creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. Suite of six trios for classical guitars / by Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip,. Two night movements : for guitar and violin [music] / [Phillip Houghton].
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. [Collection of music for guitar] / by Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. Iliad - landscape with water / Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. 7 short solos for classical guitar / Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. The mantis and the moon : guitar duet / Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. Two night movements for guitar and violin / by Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Houghton, Phillip, 1954-. God of the Northern Forest / Phillip Houghton.
Libraries Australia |
creatorOf |
Omalyev, Gillian. Guitar class recital [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Harkins, Payton, 1989-. Guitar class recital [sound recording]
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |
creatorOf |
Robinson, Jesse, 1984-. Performance hour [sound recording].
University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Semans Library |