Allen, Donald Collector.

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From the guide to the Allen Collection of Frank O'Hara Letters., 1950-1966., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center .)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Allen Collection of Frank O'Hara Letters., 1950-1966. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Allen Ginsberg person
correspondedWith Anne Porter person
correspondedWith Arabel Porter person
correspondedWith Barbara Guest person
correspondedWith Barnett Newman person
correspondedWith Barney Rosset person
correspondedWith Ben Weber person
associatedWith Bill Berkson person
correspondedWith David Shapiro person
correspondedWith Don Allen person
correspondedWith Erje Ayden person
correspondedWith Fairfield Porter person
correspondedWith Ford Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Frank Lima person
correspondedWith George Montgomery person
correspondedWith George Scouffas person
correspondedWith Gerard Malanga person
correspondedWith Grace Hartigan person
associatedWith Gregory Corso person
correspondedWith Hal Fondren person
correspondedWith Helen Frankenthaler person
correspondedWith Howard Griffin person
correspondedWith Howard Kanovitz person
correspondedWith Irma Hurley person
correspondedWith Jack Larson person
associatedWith James Schuyler person
correspondedWith Jan Cremer person
correspondedWith Jane Freilicher person
correspondedWith Jim Bridges person
correspondedWith Joan Mitchell person
correspondedWith Joe Ceravolo person
correspondedWith Joe LeSueur person
correspondedWith John Ashbery person
correspondedWith John Button person
correspondedWith John Myers person
correspondedWith Judith Schmidt person
correspondedWith Kenneth Koch person
correspondedWith Kerker Quinn person
correspondedWith Larry Osgood person
correspondedWith Larry Rivers person
associatedWith Lawrence Ferlinghetti person
correspondedWith Lawrence Osgood person
correspondedWith Lita Hornick person
correspondedWith Marilyn Meeker person
correspondedWith Maxine Groffsky person
correspondedWith Michael Goldberg person
correspondedWith Mike Goldberg person
correspondedWith Morton Feldman person
correspondedWith Ned Rorem person
correspondedWith Nell Blaine person
correspondedWith Peter Boneham person
correspondedWith Peter Orlovsky person
correspondedWith Philip O'Hara person
correspondedWith Pierre Martory person
correspondedWith Renee Neu person
correspondedWith Richard Miller person
correspondedWith Robert Fizdale person
correspondedWith Roger Shattuck person
correspondedWith Ruth Witt-Diamant person
correspondedWith Tanya Grosman person
correspondedWith Tatyana Grosman person
correspondedWith Ted Weiss person
correspondedWith Vincent Warren person
Place Name Admin Code Country


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Ark ID: w6461s6q

SNAC ID: 13794938