Lebed, Mykola.

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Mykola Lebed (1910-1998) is an important figure for Ukrainian history, particularly for the period from the 1930s to the 1970s when he was closely involved in the leadership of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UVHR), and the Prolog Research Corporation. These organizations were engaged at various times in struggles against occupying forces in Western Ukraine, including the Polish inter-war regime, the German and Soviet Armies during the Second World War, and, subsequently, the Soviet post-war regime. Upon immigrating to the United States, Lebed's active involvement in the Ukrainian movement continued. He was instrumental in establishing the Prolog Research Corporation that was responsible for monitoring and reporting on political, economic, and cultural developments in Soviet Ukraine, including studies of the important dissident movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

Mykola Lebed was born on November 23, 1910, in Novi Strilyshcha, Bibrka county in Western Ukraine. In 1929 while attending school in Lviv, he helped organize the youth movement of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). During the 1930s he served as a liaison between the OUN leadership, Ievhen Konovalets in Europe, and the organization's national executive in Western Ukraine. His liaison activities led to travel to Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Italy. Lebed was arrested in 1934 for complicity in planning the assassination of Gen. Bronislaw Pieracki, the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs, who was known for his repressive measures against Ukrainians. Sentenced to death, the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment and Lebed remained in a Warsaw prison until September 1939. Forced to evacuate, Lebed managed to escape the prison column marching eastwards.

Lebed went to Krakow where he resumed active participation in the OUN. With the OUN split in 1940 into Bandera and Melnyk factions, Lebed joined the faction headed by Stepan Bandera. After Bandera and several of his deputies were arrested by the German Gestapo for establishing a provisional government and proclaiming the renewal of Ukrainian statehood in Lviv in June 1941, Lebed, as second deputy to Bandera, assumed leadership of OUN's anti-Nazi resistance in Ukraine. He played a key role in organizing the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), which by 1943 served as the military arm of the OUN(B). In 1943 Lebed relinquished the post of acting chief of OUN(B) and assumed the duties of OUN(B)'s chief of foreign affairs.

Lebed's wife, Daria (Hnatkivska), whom he married in a Warsaw prison while both were serving sentences as co-conspirators in the plotting of the assassination of Pieracki, was arrested in January 1944 for a second time by the Germans (the first time in Lviv in 1941). She and their daughter, Zoriana, were sent to a concentration camp in Ravensbruck, Germany, where they remained until fall 1944.

Towards the end of the Second World War, during the spring of 1944, the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council (UHVR) was being organized and was officially established on July 11-15, 1944, at a meeting in the Sambir region of Western Ukraine, uniting members of various political parties and liberation movements from both Western and Soviet Ukraine under an umbrella liberation movement with the purpose of combining forces to fight both Nazi and Soviet occupation. Lebed served as the external liaison officer and director of the information bureau of the UHVR. In this role, he was ordered to go abroad to gain Allied support for Ukraine's struggle for independence. The External Representation of the UHVR was established and Lebed appointed its general secretary. He made his way to Italy, and in 1947 left for West Germany.

In 1949 Lebed immigrated to the U.S. where he continued his activities on behalf of the External Representation of the UHVR. He also organized a group of scholars and researchers and set up the Prolog Research Corporation. He served as its president (1952 to 1975) and vice-president (1982-1985). He was also on the editorial board of Litpys UPA (from 1975). Lebed is the author of the book UPA: Ukrainska povstanska armiia (1946; 2nd ed. 1987), and numerous articles on the independence movement in Western Ukraine.

Lebed passed away on July 19, 1998. He is buried at St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery in South Bound Brook, New Jersey.

From the guide to the Papers, 1930-1995., (Ukrainian Research Institute Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
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creatorOf Papers, 1930-1995. Ukrainian Research Institute Library, Harvard University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith All-Ukrainian Society of Political Prisoners and the Repressed corporateBody
associatedWith Anderson, Scott person
associatedWith Asconio Deluca person
associatedWith Bandera, Stepan person
correspondedWith Barka, Vasyl person
associatedWith Bendasiuk, S. Iu person
associatedWith Bilevych person
correspondedWith Bilokin, Serhii person
associatedWith Bilyk, Roman person
associatedWith B. Kordiuk's person
correspondedWith Bobyk, Petro person
associatedWith Bohdan (Khoma) person
correspondedWith Boliukh, Myroslav person
associatedWith Bronislaw Pieracki person
associatedWith Bryzh, Teodosiia person
associatedWith Buchko, Vasyl person
correspondedWith Bulba, Taras person
correspondedWith Burghardt, V. O. person
associatedWith Cencig, Manlio person
associatedWith Chapel of the Three Saints corporateBody
associatedWith Cheremshyna, Marko person
correspondedWith Chornyi person
correspondedWith Chuiko, Bohdan person
associatedWith Church of the Epiphany corporateBody
associatedWith Church of the Holy Spirit-iconostasis corporateBody
associatedWith Church of the Nativity corporateBody
associatedWith Club of the Politically Repressed in Lviv corporateBody
associatedWith Counter Intelligence Corps corporateBody
associatedWith Daria (Hnatkivska) Lebed person
associatedWith Daria Lebed person
associatedWith Davydenko, V. A person
correspondedWith Didyk, Halyna person
correspondedWith Division of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State corporateBody
correspondedWith Domazar, Serhii person
associatedWith Dormition Church corporateBody
correspondedWith Duzhyi, Mykola- person
correspondedWith Duzhyi, Petro person
correspondedWith Eliiashevskyi, Ivan person
correspondedWith Fedyk, Iaroslav person
associatedWith French Embassy corporateBody
associatedWith Gerhard, Jan person
associatedWith Grassi, Candido person
correspondedWith Haivas, Iaroslav person
correspondedWith Halaichuk, Bohdan person
associatedWith Harasymiv, Ivan person
associatedWith Hnatkivska, Daria (Lebed) person
correspondedWith Holiash, Stepan person
associatedWith Holovatyi, M. and V person
correspondedWith Horodyskyi, Orest person
associatedWith Horyn, Bohdan person
associatedWith Horyn, Mykhailo person
correspondedWith Hrant-Kuzmych, V. person
associatedWith Hrynokh, Ivan person
correspondedWith Hrynokh, Ivan Rev. person
correspondedWith Hrynokh, Stepan person
associatedWith Hrytsai, Dmytro person
associatedWith Hunczak, Taras person
associatedWith Iarko Stepan person
associatedWith Iavnyi, Iaroslav person
associatedWith Ihor Brehei person
associatedWith Ivakhniuk, A. and Nadia person
correspondedWith Ivakhniuk, Antin person
correspondedWith Ivan Hrynoch person
associatedWith Jon Lee Anderson person
associatedWith Kalynets, Ihor person
associatedWith Khaviak, Volodymyr person
correspondedWith Khmara, Stepan-documents person
associatedWith Kodenchuk, Oleh Hryhorovych person
correspondedWith Koshelivets, Ivan person
correspondedWith Kostetskyi, Ihor person
associatedWith Koval, M. V. person
correspondedWith Kozak, Iryna person
associatedWith Kozak (Korovina), Iryna person
associatedWith Krasnov family
correspondedWith Kuk, Vasyl person
associatedWith Kyrylo Osmak person
associatedWith Labunka, Mrs. person
associatedWith Lapinski, Leon person
associatedWith Lavriv, Petro person
associatedWith Lawton, Lancelot person
correspondedWith Lebed, Daria person
associatedWith Lebed, Daria and Mykola person
correspondedWith Lebed, Mykhailo person
associatedWith Lebed, Roman person
associatedWith Lebed, Vasyl person
correspondedWith Lebed, Zoriana person
associatedWith Lebid, Mykola person
associatedWith Les Martovych person
correspondedWith Lisynetskyi, Orest person
associatedWith Litopys UPA corporateBody
correspondedWith Lukianenko, Levko- person
correspondedWith Lutskyi, Iurii person
correspondedWith Lytvyn, Ivan person
correspondedWith Maistrenko, Ivan person
associatedWith Maivskyi, Dmytro person
correspondedWith Marochkin, Vasyl person
correspondedWith Marunchak, Mykhailo person
correspondedWith Marusia person
associatedWith Moretti, Aldo don person
correspondedWith Moroz, Valeyntyn person
correspondedWith Mudryk, Stepan person
associatedWith Myhal, Ivan person
associatedWith Mykhailenko, Anna Vasylivna person
associatedWith Mykhailuk, Mykhailo person
associatedWith Mykola Lebed person
associatedWith Mykola Petrenko person
correspondedWith Mykola Petrushchak person
associatedWith Mykola Stsiborskyi person
correspondedWith Mykytchuk, Karpo person
associatedWith Myroslav Prokop person
correspondedWith Naklovych, Serhii person
correspondedWith Naniak, Hryhorii person
associatedWith Northern Department of the British Foreign Office corporateBody
associatedWith Novi Strilyshcha person
associatedWith Oberkommando der Wehrmacht and the Sicherheitspolizei und des SD corporateBody
correspondedWith Oberlander, Theodor person
associatedWith Okhrymovych, Vasyl person
associatedWith Oliinyk, Mykhailo person
correspondedWith Oliinyk, Stepan person
associatedWith Oliinyk, Vira person
associatedWith Omelian Senyk person
associatedWith Organization for the Rebirth of Ukraine corporateBody
associatedWith Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists corporateBody
associatedWith Osinchuk, Roman person
associatedWith Osoppo Friuli corporateBody
associatedWith OUN-Koliada corporateBody
associatedWith OUN-UPA corporateBody
associatedWith Panchenko, Oleksandr person
associatedWith Pechara, Andrii person
associatedWith Pelenskyi, Ie., compiler person
associatedWith Petrov, Viktor person
associatedWith Pikhotskyi, Terentii person
correspondedWith Podolianko, Bohdan person
associatedWith Podstawek, Bogusz person
correspondedWith Pokalchuk, Iurii person
associatedWith Polish Department of Ethnic Affairs corporateBody
associatedWith Polish Ministry of Internal Affa corporateBody
associatedWith Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs corporateBody
associatedWith Potichnyj, Peter J. person
associatedWith Potolia, Zenoviia person
associatedWith Prokop, Myroslav person
associatedWith Propkop, Liuba and Marko person
correspondedWith Protsyk, Stepan person
correspondedWith Prus, Edward person
correspondedWith Pryshliak, Hryhorii person
associatedWith Ptashnyk, Hnat person
associatedWith Publishing Committee of the History of Ukraine corporateBody
correspondedWith Radigin, Anatolii person
correspondedWith Rakhmannyi, Roman person
correspondedWith Roman Oliinyk person
associatedWith Roman Szporluk person
associatedWith Rudnytskyi, Stepan person
correspondedWith Selianska, Vira person
associatedWith Shabatura, Stefaniia person
associatedWith Shalai, Liubomyr person
associatedWith Shukhevych, Iurii person
associatedWith Shukhevych, Roman person
correspondedWith Shyfrin, Avraam person
associatedWith Sichko, Volodymyr person
associatedWith Sluchynska, Mariika person
correspondedWith Sopuliak, Mykhailo person
correspondedWith Sopuliak, Mykola person
associatedWith Soviet Armed Forces corporateBody
associatedWith Stakhiv, E person
correspondedWith Stakhiv, Volodymyr person
associatedWith State Center of the Ukrainian National Republic corporateBody
correspondedWith Stefa person
correspondedWith Stefanyk, Iurii person
associatedWith Stefanyk, Mykhailo person
associatedWith Stepaniuk, Mykhailo person
correspondedWith Stetsko, Iaroslav and Slava person
associatedWith St. George's Cathedral corporateBody
associatedWith Strutynskyi, Iaroslav person
associatedWith St. Sophia Cathedral corporateBody
associatedWith Stus, Vasyl person
correspondedWith Sverstiuk, Ievhen person
associatedWith Svitlychnyi, Ivan person
associatedWith Szczensniak, Antoni person
associatedWith Taisa person
correspondedWith Taniuk, Leonid person
correspondedWith Tsymbalistyi, Bohdan person
correspondedWith Turula, Pavlo person
associatedWith Tymofiiv, Mykhailo person
associatedWith Ukrainian Catholic Church corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Democratic Alliance corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Insurgent Army corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Press Agency corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Red Cross corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Republican Party corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian State Gymnasium corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Students' Dachau Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council corporateBody
associatedWith Union of Ukrainian Students corporateBody
associatedWith UPA corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Embassy corporateBody
associatedWith U.S. Legation corporateBody
correspondedWith Vasyliv, Serhii person
associatedWith Velhash, Stepan person
correspondedWith Veretenchenko, Oleksa person
correspondedWith Viacheslav Chornovil person
correspondedWith Vira Vovk person
associatedWith Wieslaw Z. Szota person
associatedWith World Congress of Ukrainian Political Prisoners corporateBody
associatedWith World League of Ukrainian Political Prisoners corporateBody
associatedWith Zalyvakha, Opanas person
associatedWith Zarytska-Soroka, Kateryna person
correspondedWith Zhovnoruk, Volodymyr person
associatedWith Zhulynskyi, Mykola person
associatedWith Zoriana Lebed person
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