Churton, biographer: Samuel Bentley, printer: Letter to Samuel Bentley from Ralph Churton: 1815.f. 6 James Northcote, RA: Richard Bentley, publisher (I): Letter to Richard Bentley from James Northco..., 1815-1873
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXI (ff. 352). 1821-1823.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:ff. 1-7 b London, England: Papers rel. to erection of new Post Office: 1814-1821. ff. 1-7b Post Office: Papers rel. to..., 1821-1823
British Library |
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Vol. LXXV (ff. 307). 16 May -10 June 1816.includes:f. 1 Pitt Club: Notices of meetings: 1813-1817.: Printed.f. 3 (signed) Arthur Chichester Macartney, Assistant Barrister for county Louth: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1816, 1824.f. 5 County of Cork:...
British Library |
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Vol. LV (ff. 409). Mar.-Apr. 1814.includes:f. 1 Charles Abbot, 1st Baron Colchester: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1823.f. 3 William Bell, of the Irish Ordnance Office: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1814.ff. 5, 6b Richard Francis Blennerhasse...
British Library |
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Vol. XIX (ff. 594). N-Y.Paper. Folio.includes:f. 3 David Noott, of Barnstaple: Letter to Lord Goderich: 1832.ff. 5, 7 Henry Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich: Correspondence with Lord Goderich: 1832.ff. 8, 10, 24 James Norris, of London: Corresponden...
British Library |
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CHURCH PAPERS. Vol. XXV. (ff. 439). Miscellaneous accompts, etc., including:-1. Dockets of army-orders by Sir R. Church; Oct. 1827-May, 1828. Greek. f. 4. 2. Accomots of Sir R. Church with the Greek government; 1827-1829. f. 81. 3. Correspondence, 1..., 1827-1874
British Library |
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Vol. LXVIII (ff. 224). 1831-1832.includes:ff. 1-211 passim Francisco Zea-Bermúdez, Spanish statesman: Correspondence with Prince Lieven: 1824-1832.: Fr.ff. 2, 26,30,33,38 William II of the Netherlands: Correspondence, etc., partly on his behalf, ..., 1831-1832
British Library |
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Vol. XCIX (ff. 311). July-3 Aug. 1818.includes:ff. 1, 28 John Leslie Foster, Justice of C P, Ireland: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1841.f. 3 Nicholas Vansittart, Baron Bexley: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1841.f. 3 Sir Robert...
British Library |
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E. ACCOUNTS., 1806-1842
British Library |
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Vol. IX (ff, 340). Hanover, 2 Jan. 1845-31 Dec. 1847.Ernest Augustus; King of Hanover; Duke of Cumberland, son of George III of Hanover: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Envoy to: 1838-1851.includes:ff. 1-214 b George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of ...
British Library |
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Vol. II. (ff. 350). 1803-March 1810.includes:ff. 1, 19, 21, 23, 75, 349 John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden: Correspondence with Lord Wellesley: 1796-1833. ff. 3, 11, 202 Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth; Prime Minister: Correspondence wit...
British Library |
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Vol.VI.(ff.512). 1825-Feb.1826.includes:ff.1,7,13,67,95,97,104,139,149,159 Sir Francis Burdett, Baronet: Correspondence with J. C. Hobhouse: 1818-1839. f. 3 William Frederick Chambers, MD: Letter to J. C. Hobhouse: 1825. f. 5 Beef Steaks, Sublime S..., 1825-1826
British Library |
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LETTER BOOKS, ETC., OF HENRY JOHN TEMPLE, 3RD VISCOUNT PALMERSTON, as Foreign Secretary; 1833-1846. Supplementing Add. MSS. 48417-48589. Seven volumes. Folio., 1833-1846
British Library |
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B. CORRESPONDENCE WITH LORD HOWARD DE WALDEN.PALMERSTON PAPERS. Vols. XXIII-XXVII. Letters from Charles Augustus Ellis, 6th Baron Howard de Walden, as Minister at Lisbon, with autograph drafts of Palmerston's replies, the originals of which are now i..., 1835-1840
British Library |
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Vol. XVI. (ff. 510). 1840-1848.includes:ff. 1, 314, 316, 320, 327 Thomas Nelson Waterfield, of the India Board: Letters to Sir J. C. Hobhouse: 1839-1855. ff. 1-198 India: Correspondence and papers of Sir J. C. Hobhouse, as President of the Board of ..., 1840-1848
British Library |
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Vol. cxxvi (ff. 199). 16 July-Nov. 1831.includes:ff. 3-7v, ff. 10-15v, 64, 94 Captain J.D. Markland, RN: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Letters, etc., to Sir James Robert George Graham from Capt. J.D. Markland...
British Library |
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Vol. I. Charles II. to Sir John Rous, 27 Apr. 1660 (copy), f. 3; William Pitt, 1788, f. 5; C[harles] Whitworth afterwards Earl Whitworth], 1777, f. 8; Sir John Wodehouse [afterwards Lord Wodehouse], 1783, f. 11; Joseph Windham, n. d., f. 14; Samuel C..., 1729-1830
British Library |
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Vol. XXVII (ff. 177). 1801-1823.includes:f. 1 Mary Caroline Duff, wife of James, 4th Earl Fife: Letter to Sir C. J. Napier: 1801.f. 3 Major Alexander Dun Cameron, 95th Foot: Letter to Sir C. J. Napier: 1804.f. 5 Captain William Willermin, Royal..., 1801-1823
British Library |
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Vol. XIII. (ff. 659). June, 1847-Dec. 1851.
British Library |
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Vol. XV ff. 629). 18 May : 1847 -Mar. 1848.includes:f. 23 Charles Brotherton: Extract from minutes of Marylebone United Reform and Registration Association by: 1847.ff. 24-63 passim, 219, 353, 417, 532, 565 Admiral of the Fleet Sir Charles Ogle,...
British Library |
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Vol. 111 (ff. 215). St. Petersburg, 7 Apr.-28 Sept. 1833.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.Nicholas I of Russia: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Minister Pl...
British Library |
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Vol. XVII, ff. 222, 6 July 1832-10 May 1833.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.includes:ff. 3, 5, 13, 25, 39, 41, 50, 94 Sir Robert Adair, GCB: Correspondenc...
British Library |
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Vol. IV. (ff. 262),1815-1840.Island of Mauritius: Papers relating to: 1815.includes:f. 1 George Stepney, diplomatist: Letters to, 1691-1706. 37407. Sterling (Edward), journalist. Notes on the state of Europe: 1815.ff. 1, 43, 49 George Stepney, di..., 1815-1840
British Library |
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Vol. CXI (ff. 299). Mar.-13 Nov. 1825.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:f. 1 James Graham, Marquis of Graham; 3rd Duke of Montrose (1790): Letters to Lord Melville: 1825. f. 2 Sir Archib...
British Library |
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Vol.CCCLXXXIV (ff.510). 1-19 Apr. 1845.includes:f. 1 Wilson Jones, formerly MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1841, 1845.f. 3 M-Thompson, daughter of C Thompson, Perpetual Curate of Fazeley: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1845.ff. 5, 6 John Campbel...
British Library |
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AUCKLAND PAPERSCorrespondence and papers of William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland ( b. 1744, d. 1814 ), statesman and diplomatist, together with papers of other members of his family, among them being a few letters, 1830-1848, addressed to his son, George..., 1688-1879
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXIII (ff. 314). Feb.-19 Mar. 1817.includes:f. 4 Sir Marcus Somerville, 4th Baronet: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1815, 1817.f. 5 Laurence Cope: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1816-1817.ff. 7, 149, 150, 282 Colonel Augustine FitzGerald, 1st...
British Library |
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Vol. CCVI (ff. 318). 10 Mar.-19 May 1826.includes:f.1 John Wright, d 1844 bookseller and author: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1825-1842.ff. 3, 17, 198 James William Freshfield, of Freshfield and Kaye, solicitors; MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: ...
British Library |
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Vol. LIV (ff. 294). 6-28 Feb.1814.includes:f. 1 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1846.f. 3 John Abbott, of Nenagh, county Tipperary: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1814, 1816.ff. 5, 6 b, 5...
British Library |
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Vol. XXI (ff. 333). 6-31 Jan. 1828.Greece: Letters and papers rel. to Greek independence: 1827, 1828.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Huskisson: 1820-1830.Turkey, Sultans of. Mahmud II: Letters and papers rel. to Greek independen...
British Library |
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C. FOREIGN OFFICE LETTER-BOOKS.PALMERSTON PAPERS. Vol. XXVIII-CLXI. Letter-books containing copies, abstracts, and drafts, partly autograph, of Palmerston's correspondence as Foreign Secretary; 1830-1850. Partly also printed. In the first and second ..., 1830-1850
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXX, 1826-1846.Hon Sir Robert Gordon, GCB; diplomatist: General correspondence: 1809-1846.includes:f. 1 Friedrich von Gentz, German statesman: Letter to Sir R. Gordon: 1826.: Fr. f. 9 Prince Alois Joseph Johann Nepomuk von Liechtenstein,; Aus..., 1826-1846
British Library |
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Papers of Sir John McNeill, Bombay Medical Service 1816-36, Envoy to Persia 1836-42, 1824-1857
British Library |
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Vol. CCXI (ff. 323). Jan.-14 Feb. 1827.includes:ff. 1-322 passim Herbert Taylor, Lieutenant -General 1825; GCB 1834; Secretary to George III and William IV: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1835.ff. 3, 10, 28, 34 Sir Henry Halford, 1st Baron...
British Library |
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AUTOGRAPH letters and signatures of Royal and illustrious persons, chiefly of England and France, of the l9th century. Amongst them is the signature of H.M. Queen Victoria when Princess, dated in the year 1823. The collection is stated to have been f..., 19th century
British Library |
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Vol.XXIV (ff.409). 26 Mar. 1832-24 Aug. 1847.includes:ff. 1, 3, 41, 55 Herbert Taylor, Lieutenant -General 1825; GCB 1834; Secretary to George III and William IV: Letters to Sir T. B. Martin: 1823-1832.ff. 4-9 b England; Parliament: Note by Sir T...
British Library |
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Vol II (ff. 250). St. Petersburg, 25 Sept. 1832-30 Mar. 1833.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.Nicholas I of Russia: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Ministe...
British Library |
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Vol. XIV. (ff. 417). April-Dec. 1838.India: Correspondence and papers of Sir J. C. Hobhouse, as President of the Board of Control: 1834-1841, 1846-1852.includes:ff. 1, 50 P-H-Abbott: Letters to R. Vernon Smith: 1838, 1839. f. 3 Thomas Waghorn: Pla..., 1838
British Library |
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Vol. VI (ff. 131). 1813-1821. Copiesincludes:ff. 1-3, 26 Robert Southey, poet: Correspondence with J. W. Croker,: 1813-1820: Copies.ff. 6, 18, 25 Sir Walter Scott, Baronet; author: Correspondence, with J. W. Croker,: 1815: Copies.f. 10 Thomas B..., 1813-1821
British Library |
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Vol. XXIV (ff. 198). 1860-1861.includes:ff. 5-134 passim John Russell, 1st Earl Russell; Prime Minister: Correspondence with R. Cobden: 1852-1861.ff. 8, 47 Charles Gilpin, MP: Correspondence with R. Cobden: 1851-1860.ff. 10, 180 George William..., 1860-1861
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 493). K-R.includes:f. 1 Conte Camillo Benso di Cavour, Sardinian statesman: Letter to N. W. Senior: 1842.: Fr.f. 1 John Kintzing Kane, American jurist: Letter to Sir R. I. Murchison: 1857.f. 3 Sir Robert John Kane, FRS 1849: Lette...
British Library |
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G. F. YOUNG PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 178). Family correspondence of G. F. Young, comprising mostly his letters to his wife, Mary née Abbott, giving accounts of journeys to Scotland, Ireland and on the Continent, and including two passports ( ff. 117, 166..., 1812-1849
British Library |
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ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. XXXI (ff. 304). Correspondence with Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; 10 Jan. 1853-13 Feb. 1855-Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1830-1855.includes:f. 21 ...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCVIII (ff. 420). Jan. 1831-April 1835.includes:ff. 1, 4, 6 William I of Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands: Correspondence of the British Ambassador, etc., to: 1828-1831.ff. 1-6 Sir Charles Bagot, Governor-general of Canada: Correspon...
British Library |
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Vol. XI (ff. 343). Jan. 1839-Sept.1846.includes:ff. 16, 18 Sir Edward Thomas Troubridge, 2nd Baronet; Lord of the Admiralty: Admiralty orders signed by: 1839. ff. 16-316 passim Sir John Barrow, 1st Baronet; Second Secretary to the Admiralty: Letters,...
British Library |
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Vol. DLI (ff. 131). 1853-1866.includes:f. 1 Revenue: Memorandum on Parliamentary control: 1852.ff. 6, 39 George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll: Memoranda, etc., by: 1853-1881.f. 36 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Ministe..., 1853-1866
British Library |
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Vol. VIII, 1840-1848;Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with his wife, Emily, partly as Lady Cowper: 1832-1864., 1840-1848
British Library |
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Vol. VI. (ff. 332). April 1841-Sept. 1842, and undated.includes:f. 1 George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon: Letter to Lord Wellesley: 1841. f. 3 Catharine Elizabeth Wellesley-Pole, wife of William, 1st Baron Maryborough, and 3rd E...
British Library |
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LIVERPOOL PAPERS. Vol. CCCIII (ff. 187). Letters, chiefly addressed to the 1st and 2nd Earls (with a few drafts of replies), of the following statesmen (cf. 38191-38196), viz.: (a) John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute; 1788. f. 1; (b) Robert Stewart, Viscou..., 1788-1826
British Library |
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Vol. cxvi (ff. 209). 25 April 1833-1861.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Correspondence of Sir James Robert George Graham and Henry John Temple: 1830-186...
British Library |
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Vol. XIII. (ff. 655). July, 1842-June, 1843.Henry Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux (1830): Letters to M. Napier: 1827-1843.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:f. 1 Hon Theresa Villiers, wife of Hon. Ge...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXV (ff. 404). Mar. -Apr. 1823.includes:ff. 1, 2 Henry John Clements, Irish Treasury Commissioner: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1826.f. 4 Hugh Doherty, formerly 23rd Light Dragoons: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1823.ff. ...
British Library |
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SULIVAN PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 163). 1. ff. 1-34. Letters from Palmerston to Sulivan; 1853-1863. 2. ff. 35-86. Miscellaneous political papers of Sulivan; n.d. [1794-1797] -1851. 3. ff. 87-143. Letters and papers concerning the murder of Sulivan’s son ..., 1794-1863
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LIII (ff. 189). 1818-1826.includes:ff. 3-6v Hanover. Army of: George III of England Hanover, Electors of. George William Frederick: Letters and papers of J. C. Herries concerning the financial and military affairs of Hanover: 1..., 1818-1826
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVI (ff. 422). May -June 1823.includes:f. 2 Sir William Arbuthnot, 1st Baronet: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1823. ff. 5, 6 Rebecca Heffernan, wife of Sergt W Heffernan: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1823-1824. ff. 8, 159, 387 Frederick John Ro...
British Library |
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Vol. Lll (ff. 333). 10 Nov.-Dec. 1813.includes:ff. 1, 2 b Richard Davies, Vicar of St. Nicholas, Leicester: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813.ff. 3, 4 b, 36 Sir Richard Hardinge, 1st Baronet: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1815.f. 5 ...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXVI (ff. 304). 11 June-22 July 1816.includes:ff. 1, 3, 125 Sir Nicholas Conway Colthurst, 4th Baronet; MP for Cork: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1824.ff. 4, 25, 41 Michael Evelyn, Coroner of Waterford: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1816...
British Library |
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Peel, Robert, 1788-1850. General Correspondence, Vol. CXCIV. 27 Feb.-19 Mar. 1825.
British Library |
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LIEVEN PAPERS. Vol. CXLVI (ff. 127). (1) Letters from Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, Prime Minister, including (f. 72) one letter, 5 Nov. [?1832], from Princess Lieven to Lord Palmerston; 1827-1834. French. ff.1-81 b. (2) Correspondence ..., 1827-1855
British Library |
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Vol. XX (ff. i+238). 22 Apr. 1827-1 Sept. 1840, n.d.includes:ff. 6 b-12 b John Charles Spencer, Viscount Althorp; 3rd Earl Spencer: Correspondence with Adm. Sir C. Napier: 1827-1830.: Copies.ff. 14 b-203 passim (copies) Sir James Robert George Gr...
British Library |
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PANIZZI PAPERS. Letters, collected as autographs, mostly addressed to Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., Principal Librarian of the British Museum; 1828-1878, n.d. English, French and Italian. Other general correspondence of Panizzi is Add. MSS. 36714-3672..., 1828-1878
British Library |
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Vol. LXIV (ff. 340). Mar. -15 Apr. 1815.includes:f. 1 John Porter, Bishop of Clogher: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1815.f. 3 Charles Hall, clerk, Irish Military département: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1815.ff. 4, 52 John Beresford Lovett,...
British Library |
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CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. I. English historical autographs, etc., circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Henry VII, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, William III, Anne, and George II; Sir Philip Sidney, Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of Strafford, Thomas, 3rd Bar..., approximately 16th century-20th century
British Library |
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Vol. XVIII, ff. 222, 14 May 1833-26 Aug. 1857.includes:ff. 1-216 b Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.f. 12 Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 2nd Earl of M...
British Library |
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Vol. XIX (ff. 105). 1833.includes:f. 6 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letter to Sir J. D. Bligh: 1833.: Copy., 1833
British Library |
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Vol. VI. (ff. 587). Mar.-June, 1859.Kingdom of Naples and Sicily: Correspondence relating to fund for Neapolitan exiles: 1859.includes:ff. 1, 74, 116, 311, 400, 529, 563 Mélanie Libri: Letters to A. Panizzi: 1852-1861.: Fr. f. 3 Raffaelle Settembrin...
British Library |
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Vol. XI (ff. 226). Jan.-Sept. 1820.includes:ff. 2, 5, 50 William IV of England: Letters, as Duke of Clarence, to Sir W. A'Court: 1820.f. 9 Laurence Sulivan, of the War Office: Letter to Sir W. A'Court: 1820.f. 10 George Canning, Prime Minister...
British Library |
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Vol. XLV (ff. 347). 10 Feb.-Mar. 1813.includes:ff.1,171, 261 Charlotte Lennox, wife of Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond and Lennox: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1841. ff. 3, 4 Richard Wharton, Joint-Secretary to the Treasury: Letters to Sir R. ...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXXII (ff. ii+134). 8 Feb. 1815-16 Feb. 1816.Subsidies: Letters and papers by J. C. Herries rel. to subsidies to various European states: 1813-1816: Partly Fr: Copies, partly autograph.includes:ff. 35v, 68 Nicholas Vansittart, ...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXXIV (ff. 134). 26 Feb.-5 Oct. 1816.includes:ff. 16=113v passim Edward Augustus Kent, Duke of; son of George III: Letters from J. C. Herries to Duke of Kent: 1811-1816: Copies.f. 18 John Wilson Croker, PC; MP: Correspondence...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXI (ff. 502). Dec. 1816.includes:ff. 1, 131, 195 Lieutenant-General Sir George Beckwith, GCB: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1816-1818.ff. 3-5 William Foster, Surveyor of Excise at Cork: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1816-1817.f. 5 b...
British Library |
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Vol. II, 1778-1834.Eden family; Barons and Earl of Auckland: Correspondence and papers of and rel. to: 1688-1879, n.d.includes:f. 1 Paul Wentworth, MP; British agent: Correspondence with Lord Auckland: 1777, 1778.ff. 1, 1b Edward Bancroft, MD; FR..., 1778-1834
British Library |
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Vol. CLXIX, Jan.-Nov. 1853.Ireland: Correspondence of the Earl of St Germans, as Lord Lieut., with Lord Aberdeen: 1853-1855.Edward Granville Eliot, 3rd Earl of St Germans: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1853-1855.includes:ff. 30, 134, 150, 156, 1...
British Library |
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LETTERS on the death of William Huskisson, M.P., from a railway accident, 15 Sept. 1830, chiefly addressed to his widow ; 16 Sept. 1830-14 Feb. 1831. Among the writers are William IV., Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, Lord Melbourne, Sir Robert Peel, S...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCI (ff. 380). 6-31Dec., and undated, Dec 1824.includes:ff. 1, 46, 279, 302 Guy G-Gordon, Surveyor of Excise, Ireland: Letters, etc., to Sir R. Peel: 1815-1825.f. 3 Joseph Keele, landing-waiter: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1825....
British Library |
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LETTERS OF EMINENT PERSONS. Vol. I (ff. 140). Sixty-five letters, etc., mostly to members of the related Case and Stansfeld families; 1815-1942. See J. Stansfeld, History of the Family of Stansfeld of Stansfield in the Parish of Halifax, Leeds, 1885...., 1815-1942
British Library |
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Vol. V (ff. 276). St. Petersburg, 6 Apr.-31 Dec. 1834.Nicholas I of Russia: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Minister Plenipotentiary ad interim to: 1832-1835.includes:ff. 1-262 b Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Corresp...
British Library |
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(VIII. ff. 424). 1809-June, 1810.includes:ff. 1, 50,146,177,187,198,250,406 Hon Frederic John Robinson, Viscount Goderich (1827) and (1833) Earl of Ripon; Private Secretary to Lord Hardwicke: Correspondence with the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1805-1819. ff..., 1809-1810
British Library |
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Vol. CCCLXVIII (ff. 388). 1-23 July 1844.Nonconformists: Papers rel. to Dissenters' Chapels Act: 1844.Bank of England: Correspondence of Sir R. Peel rel. to the Bank Charter Act: 1844.Nonconformists Unitarians: Resolutions of t by various congregatio...
British Library |
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SIR C. J. NAPIER PAPERS. Vol. XXX (ff. 122). 1802-1821.includes:f. 1 Lieutenant-General William Stewart, GCB: Letter to Lieut. C.J. Napier: 1802.f. 3 Lieutenant-General Sir James Murray-Pulteney, 7th Baronet Secretary at War: Letter to, from Capt..., 1802-1821
British Library |
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Vol. LXXVII (ff. 404). 23 July-Aug. 1816.includes:f. 1 Thomas Richard Babington, Dublin police magistrate: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1815, 1816.ff. 3, 45 John Hatchell, barrister, of Dublin: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1814-1817.f. 5 James King, Cham...
British Library |
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Vol. CLIII, Jan. 1853-Dec. 1855.includes:f. 12 Sir Henry Ellis, KCB; PC; diplomatist: Letter to Sir J. R. G. Graham: 1853.f. 50 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letter to Sir J. R. G. Graham: 1853.: Copy.f. 92 Vice-A...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXCI (ff. 467). 17 July-5 Aug. 1845.includes:f. 1 William John Campbell Allen, Secretary, Royal Belfast Academical Institution: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1844, 1845.f. 2 City of Belfast: Correspondence and papers rel. to the Academical Insti...
British Library |
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BROUGHTON PAPERS. Vol. IX (ff. 193). (1) Literary MSS., etc., of Lord Broughton. Mostly autograph. ff. 1-157. (a) Political pamphlet in the form of a letter to George Canning; circ. 12 Apr. 1818. Copy, with autograph corrections. An earlier Letter to..., 1818-1885
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 333). 1834-1839.Portugal General: Papers of Adm. Sir C. Napier rel. to the civil war in, etc.: 1829-1839.: Engl., Portug. and Fr.includes:ff. 1, 20 Henrique José da Silva, Barao de Lagos 1835: Letters to Adm. Sir C. Napier: 1833-1834...., 1834-1839
British Library |
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Vol. XXIII (ff. 273). Apr.-June, 1828.Turkey, Sultans of. Mahmud II: Letters and papers rel. to Greek independence: 1827, 1828.Greece: Letters and papers rel. to Greek independence: 1827, 1828.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Hu...
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vols. CLXXXVI-CLXXXVIII (ff. 273, 280, 167). Correspondence with [Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount] Palmerston, Prime Minister; Quarto., 1851-1865
British Library |
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LAY PAPERS. VOL. I. (ff. 146). Correspondence of Horatio Nelson Lay, with a few other letters relating to members of his family and his descendants; 1844-1905, n.d.Contents:1. ff. 1-9. Miscellaneous correspondence of Lay's family and friends, includi..., 1844-1905
British Library |
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Vol. CCXIX (ff. 436). Mar.-Dec. 1829.includes:ff. 1, 24, 273, 276, 290, 336, 370 Sir Joseph Planta, the younger; GCH: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1815-1845.ff. 7, 117 Sir Walter Scott, Baronet; author: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1...
British Library |
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Vol. LXI (ff. 342). 22 Oct.-16 Dec. 1812.includes:ff. 1, 26 Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth; Prime Minister: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1804-1823. ff. 2, 5, 17 b, 182-185 Robert Page, merchant, of Madeira: Correspondence ...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCIX (ff. 384). 7-30 June 1825.includes:f. 1 Josiah Goodman, of Brighton: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1825.f. 3 Alicia Pounden, widow of J Pounden: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1825.f. 5 Joseph Sweet: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1825.ff. 7, 11, 53, 89, 9...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXLIV (ff. 372). 27 Jan.-14 Feb. 1843.includes:f. 1 Philip Bouton, of Jersey: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1843.f. 3 Frances Adams Lillicrap, icife of Captain J Lillicrap, RN: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1843.ff. 5-11 Sir William Henry Clerke, 9th ...
British Library |
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ROSE PAPERS. Vol. XXVI (ff. 81). Correspondence with:-(1) Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, afterwards Prime Minister; 1840-1851. ff. 1-61b. (2) George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, afterwards Prime Minister; 1841-1845. This corre..., 1840-1851
British Library |
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Vol. XXIX A, (ff. ii+89) Oct. 1859-6 Feb. 1860.includes:ff. 89b-79b Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with R. Cobden: 1859-1861.: copies.
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXLVIII (ff. 380). 24 Apr.-14 May 1843.includes:ff. 1-6 William Lyde Wiggett-Chute, MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1842-1844.ff. 7, 9, 165 Reverend John Cross Morphew: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1843.f. 11 Francis Bernard, Viscount Be...
British Library |
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IDDESLEIGH PAPERS. Vol. LIV (ff. 180). General and family correspondence; 1843-1902.Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, 8th Baronet; 1st Earl of Iddesleigh: Correspondence and papers,: 1843-1887.includes:ff. 1-26 Thomas Cockburn, grandfather of Stafford,..., 1843-1902
British Library |
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Vol. XLII (ff. 409). Oct. -9 Nov. 1812.includes:ff. 1, 62, 75, 153, 167, 215 Charles Arbuthnot, PC; MP; diplomatist: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1849.ff. 1e, 291, 375 John Maxwell-Barry, 5th Baron Farnham 1823: Correspondence with Sir ...
British Library |
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Vol. CCXLV (ff. 441). Apr.-Dec. 1838.includes:f. 1 Brownlow Cecil, 2nd Marquess of Exeter: Correspondence with Sir Peel: 1834-1846.f. 3 Charles Hope, Lord President of the Court of Session: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1817-1843.f. 7 Thomas...
British Library |
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MCCRIMMON COLLECTION. Vol. VIII (ff. 128). Letters to Sir Antonio Panizzi; 1838-1873, n.d. English, French, German and Italian. Includes one photograph. Arranged in alphabetical order, with a list of most of the items made by Mrs. McCrimmon attached...., 1838-1873
British Library |
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SULIVAN PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 199). Letters from Palmerston to Sulivan, with two copies of replies from Sulivan; 1806-1852.Laurence Sulivan, of the War Office: Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence of 3rd Viscount P..., 1806-1852
British Library |
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Vol. XV (ff. 171). 7 Jan.-Sept. 1811.Navy; England: Papers of C. P. Yorke as First Lord of the Admiralty: 1810-1812.includes:ff. 1-9b India: Papers rel. to the cultivation of hemp: 1811. ff. 10, 11b John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden: Correspon...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXII (ff. 407). 20 Jan. -19 Feb. 1816.includes:f. 1 Hugh Boyle, Inspector of Irish Taxes: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1815-1818.f. 3 George Robert Dawson, Under-Secretary of State: Letter to H. Boyle: 1816.ff. 5, 132, 188 Charles Costello, Ba...
British Library |
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Vol. CXXXII, 1819-Sept. 1831.Count Karl Robert Nesselrode,; Russian statesman: Correspondence, etc., with Princess Lieven: 1819-[1838?].: Partly Fr.includes:f. 52 George Canning, Prime Minister: Memoranda by Princess Lieven rel. to: 1826, 1827.: Fr...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXVII (ff. ii+137). 7 Feb.-19 May 1813.includes:ff. 20v, 83v-84, 134v Anthony Rosenhagen, of the Treasury: Correspondence with J. C. Herries of Anthony Rosenhagen: 1812-1823: Partly copies.ff. 32v-130 passim Sir George Harris...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXVII (ff. 349). 18 Apr.-19 May, 1817.includes:f. 1 Hon Basil Cochrane: Memorandum: 1817. f. 2 Charles Brudenell-Bruce, 1st Marquess of Ailesbury: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1817-1820. f. 3 Silas Neville, of Norwich: Lette...
British Library |
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Vol. XVIII (ff. 340). 16 Sept.-Oct. 1827.Frederick John Robinson, Viscount Goderich; 1st Earl of Ripon: Correspondence with W. Huskisson: 1824-1829.Greece: Letters and papers rel. to Greek independence: 1827, 1828.George IV of England: Correspondenc...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXXII (ff. 347). 18-30 July 1842.includes:ff. 1, 3 Margaret Erskine Kennedy, wife of Archibald, 1st Marquess of Ailsa: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: [1842?].ff. 5-9 Lieutenant Thomas Waghorn, RN: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1835-1846.f. 11...
British Library |
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Vol. I (ff. 175). Florence, 11 May 1830-1 Jan. 1831. Hague, 3 July-13 Sept. 1832.includes:ff. 1-47 b George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen; formerly Gordon; Prime Minister: Despatches to, as Foreign Sec., from Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1846.ff...., 1830-1832
British Library |
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MARTIN PAPERS. Vol. CXVIII. General correspondence of Sir Henry Byam Martin; 7 Jan. 1834-11 Feb. 1855. Paper; ff. 491. Folio.Society Islands: Papers conc. British and French relations in: 1843.: Engl. and Fr.includes:ff. 1, 466, 477, 479, 480, 486 ...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXVII (ff. 341). July-12 Aug. 1823.Henry Bathurst, 3rd Earl Bathurst: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1829.includes:f. 1 Elijah Barwell Impey, son of Sir Elijah Impey: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1823-1845.ff. 3, 4 John Green: C...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXII (ff. 277). Aug. 1810-18 Nov. 1811.includes:ff. 1, 62, 193, 237-248 Army; England: Returns, etc., of troops for the Peninsular War: 1808-1813. ff. 3-10, 154-191 f.232 Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany; 2nd son of George III: Pap...
British Library |
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Vol. XCII (ff. 325). Dec. 1817.includes:ff. 3, 133, 194 Nathanael Alexander, Bishop of Meath: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1834.f. 6 William Galwey, of Dungarvan, county Waterford: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1817.f. 8 Franci...
British Library |
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MACKENZIE PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 341). Correspondence of Sir James John Randoll Mackenzie, 6th Bart. of Scatwell, and of his heirs of entail, descendants of Colin Mackenzie, 2nd son of Sir Lewis Mackenzie, 3rd Bart. of Scatwell. Much of it refers to ..., 1848-1893
British Library |
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MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS, viz.:-A. 'A Chapter of Proverbs': a typewritten copy of verses by Rudyard Kipling (d. 1936), in 32 stanzas, unpublished in his lifetime and not included in the definitive edition of his verse, 1940; n.d. A covering ..., 12th century-20th century
British Library |
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Vol. Xll (ff, 462). 18 May 1847-3 May 1848.includes:f. 27 Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Adam, KCB; Lord of the Admiralty: Admiralty orders, etc., signed by: 1839-1847.ff. 27, 59 Rear-Admiral Lord John Hay, CB 1837: Commission and instructions signed b...
British Library |
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Vol.. L (ff. 247). June-Dec. 1830.John III, Sobieski; King of Poland: Kingdom of. Despatches of Lord Heytesbury, as Ambassador to Russia, rel. to the Polish revolution: 1830-1832.George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen; afterwards Hamilton-Gordon: Corre...
British Library |
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Vol. X (ff. 326). 1855-1904.Crimean War: Papers rel. to Baltic expedition during: 1854-1856.includes:ff. 1-168 passim Sveaborg, Finland: Memoranda and observations on defences of, and proposed attack on: 1854-1856.ff. 1-172 passim Baltic Sea: Pap..., 1855-1904
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 407). 1833-1842.includes:ff. 1, 11-22, 53-60, 68 Constantine Henry Phipps, 1st Marquess of Normanby: Letters to Lord Ripon: 1832-1833. ff. 1, 11-22, 53-60, 68 Island of Jamaica: Letters from the Governor, Lord Mulgrave, to Lord Goderich:..., 1833-1842
British Library |
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(XIX. ff. 303). July, 1809-Apr. 1812.Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire: Letters and papers rel. to the militia and volunteers: 1799 -1860.Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke: Correspondence rel. to the Cambridgeshire Militia: 1790-1834.includes:ff. 1, 2, ...
British Library |
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Vol. XXIV (ff. ii + 268). "H.M.S. St. Vincent," No. 3. 19 July 1848-12 Feb. 1854.Navy; England: Entry-books, etc., of H.M.S. St. Vincent": 1847-1849.includes:ff. 30-170 passim (copies) George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland; 2nd Baron Auckland: Correspo...
British Library |
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Papers of Robert Vernon Smith, 1st Baron Lyveden (1800-73) as President of the Board of Control 1855-58, 1855-1858
British Library |
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Graham Papers. Vol. cliii (ff. 157). Papers relating to the Mazzini affair. Whilst Home Secretary, Graham acceded to Lord Aberdeen's request to have the correspondence of the Italian nationalist Giuseppe Mazzini intercepted and opened. It was sus..., 1832-1845
British Library |
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CLEVELAND PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 142). Correspondence and papers; 1737-1870. Partly French.Harry George Powlett, 4th Duke of Cleveland; formerly Vane: Correspondence and papers of Harry George Powlett: 1737-1893, n.d.includes:f. 2 Frances Anne Vane, w..., 1737-1870
British Library |
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ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. XXXIV (ff. 324). Correspondence with:-(1) Edward Geoffrey Smith-Stanley, Lord Stanley, 14th Earl of Derby 1851; 1841-1855. ff. 1-194b. (2) Frederick John Robinson, 1st Earl of Ripon; 1841-1846. ff. 195-324b.includes:ff. 1-194b..., 1841-1855
British Library |
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Vol. III (ff. 226). P -Y.includes:f. 1 William Paley, Archdeacon of Carlisle: Letter to the Rev. A. Youle: 1795.f. 3 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letter to — Thomson: 1836.f. 4 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Pal...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXIII (ii+137). 3 Oct. 1811-25 Feb. 1812.includes:ff. 22-110v passim Sir George Harrison, Treasury Assistant Secretary: Correspondence, etc., with J. C. Herries of Sir George Harrison: 1811-1827, n.d.: Partly copies.ff. 30v-132...
British Library |
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Vol. X, ff. 229, Mi-W.includes:f. 1 Francis Bingham Mildmay, MP: Letter to -: 1892.f. 3 Lieutenant-General George Bryan Milman, KCB 1905; Major of the Tower of London: Letter to D. C. Bell: 1877.f. 5 Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 2nd Earl o...
British Library |
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Vol. XIV. (ff. 746). July, 1843-Dec. 1844.Edinburgh Review; The: Correspondence of M. Napier as editor of: 1829-1847.includes:ff. 1, 83, 144, 472 B-Edward Pote: Letters to M. Napier: 1842-1843. ff. 4, 6, 31, 146, 194, 235, 261, 324, 342, 356, 374, ...
British Library |
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'PRIVATE' (OR SEMI-OFFICIAL) LETTERS TO CHARLES AUGUSTUS ELLIS, 6th Baron Howard de Walden, the diplomatist; 1835-1868. As follows:-(1) Letters received, chiefly as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal, from:-(a) Henry John Te..., 1835-1868
British Library |
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PAPERS AS SECRETARY AT WAR.Correspondence and papers as Secretary at War; 1809-1828. Partly printed., 1809-1828
British Library |
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Vol. CC (ff. 349). Oct. 1841-Jan. 1842.includes:ff. 1, 3, 32, 32b William Lowther, Viscount Lowther; 2nd Earl of Lonsdale: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1830-1842. f. 2 Philip Courtenay, QC: Letter to Lord Lowther: 1841. f. 4 Christopher Hughes,...
British Library |
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G. F. YOUNG PAPERS. Vol. I ( ff. i + 183) . (1) Correspondence of Vice -Admiral William Young, comprising mostly letters to his wife, Ann née Curling (written while serving under Lord Keith on his expedition to Egypt, 1800-1801, and during a term of..., 1798-1864
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper; ff. 122. British Library arrangement. A. Two letters from Benjamin Disraeli to Major the Hon. C. J. Keith-Falconer, Conservative party organizer, on the subjects of female suffrage and Conservative policy conc..., 1400-1980
British Library |
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JOHN WILSON CROKER: 'Invitation-notes & answers in July 1825', etc; 1825, 1854. A collection of replies to invitations issued by Croker for an excursion on the Thames on 27 July 1825. Preceded by his note of Aug. 1825 (f. 2), explaining that he had s..., 1825-1854
British Library |
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LETTERS AND PAPERS; 1597-1894, n.d. Presented anonymously, with Add. Ch. 75457, 75731 and 75732, through J. L. Douthwaite, Esq., and the Friends of the National Libraries. Paper; ff. 100. Folio. 1597-1894. Included are:– 1. ff. 1-1b. Order by William..., 1597-1899
British Library |
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Vol. LXXVII (ff. 147). June 1839 -June 1840.includes:f. 9 Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Viscount Granville; 4th Earl Granville: Correspondence with Lord Beauvale: 1825-1839.f. 11 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letters...
British Library |
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GLADSTONE PAPERS. Vol. DCLXII (ff. 413). Memoranda relating to the formation of Lord Derby's administration, Lord Palmerston, the Ionian Islands, etc., 1857-1858. Included are :-1. Interviews with Lord Derby and offers of office in his administratio..., 1857-1858
British Library |
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ALVERSTONE PAPERS. Vol. IV B. Thomas Shaw; 1839. ff. iii+27. 145 x 95mm. Binding of tooled black leather, with the sale label of Cookes and Ollivier, of Pall Mall, London, inside the upper cover.Passports: Thomas Shaw: Two passports to Thomas Shaw: 1..., 1839
British Library |
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Vol. LVIII (ff. 84). 1855-1856.The Crimea, Russia: Papers rel. to Crimean transport service: 1855, 1856.includes:f. 11 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Halifax: 1855-1860.f. 11 Admiral Hon Sir M..., 1855-1856
British Library |
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Vol. LXII (ff. 332). Sept. 1865-Mar. 1866.George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon: Correspondence with Sir A. H. Layard: 1856-1870.Sir Austen Henry Layard, GCB; diplomatist and archaeologist: Correspondence with Lord Clarendon: 1856...
British Library |
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Vol. X (ff. 333). Hanover, 10 Jan. 1848-24 Sept. 1849.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.Ernest Augustus; King of Hanover; Duke of Cumberland, son of George II...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. CII (ff. 180). General correspondence of Sir C. Herries; 1853-1881, n.d.includes:ff. 1, 64-66 Alexander Young Spearman, Treasury official: Letters to Sir C. J. Herries from Alexander Young Spearman: 1853-1862.ff. 2-6, 11-12, 39..., 1853-1881
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXV (ff. 320). Jan.-June 1863.includes:ff. 1, 224 Carlo Poerio: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1859-1863.: Ital.ff. 3, 30, 37, 63, 79, 86, 153, 197, 203, 280 Bernard Quaritch, bookseller: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1858-189...
British Library |
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Vol. IV (ff. 414). 1840-1842 (with letters in Arabic and Turkish to 1859, and n.d.). 4Egypt: Papers of Adm. Sir C. Napier rel. to Syrian War, etc.: 1839-1841.Turkey: Abdul Medjid. Papers rel. to the Syrian war and troubles in Lebanon: 1839-1846.Syria..., 1840-1842
British Library |
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ALVERSTONE PAPERS. Vol. IV A. Mrs Henderson and family; 1837. ff. i+14. 60 x 115mm. Binding of tooled and stamped burgundy leather by De La Rue, of London, with a silverpoint pencil in a pouch.Bindings ENGLISH: De La Rue and Co; bookbinders, London: ..., 1837
British Library |
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BERRY PAPERS. Vol. I. (ff. 454). Miscellaneous correspondence of Mary Berry arranged Chronologically, viz., (a) English, 1789-1851. f. 1;-(b) Foreign, 1791-1849. f. 299. Names of writers are given in the Index.includes:ff. 2-7 Richard Owen Cambridg..., 1789-1851
British Library |
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Vol. LXXIV (ff. 368). Apr.-15 May 1816.includes:ff. 1, 77 Edward Synge Cooper, MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1818.ff. 3, 205, 283 Sir Charles Coote, 1st Earl of Mountrath: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1842.f. 5 Greenham and...
British Library |
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Vol. XLIII (ff. 335). 10 Nov.-Dec. 1812.includes:f. 1 Andrew Bagot, of the Grand Canal Co., Ireland: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1812, 1813.f. 3 Isaac Corry, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ireland: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1812, 1813.f. 5 General Fran...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXIII (ff. 274). Oct.-Dec. 1865.includes:ff. 1, 39, 47 Charles Thomas Longley, Archbishop of Canterbury: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1844-1867.f. 3 Ellis Yarnell, of Philadelphia: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1864-1874.f. 5 Tho...
British Library |
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SPENCER PERCEVAL PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 288). Papers relating to the Orders in Council against neutral trade with France and to other matters of public finance; 1807-1812. Includes memoranda by Perceval and his Cabinet colleagues, 1807, 1808.British Ame..., 1807-1812
British Library |
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Vol. CXXXV, 1829-1831.includes:f. 172 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letter to Count C. R. Matuszewicz: 1831., 1829-1831
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXIV, Jan. 1845-Oct. 1846.includes:ff. 2-5 5 b Hon Sir Robert Gordon, GCB; diplomatist: Correspondence with his brother, Lord Aberdeen: 1811-1847.ff. 55b-66 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with S...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXVIII (ff. 391). 10 May-22 June, 1819.includes:ff. 1, 136 Joseph Pinsent: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1819-1822. ff. 3, 6, 8, 23, 28, 36 Marcus Crosbie: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-1819. f. 5 Capta...
British Library |
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Vol. LVIII (ff. 323). 16 Aug.-16 Sept. 1814.includes:ff. 1, 78 Edward Cooke, Under-Secretary of State: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1812-1817.f. 3 George John Forbes, Viscount Forbes; son of George, 6th Earl of Granard: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel...
British Library |
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Vol. XLVI (ff. 366). Apr.-9 May 1813.includes:ff. 1, 223 Du Pre Alexander, 2nd Earl of Caledon: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1837.f. 3 Thomas Graham, Baron Lynedoch: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1813-1822.ff. 5, 6 b General Francis Needham,...
British Library |
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Vol. XIV. (ff. 403), 1821-1844.includes:f. 1 Samuel Briggs: Letter to Signora Hékékyan: 1821. f. 3 Samuel Briggs: Letter to Rev. J. Tristram: 1821. ff. 5, 7, 28, 397 Samuel Briggs: Correspondence with Hékékyan Bey: 1824-1862, n.d. f. 9 J-Johnstone: ..., 1821-1844
British Library |
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Vol. I (ff. 388). 1704-1832.includes:ff. 1-5 Metcalfe Robinson, 2nd Baronet; of Newby, 1736: Letters to his father: 1704-1705. ff. 7, 19-23 William Pitt, the younger; Prime Minister: Letters to Lord Hobart: 1793, 1803. ff. 7-23, 41 Robert Hobart, 4..., 1704-1832
British Library |
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British Records Association Collection. Vol. I (ff. 116). A. Priced catalogue of printed books, alphabetically arranged by author or title; last quarter of 16th cent. Latin. Imperfect, now comprising four pieces apparently cut from one leaf for use i..., 16th century-19th century
British Library |
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HARDWICKE PAPERS. Vol. LXXVI. Select political correspondence of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Earls of Hardwicke, viz.:-1. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, as Ambassador at the Hague, to William Harrington, Baron Harrington, Secretary of State,..., 1743-1836
British Library |
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Vol. Xl (ff. 300). Hanover, 4 Oct. 1849-29 Nov. 1850.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.Ernest Augustus; King of Hanover; Duke of Cumberland, son of George III...
British Library |
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Vol. XCV (ff. 357). 10 Mar.-9 Apr. 1818..includes:ff. 1, 3, 216, 258 Sir Nicholas Conway Colthurst, 4th Baronet; MP for Cork: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1824.f. 5 Sarah Mitchell Hackett, wife of John Hackett: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXII (ff. 394). Jan.-Aug. 1815.includes:f. 1 Mrs Campbell, Sub-Governess to Princess Charlotte: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1814, 1815. f. 2 John Poulett, 4th Earl Poulett: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 181...
British Library |
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CORRESPONDENCE, etc., of the Rt. Hon. Thomas Grenville, collector of the Grenville Library; 1795-1844. The earlier part of the volume consists chiefly of notes of invitation and replies, among the writers being: Rev. Sydney Smith; 13 May, 1844. f. 21..., 1795-1844
British Library |
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LAYARD PAPERS. Vol. XIII (ff. 50). Semi-official letters from A. H. Layard, chiefly to Sir S. Canning (see, above, 38940) and Sir Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian of the British Museum, vol. II; 1849-1852.Sir Austen Henry Layard, GCB; diplomatist and..., 1849-1852
British Library |
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Vol. CCXVI (ff. 262). Mar.-19 May 1828.includes:ff. 1, 3 George Bankes, MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1829.ff. 5-248 passim Henry Hobhouse, Under-Secretary of State: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1818-1848.ff. 7, 11, 17, 83, 115, 2...
British Library |
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Vol. x. (IT. 476). Jan.-Sept.1802.includes:ff. 1, 5 H-Moylan, Titular Bishop of Cork: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Chichester: 1799-1802. f. 3 W-Hunter: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Chichester: 1802. f. 7 Colonel William Fullarton: Letters to the 2nd ...
British Library |
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Vol. CIII (ff. 390). 20 Jan.-5 Mar. 1823.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:ff. 1, 156-164 Charles Arbuthnot, PC; MP; diplomatist: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1803-1826...
British Library |
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Vol. LI (ff. 247). Jan.-June 1831.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Heytesbury: 1820-1832.John III, Sobieski; King of Poland: Kingdom of. Despatches of Lord Heytesbury, as Ambassador to Russia, rel....
British Library |
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Eg. 2,343. SEVEN original letters from [Henry John Temple] Viscount Palmerston, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to R[ichard] B[elgrave] Hoppner, British representative at Lisbon; 18 Apr. 1831, 18 June, 12 Aug., 1 Nov. 1832, 1, 23 Aug., 2 Sept..., 1831-1833
British Library |
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). MISCELLANEOUS original letters and papers, etc., 1645-1910. Paper (except art. A) ff. 202. Folio., 1645-1910
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXV (ff. 291). 8 May-5 June 1824.includes:f. 1 Mrs Byrne: Letter to, from Sir R. Peel: 1824.: copy.f. 2 Lord Frederick Cavendish-Bentinck, MP: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1824.f. 4 William Murray Borthwick: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1824.f. 6 ...
British Library |
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LIEVEN PAPERS. Vol. XXX (ff. 212). (1) Letters from George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen; 1821-1830. ff. 1-47. (2) Correspondence with Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; 1829-1834, n.d. English and French. ff. 48-212.Accompts: Lieven..., 1821-1834
British Library |
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GRAHAM OF DRYNIE PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 244). Letters to Mrs Graham and her husband from:-(1) George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon, and Katherine, his wife; 1833-[1869?]. ff. 1-154;-(2) Charles Pelham Villiers, P.C., M.P., brother ..., 1830-1870
British Library |
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LIVERPOOL PAPERS. Vol. CCLXXIV (ff. 314). Letters and Papers relating to the Channel Islands, 1677-1823. They deal principally with trade, shipping, and revenue, and especially with the attempts to prevent smuggling. Folio.Channel Islands: Papers rel..., 1677-1823
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 301). (a) Letters of W. Huskisson to his wife, 1819-1823. f. 3;-(b) Letters of Emily, Lady Cowper, afterwards Lady Palmerston, to Mrs. Huskisson, 1829-circ. 1856. Three letters of Lord Palmerston, 1834-1862, the last not to Mrs. Huskisso..., 1819-1862
British Library |
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Easthope Papers: letters to Sir John Easthope (b.1784, d.1865), M.P. and proprietor of the Morning Chronicle, from Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, and others; 1834-1850. Another portion of Easthope’s incoming correspondence is in the Wil..., 1834-1850
British Library |
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ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. CLVII (ff. 312). Correspondence with:-(1) William Howley, Bishop of London 1813 and (1828) Archbishop of Canterbury; 1808-1846. ff. 1-114. (2) John Bird Sumner, Archbishop of Canterbury; 1853-1855. ff. 115-158b. (3) Charles Jam..., 1808-1855
British Library |
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Vol. LXXV (ff. 386). 13 Nov. 1816-Feb. 1817.includes:f. 1 E-Warton, of Blandford, wife of Reverend John Warton: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1816. f. 3 Edward Bootle-Wilbraham, 1st Baron Skelmersdale 1828; formerly Wilbraham-Bootle: Corresp...
British Library |
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RIPON PAPERS. Vol. XXII (ff. 232). Correspondence with:-(1) John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, Prime Minister; 1863-1867. ff. 1-77b. (2) Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, Prime Minister; 1859-1865; preceded (ff. 78-83b) by letters (1857) fro..., 1857-1867
British Library |
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Vol. IV (ff. 249). St. Petersburg, 2 Oct. 1833-31 Mar. 1834.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.Nicholas I of Russia: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Minister...
British Library |
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Vol. CXC. (ff. 297). 1813-1818.includes:f. 1 Edward Worth Newenham, son of Sir E Newenham, MP: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-1818. f. 3 Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty: Correspondence with S. Perceval and the ..., 1813-1818
British Library |
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Vol. LVII (ff. 431). Dec. 1860-1861.Sir Austen Henry Layard, GCB; diplomatist and archaeologist: Correspondence with Lord J. Russell: 1853-1871.John Russell, 1st Earl Russell; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Sir A. H. Layard: 1853-1871.includes:...
British Library |
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ELLIS PAPERS. Vol. IV. Letters and journal of John Bidwell, a clerk in the Foreign Office (d. 1853; biographical notice, taken from Foreign Office List, 1854, p. 63, on f. 7), while attached to the mission of Robert Adair in 1808-9 to negotiate peace..., 19th century
British Library |
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Vol. LII (ff. 204). July-Dec. 1831.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Heytesbury: 1820-1832.John III, Sobieski; King of Poland: Kingdom of. Despatches of Lord Heytesbury, as Ambassador to Russia, rel...
British Library |
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Vol. Xll (ff. 281). Hanover, 3 Dec. 1850-30 Apr. 1852.includes:ff. 1-255 b Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.ff. 1-255 b Ernest Augustus; King of Hanover;...
British Library |
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HALIFAX PAPERS. Vol. XLII (ff. 199). Large folio. 1. ff. 1-37b. Papers relating to the impressment of seamen into the Royal Navy and to the Voluntary Enlistment Bill, 1835; circa 1835-1839. Partly printed, with MS. corrections. 2. ff. 38-51b. Memoran..., 1830-1841
British Library |
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Vol. CXXXIV (ff. i + 180). 4 Nov. 1809-21 Dec. 1811.includes:f. 1 Elizabeth Hervey, widow of John Augustus, Lord Hervey: Letter to, from the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1809. f. 1, 16 b Archibald Colquhoun, Lord Advocate: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXIX (ff. 305). Oct.-8 Nov. 1824.includes:ff. 1, 3 Frederic Augustus Carrington, barrister: Correspondence with Sir R. Feel: 1824.f. 4 Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1st Baronet; philanthropist: Correspondence witli Sir R. Peel: 1823-1844.f. 5...
British Library |
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Correspondence between J. W. Croker and the third Viscount Palmerston, 1810-1856
University of Southampton Libaries Special Collections |
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Vol. V. (ff. 477). May 1837-March 1841.includes:ff. 1, 78 Peter Auber: Letters, as Secretary to the E. India Co., etc., to Lord Wellesley: 1837. ff. 3, 124 Sir Francis Burdett, 5th Baronet: Correspondence with Lord Wellesley: 1835-1842, n.d. ff. 5,...
British Library |
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Vol. cxv (ff. 200). 1830-21 April 1833.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Correspondence of Sir James Robert George Graham and Henry John Temple: 1830-1861...
British Library |
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LETTERS AND AUTOGRAPHS (22), chiefly of minor Victorian artists; 1829-1867. Largely (perhaps entirely) collected by Augustus Keily, manager of the Exeter branch of the Devon and Cornwall Banking Co., circ. 1874-1886. Most are addressed to Henry Sanf..., 1829-1867
British Library |
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Vol. CCCCVIII (ff. 333). 21-31 Mar. 1846.includes:ff. 1, 3 Thomas Campbell Foster, QC 1875: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1846, 1849.f. 5 John Whitehead, of Glasgow: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1846.f. 9 b Glasgow, St Mungo's Cathedral: Memorial ...
British Library |
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E. Section III. CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF LATER DUKES OF MARLBOROUGH61677. BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. DLXXVII (ff. 232). (1) Correspondence and papers of George Spencer, afterwards Spencer-Churchill (b. 1766, d. 1840), 5th Duke of Marlborough, and his ..., 1723-1919
British Library |
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Vol. LXVI (ff. 201).1828-May 1829.includes:ff. 1, 79, 80 Charles Augustus Ellis, 6th Baron Howard de Walden: Letters, partly on behalf of G. Canning, to Prince Lieven: [1825?] -[1826-1834].: Partly Fr.ff.2,94 Prince Ivan Alekseevich Potemkin,; R...
British Library |
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Vol. XXVIII (ff. 174). 1824-1830.includes:f. 1 George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron; poet: Letter to Greek Committee in London: 1824: Extract.ff. 2-3b Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letters, etc., to Sir F. Adam:..., 1824-1830
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXIV (ff. 332). 20 Mar.-Apr. 1817.includes:f. 1 Captain John Wilde, Adjutant, 2nd Royal Lancashire Militia: Memorial to Lord Whitworth: 1817.f. 2 Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby; Lord Stanley: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1817...
British Library |
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IONIAN ISLANDS: letters, semi-official and private, from Sir John Young, Bart., High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, to Henry Labouchere, Secretary of State for the Colonies; 1855-1858. Among the enclosures are two letters to Young from Sir Georg..., 1855-1858
British Library |
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vol. IX, 1849-1864.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with his wife, Emily, partly as Lady Cowper: 1832-1864.includes:f.119 Elizabeth Georgiana Campbell, wife of George, 8th Duke of Argyll: Letter to Lady Pa..., 1849-1864
British Library |
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Vol. LXIX (ff. 337). June-16 Aug. 1814.includes:ff. 1, 2 George Percy, Baron Lovaine; 2nd Earl of Beverley; 5th Duke of Northumberland: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-1823. f. 3 Robert Hobart, 4th Earl of Buckinghamshire: Corre...
British Library |
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Vol. VIII (ff. 387). Hanover, 6 Jan. 1841-19 Dec. 1844.Ernest Augustus; King of Hanover; Duke of Cumberland, son of George III of Hanover: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Envoy to: 1838-1851.includes:ff. 1-94 b Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Pal...
British Library |
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SHEE PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 282). Letters from 3rd Viscount Palmerston; 1830-1862. J/1-120.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Sir G. Shee of Henry John Temple: 1830-1862: Partly copies and signed.includes:ff...., 1830-1862
British Library |
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Vol. LXIII (ff. 379). Mar.-13 May, 1813.includes:f. 1 J-Hardy, priest, Professor at the Royal College, Valognes: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1813. ff. 3-8, 32, 34, 353, 355 British America, and United States: Papers rel. to claims of Brit...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXIX (ff. 359). Aug. 1817.includes:f. 1 Lieutenant-General Sir George Beckwith, GCB: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1816-1818.f. 3 Thomas Taylour, 1st Marquess of Headfort: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1813-1817.f. 5 Reverend James John Moo...
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXXXI (ff. 427). 22 June-17 July 1842.includes:f. 1 Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick William Mulcaster, KCH, Inspector-General of Fortifications: Minute by: 1842.f. 1 Major-General Thomas Frederick Colby, RE; FRS: Estimate for a survey of ...
British Library |
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SUPPLEMENTARY BENTLEY PAPERS. Vol. XIV. Photograph album of George Bentley.includes:f. 1 George Bentley, of Richard Bentley and Son, publishers: Photograph of George Bentley: n.d.f. 1v Conder: Photograph: n.d.f. 1v Watts Dunton: Photograph of W...
British Library |
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ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. L (ff. 417). Papers relating to Portugal; 1828-1832. Arranged as follows:-(1) Correspondence of Lord Aberdeen with Sir Frederick James Lamb, G.C.B. (Baron Beauvale 1839, 3rd Viscount Melbourne 1848), Ambassador to Portugal; Jun..., 1828-1832
British Library |
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Vol. CXCVII (ff. 324). May-Dec. 1830.includes:f. 1 Richard Lavington: Letter to Lord Aberdeen: 1830. ff. 3, 10 General Rowland Hill, 1st Viscount Hill: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1830. ff. 5, 8 Thomas Peregrine Courtenay, statesman and author...
British Library |
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Vol. LXVI (ff. 349). 10 June -16 Aug. 1815.includes:f. 1 Major Thomas Bradgate Bamford, 6th West India Regt: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1814-1847.f. 3 James Trail Hall, Royal Canal Commissioner, Ireland: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1814-1816.f....
British Library |
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Vol. CI (ff. 403). 17 Aug. 1821-May, 1822.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:ff. 1, 10 Robert Willimott, Secretary to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: Correspondence with Sir H: Taylor: 1821-18...
British Library |
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Vol. CXCVIII (ff. 392). 10 May-6 June 1825.includes:f. 1 John Baron, proprietor of ' The True Briton.': Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1824, 1825.ff. 3, 5, 101 Denis Browne, MP: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1812-1828.f. 7 Lieutenant-Colonel Arunde...
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXIX (ff. 380). July, 1818-Dec. 1819.includes:ff. 1-6 Windsor Castle; Berkshire: Papers rel. to the royal establishment at: 1812-1818. f. 7 Sir Robert Seppings, surveyor of the navy; FRS: Retum signed by: 1818. f. 7 Hon Henry Legge, Navy Com...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXV. (ff. 396). 20 Oct.-Dec. 1818.includes:f. I Coutts and Co; bankers: Letters to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1818, 1820. f. 2 Francis Henry Egerton, 8th Earl of Bridgewater: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1818. f. 4 Charles Grant, Bar...
British Library |
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Vol. XLIX (ff. 418). July, 1849-1850.Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, 1st Baronet: Correspondence with Sir A. H. Layard: 1845-1891.includes:ff. 5, 14, 142, 167, 292, 327, 353-360 Sir Henry Ellis, KH; Principal Librarian, British Museum: Correspondence...
British Library |
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CROKER PAPERS (2ND SERIES). Vol. I (ff. 196). Letters to Croker from: 1. ff. 1-40b. His father-in-law, William Pennell; 1809-1816. 2. ff. 41-65b. Joseph Planta the younger, diplomatist; 1817-1838. 3. ff. 66-196. Anthony Perrier, Consul at Brest; 1830..., 1809-1853
British Library |
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MISCELLANEOUS AUTOGRAPHS, viz.-(a) Signatures of English Sovereigns from George II to Queen Victoria; ff. I-II ;-(b) Letters, etc., of authors, scientists and statesmen, including Sir Walter Scott, William Wordsworth and Thomas Carlyle; ff. 12-39. A ..., 1742-1902
British Library |
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PALMERSTON PAPERS. Vol. III. Juvenile notebook of Henry, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, containing sketches and mathematical exercises; circa 1800. ff. 33. 175 x 110mm.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Notebook by Henry John Templ..., approximately 1800
British Library |
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Vol. XI. (ff. 469). 1830-1832.includes:ff. 1, 4, 198, 244 Harriet Theodora Spencer, wife of Reverend George John Trevor Spencer: Letters to J. C. Hobhouse, her brother: 1823-1851. ff. 2, 41, 61, 125, 247 George John Trevor Spencer, Bishop of Madras:..., 1830-1832
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXVI (ff. ii+137). 29 Sept. 1812-6 Feb. 1813.includes:ff. 16-106 passim Sir George Harrison, Treasury Assistant Secretary: Correspondence, etc., with J. C. Herries of Sir George Harrison: 1811-1827, n.d.: Partly copies.ff. 17v-...
British Library |
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Vol. CXXXIV, Nov. 1832-[? 1838].Count Karl Robert Nesselrode,; Russian statesman: Correspondence, etc., with Princess Lieven: 1819-[1838?].: Partly Fr.includes:ff. 5, 18 John George Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham: Letter to Princess Lieven: 1832.ff. 1...
British Library |
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Vol. LVII (ff. 364). 1811.Joseph Bonaparte of Spain: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool rel. to the Peninsular War: 1808-1812.Hon Spencer Perceval, Prime Minister: Correspondence: circ. 1808-1812.Robert Banks Jenkinson, Baron Hawk..., 1811
British Library |
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SUPPLEMENTARY AUCKLAND PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 147). General correspondence; 1697-1899.wife of William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, Mary: Letter to Lady Buckinghamshire: bef. 1834.includes:f. 1 Exchequer: Exchequer bill: 1697.: Printed. f. 1 Sir Robe..., 1697-1899
British Library |
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Vol. VI. (ff. 449). 1831-1833.Shrewsbury, Shropshire: Correspondence and papers of Dr. Butler, when Head-master of the school: 1798-1836.Education: Correspondence of Dr. Butler, when Head-master of Shrewsbury School: 1798-1836.Archdeaconry of Derby: ..., 1831-1833
British Library |
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Vol. X (ff. 273). Jan.-May 1863.includes:f. 98 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letter to Lord Russell: 1863.f. 99 George I of Greece; King of the Hellenes: Letter, as Prince Frederick of Holstein, to Lord Palmerston: 1...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXXII (ff. 366). Jan. 1817.includes:ff. 1, 327 Sackville HamiIton Lovett, Clerk of the Minutes, Irish Excise: Correspondence with Sir R Peel: 1813-[1842?].ff. 4, 6, 344 Lieutenant-Colonel William Odell, MP: Correpondence with Sir R. Peel: 1...
British Library |
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LORD JOHN RUSSELL: letters to Russell from Lords Melbourne, Brougham, Palmerston, Tavistock, Ebrington and others; 1832, 1833. Together with a letter from Russell to Lord Grey (f. 1) and one from the Duke of Grafton to Tavistock (f. 13). The letters ..., 1832-1833
British Library |
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LAMB (MELBOURNE) PAPERS. Vol. XII. Correspondence and papers of the family of Lamb, Viscounts Melbourne; circ. 1780-1840. Supplementary to Add. MSS. 45546-45556, described pp. 200-202 above. (1) Letters to Elizabeth Lamb, wife of Peniston, 1st Viscou..., approximately 1780-1840
British Library |
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(XX. ff. 385). May, 1812-Jan. 1860.Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire: Letters and papers rel. to the militia and volunteers: 1799 -1860.Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke: Correspondence rel. to the Cambridgeshire Militia: 1790-1834.includes:ff. 1, 64, 9...
British Library |
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LIVERPOOL PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 103). Letters from Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, Secretary-at-War (1809-1828), to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool; 1812-1825. There are also three letters at the beginning of the volume, dated 1810-1812 (includi..., 1812-1825
British Library |
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MCCRIMMON COLLECTION. Vol. VII (ff. viii+222). Album of letters from prominent people, addressed chiefly to Sir Antonio Panizzi, Principal Librarian of the British Museum 1856-1866, and to Sergeant John Humffreys Parry, his family and associates; 182..., 1827-1881
British Library |
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Vol. CCCXLV (ff. 283). Mar. -May 1871.includes:f. 1 Sir Frederic William Burton, artist: Letters to W. E. Gladstone: 1871-1893. f. 3 Freshfields; Messrs.; solicitors: Correspondence with W. E. Gladstone: 1840-1891. f. 5 Vernon Lushington, QC; Second...
British Library |
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Vol. C (ff. 385). Jan.-15 Aug. 1821.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:ff. 1, 374 Herbert Taylor, Lieutenant -General 1825; GCB 1834; Secretary to George III and William IV: Correspondence...
British Library |
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Sir John Nicholl Robert Campbell papers., 1827-1841
British Library |
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Aberdeen, George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl, 1784-1860. Aberdeen Papers, Vol. CXCIX. May 1835-Sept. 1841.
British Library |
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PAGET PAPERS (2ND SERIES). Vol. XXX (ff. 261). General correspondence; 1844-1896.includes:ff. 1-4 Ramon [Sarvaz?]: Letters to A. B. Paget: 1844: Span.f. 5 George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen; formerly Gordon; Prime Minister: Letter to A...., 1844-1896
British Library |
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Vol. VIII. 1828-1846 :-Lord Holland, ff. 5, 340. Lord Durham, ff. 20, 40, 65, 133, 232, 237, 315, 317,334, 414. [Francis Charles Seymour-Conway, Mar. quis of] Hertford, passim. [Sir] W[illiam] Sidney Smith, f. 66. W[illiam] Huskisson, f. 338. Lord L..., 1828-1846
British Library |
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Vol. XXIII (ff. 248). 1855-1859.includes:ff. 3-10, 59, 66, 111, 129, 134, 145 Sir John Somerset Pakington, 1st Baronet; 1st Baron Hampton: Correspondence with R. Cobden: 1855-1857.ff. 11, 13, 31, 81, 192 Sir John Bowring, writer, reformer and di..., 1855-1859
British Library |
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Vol. LXXVIII (ff. 376). 20 May-July, 1817.includes:ff. 1, 2, 83 Alexandre Amyot, chevalier: Letters to Lady Liverpool: 1817. ff. 3, 145, 206 Richard Edgcumbe, 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1810-1818. ff....
British Library |
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HUDSON LOWE PAPERS: CORRESPONDENCE of Lieutenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Governor of St Helena 1815-1821, during the detention of Napoleon; 1803-1842. English, French, Italian and Greek. Other papers of his in the Department, on wh..., 1803-1842
British Library |
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Vol. CCII (ff. 331). Oct.-9 Nov. 1825.includes:f. 1 General Sir Harry Calvert, 1st Baronet: Letters to Sir R. Peel: 1813-1825.f. 3 J-Cubin: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1825.ff. 5-329 passim Henry Hobhouse, Under-Secretary of State: Correspondence ...
British Library |
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SHEE PAPERS. Vol. VI (ff. 105). Letters to 3rd Viscount Palmerston and from Lady Palmerston, together with miscellaneous Shee papers; circa 1802-1862. Partly copies. J/121-149, K/1-8, L/1-4.includes:ff. 1-80 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerst..., approximately 1802-1862
British Library |
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(XII. ff. 368). Mar. 1816-1820.includes:f. 1 Comte de Grote: Letterto the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1816.: Fr. ff. 3, 41, 75 Armand Emmanuel Sophie Septimanie Du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu d 1822: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1816.: Fr. f. 4 Roedere..., 1816-1820
British Library |
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Vol. LVI (ff.327). May-Dec. 1810.Joseph Bonaparte of Spain: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool rel. to the Peninsular War: 1808-1812.Hon Spencer Perceval, Prime Minister: Correspondence: circ. 1808-1812.Robert Banks Jenkinson, Bar...
British Library |
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Vol. LXX (ff. 355). 17 Aug.-23 Oct. 1814.includes:f. 1 Sir Walter Stirling, 1st Baronet; of Faskine: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1814. f. 3 Francis Basset, Baron De Dunstanville 1796: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-181...
British Library |
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Vol. XCVI (ff. 374). 14 May-28 June, 1820.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:ff. 1, 52 Richard Mant, Bighop of Killaloe and Kilfenora: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-...
British Library |
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Copy of correspondence between Sir David Dundas, Commander-in-chief, and Spencer Perceval, first lord of the Treasury, Henry Temple, Viscount Palmerston, Secretary-at-war, and others, relating to army clothing, etc.; with a report to the Prince Regen...
British Library |
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BEAUVALE PAPERS. Vols. LVII-LXI. Letter books; 1832-1841. Five volumes. Contemporary gilt bindings., 1832-1841
British Library |
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Vol. CCI (ff. 364). Feb.-Sept.1842.includes:ff. 1, 186 Field-Marshal Sir Henry Hardinge, 1st Viscount Hardinge Governor-General of India: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1842-1854.ff. 3, 21, 31, 32, 83 Ferdinand II of Naples and Sicily; King ...
British Library |
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BROUGHTON PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 343). Correspondence of Lord Broughton, chiefly as President of the Board of Control, with Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, chiefly as Foreign Secretary; 1831-1861. Supplementary to similar correspondence in ..., 1831-1861
British Library |
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(XVII. ff. 511). 2-12 Nov. 1852.includes:f. 3 Christopher St. George, MP: Letters to the Postmaster General: 1852. f. 5 Sophia McClelland, daughter of T McClelland: Letter to H. T. L. Corry: 1852. ff. 11, 335 Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Eyre John Crabbe...
British Library |
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VAN DEN BOSCH PAPERS. Correspondence and papers, mostly in Dutch, but also in French, German, English and Russian, of the Van den Bosch family; 1813-1904. The principal correspondent is Maj.-Gen. Johan Adriaan van den Bosch (d. 1870), Aide-de-Camp to..., 1813-1904
British Library |
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Papers of Sir George Abercrombie Robinson, 1st Bart, Bengal Army 1779-1802, East India Company Director 1808-29, and of other members of his family, 1745-1911
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HALIFAX PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 348). Correspondence with:– 1. ff. 1-75b. Queen Victoria and Albert, the Prince Consort, mostly on their behalf, with Sir Charles Beaumont Phipps, K.C.B., Keeper of the Queen's Purse; 1855-1860. 2. ff. 76-129b. John Russel..., 1851-1860
British Library |
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Vol. XLVIII (ff. 372). Jan. 1848-June, 1849.Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, 1st Baronet: Correspondence with Sir A. H. Layard: 1845-1891.includes:ff. 1, 36, 82, 141, 313 Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe: Correspondence with Sir A. H....
British Library |
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Vol. V (ff. 327). 1843-Mar. 1848.includes:ff. 1, 2 b Prince Clemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg,; alias Metternich; Austrian statesman: Letters to Adm. Sir C. Napier: 1843, 1858.: Germ and Fr.: Copies.f. 3 Captain Charles Georg...
British Library |
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Vol. VI (ff. 193). St. Petersburg, 9 Jan.-5 Nov. 1835; Stockholm, 20 Nov. 1835-18 Aug. 1837.includes:ff. 1-166 b Nicholas I of Russia: Despatches from Hon. J. D. Bligh, Minister Plenipotentiary ad interim to: 1832-1835.ff. 1-62 b Arthur Wellesley..., 1835-1837
British Library |
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Vol. LIII (ff. 251). Jan.-10 Aug. 1832.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Heytesbury: 1820-1832.John III, Sobieski; King of Poland: Kingdom of. Despatches of Lord Heytesbury, as Ambassador to Russia,...
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 206). 1831-1859, n.d.Gregory XVI; Pope: Correspondence, etc., rel. to mission of Sir B. Taylor: 1831.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letters to Sir B. Taylor from Henry John Temple: 1831: Partly signed.Henry W..., 1831-1859
British Library |
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SHEE PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 178). Correspondence and dispatches, mostly as Minister to Prussia and to Württemberg; 1834-1844. Partly copies. F/1-9, G/1-26, H/1-26.includes:ff. 1-16 Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 2nd Earl of Minto; formerly Elliot:..., 1834-1844
British Library |
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Vol. CCXV (ff. 292). Jan. -Feb. 1828.includes:f. 4 Revenue: Comparative tables of sup plies for the Services: 1818-1835.ff. 6, 64, 66, 107, 141 Archibald Kennedy, 1st Marquess of Ailsa: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1822-1846.f. 7 Laurence ...
British Library |
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Vol. XIII (ff. 405). 3 May 1848-1 Feb. 1849.includes:ff. 23-405 passim Henry George Ward, Secretary of the Admiralty; GCMG 1849: Correspondence with Adm. Sir C. Napier: 1846-1849.: Mostly signed. f. 43 Sir James Meek, Comptroller, Victualling départ...
British Library |
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HERRIES PAPERS. Vol. LXXVI (ff. ii+275). 1823-1827.includes:ff. 1, 38v, 47 Banking: J[ames?] M[ayer?] Rothschild, banker: Correspondence with J. C. Herries and papers of and rel. to J. M. Rothschild: 1814-1824, n.d.: Fr.: Partly signed and copies.f..., 1823-1827
British Library |
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Vol. III. (ff. 443), 24 May 1812-1835.George Canning, Prime Minister: Correspondence with Lord Wellesley: 1799-1827.Roman Catholics: Political correspondence on the laws affecting: 1812.includes:ff. 1, 135 William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville...
British Library |
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D. PRIVATE LETTER-BOOKS.PALMERSTON PAPERS. Vols. CLXII-CLXVII. Private letterbooks of Lord Palmerston, as Home Secretary and Prime Minister; 1853-1865. Six volumes. Each volume is followed by an index., 1853-1865
British Library |
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Vol. LXV (ff. 335). 16 Apr.-9 June 1815.includes:f. 1 Richard Butler, Baron Caher; 1st Earl of Glengall 1816: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1817.ff. 3, 117 Elizabeth Anne Stevenson, formerly Bellairs; wife of J Stevenson, of Uffington, c...
British Library |
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Vol. LXI (ff. 333). 25 Nov.-Dec. 1814.includes:f. 1 Edmund Henry Pery, 1st Earl of Limerick: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1818.f. 3 William Edward Major, Assistant Barrister for county Donegal: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1813-1816....
British Library |
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Vol. IX (ff. 293). Sept.-Dec. 1854.Baltic Sea: Papers of Adm. Sir C. Napier rel. to defences, etc., of, and naval expedition to: 1853-1856.Crimean War: Papers rel. to Baltic expedition during: 1854-1856.includes:ff. 1, 8, 21, 60, 62, 78, 80, 82, 90 ...
British Library |
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WILLOUGHBY GORDON PAPERS. Vol. VI (ff. 154). 1. ff. 1-40. Letters of Hon. Spencer Perceval, Prime Minister; 1807-1811. 2. ff. 41-100b. Correspondence with Robert Banks Jenkinson, Baron Hawkes-bury, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, Prime Minister; 1807-1826. Pa..., 1806-1836
British Library |
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Vol. CCI (ff. 448). 10 Aug.-Sept. 1825.includes:f. 1 Michael William Lusignan, Curate of Rampisham: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1825. f. 3 James Brownlow William Gascoyne-Cecll, 2nd Marquess of Salisbury: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1824-1845. f. 5 ...
British Library |
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Vol. LXII (ff. 373). 18 Dec. 1812-Feb. 1813.includes:f. 1 Daniel Sutton, of Brightlingsea: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812. f. 1,50 William Scott, Baron Stowell: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-1823. f. 3 Thomas Rowcro...
British Library |
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Vol. LXI (ff. 432). Jan.-Aug. 1865.Henry Richard Charles Wellesley, 1st Earl Cowley: Correspondence with Sir A. H. Layard: 1846-1881.Sir Austen Henry Layard, GCB; diplomatist and archaeologist: Correspondence with Lord J. Russell: 1853-1871.John Russ...
British Library |
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Vol. II (ff. 244). 1833.Portugal General: Papers of Adm. Sir C. Napier rel. to the civil war in, etc.: 1829-1839.: Engl., Portug. and Fr.includes:f. 1 Captain Frederick George Macdonough, of the Portugese Regency fleet: Instructions to Capt. T. Gob..., 1833
British Library |
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Vol. VII (ff. 296). Hanover, 28 May 1838-28 Dec. 1840.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Correspondence, as Foreign Sec., with Hon. J. D. Bligh: 1830-1852.Ernest Augustus; King of Hanover; Duke of Cumberland, son of George II...
British Library |
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Vol. III. 1860.includes:f. 2 Jane Ferraro, wife of the Marquis de La Marmora: Letter to Griffin and Co.: 1860. f. 3 Alfonso Ferraro, Marquis de La Marmora: Biographical notice of: 1860. ff. 5, 8 M-E-Lamaartine, wife of Alphonse de Lamartine: Lett..., 1860
British Library |
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Vol. CLXXXVIII (ff. 305). 20 Aug.-Sept. 1824.includes:ff. 1, 3 Major Charles Downes: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1824-1825.ff. 5-299 passim Henry Hobhouse, Under-Secretary of State: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1818-1848.ff. 10, 26, 36, ...
British Library |
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BEAUVALE PAPERS. Vols. LXV-LXIX. Private letters, with related material, from Lord Palmerston; 1832-1841. Five volumes., 1832-1841
British Library |
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ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. CCXVIII (ff. 102). Correspondence and papers too large for inclusion in the preceding twenty-seven volumes (Add MS 43229-43255); 1 June 1803-9 Oct. 1854-Extra large folio.includes:f. 1 Callinicus V, Patriarch of Constantinopl...
British Library |
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Vol. I (ff. 144). Letters from Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; 1822-1850, n.d. Partly French.Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Minister: Letters to C. P. Moraes Sarmento from Henry John Temple: 1822-1850, n.d.Christovao Pe..., 1822-1850
British Library |
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FLAXMAN PAPERS. Vol. XI (ff. 167). Miscellaneous volume, containing :-1. Copies of letters, chiefly from Flaxman to John Hawkins of Bignor Park, F.R.S., 1803-1825, and to the Rev. W. Gunn, of Smallborough, 1800-1822. f. 1. 2 Drafts of business letter..., 1800-1836
British Library |
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Vol. XXI (ff. i + 257). H.M.S. Powerful." 3 Aug. 1840-14 June 1841.Navy; England: Letter-books of H.M.S. "Powerful": 1839-1841.Egypt: Papers of Adm. Sir C. Napier rel. to Syrian War, etc.: 1839-1841.Turkey: Abdul Medjid. Papers rel. to the Syrian war...
British Library |
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TORRENS PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 216). General correspondence; April 1824-1828, n.d.Major-General Sir Henry Torrens, KCB: Army; England: Correspondence of Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry Torrens: 1821-1828, n.d.: Partly Fr: Partly drafts, copies and printed.includes...
British Library |
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Vol. XXIII (ff. 257). "H.M.S. St. Vincent," No. 2. 18 Nov. 1847-6 Aug. 1848.Navy; England: Entry-books, etc., of H.M.S. St. Vincent": 1847-1849.includes:ff. 24 b-256 b passim (copies) George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland; 2nd Baron Auckland: Correspon...
British Library |
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Vol. cxxviii (ff. 196). 12 May-24 Sept. 1832.includes:ff. 1, 149 Sir John Barrow, 1st Baronet; Second Secretary to the Admiralty: Sir James Robert George Graham, 2nd Baronet; of Netherby; statesman: Correspondence, etc., of Sir John Barrow and Sir...
British Library |
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Vol. LXXI (ff. 433). 23 Oct.-Dec. 1814.includes:f. 1 Edward Bootle-Wilbraham, 1st Baron Skelmersdale 1828; formerly Wilbraham-Bootle: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1802-1825. f. 3 Lady Caroline Wood, wife of Colonel Thomas Wood, of...
British Library |
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Vol. XII (ff. 240). Nov. 1854-Dec.1859.includes:f. 185 Victoria of England: Memoranda by the Queen on Prince Albert's constitutional position: 1850, 1856.: autogr. copy and copy (1854).f. 191 Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Prime Mini...
British Library |
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Vol. VI (ff. 421). Apr 1848-1853.includes:ff. 1-350 passim Admiral Sir James Whitley Deans Dundas, GCB: Correspondence with Adm. Sir C. Napier: 1847-1849.ff. 3-389 passim Admiral Sir Maurice Frederick FitzHardinge Berkeley, 1st Baron FitzHardinge...
British Library |