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Medicine and Surgery: Signet Warrant for a licence to the College of Physicians to purchase in mortmain: 1721.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Signet Warrant for a licence to, to purchase in mortmain: 1721.
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includes:ff. 1-22 Medicine: Astrological physic: 1672.ff. 23-44 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent.: Imperf.ff. 45-109 Receipts: Miscellaneous receipts: 17th cent.ff. 45-60 b Medicine. Charms and Recei...
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Theodore Diodati, junior, MD, of London: Medical prescriptions,: 1670-1680.: Lat.John Downes, MD, Physician to St. Bartholomew's and Christ's Hospitals: Miscellaneous collections chiefly medical: 17th cent.Medicine: Indexes to a work on the practice ...
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Sloane 1648Chartaceus, in 4to, ff. 20, sec. XVII.Statuta Collegii Medicorum Londinensium. ff. 1-20.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent.: Imperf.
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Sloane 2251Paper, in folio, ff. 125; XVII Century.1. 'Proposalls to be made to Dr. Cox' — in behalf of the College of Physicians; relative to an exchange of land near the college for the purpose of building.' f. 1.2. Brief summaries of the characters...
British Library |
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Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.: Autogr.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].inc...
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London; SOCIETIES, SCIENTIFIC. ROYAL SOCIETY: Philosophical transactions: 1665-1742.Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Philosophical papers communicated to: 17th-18th centt.includes:f. 1 Transylvania: Account of the Transsylvanian stone salts, by Dr. E. Bro...
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Bindings ENGLISH: Embroidered needlework: late 14th cent.includes:ff. 1-45 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent.: Imperf.ff. 46-53 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent....
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Arms English: Arms of the College of Physicians, and of the members: 1666.includes:f. 1 London, England: Arms of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen: 1676.ff. 1 b-4 b London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Arms of the College and of its...
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London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.:
British Library |
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James Petiver, FRS, Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence (N.B. Petiver died in April 1718, but letters were written to him up to 12 Febr. 1719.): 1697-1718/9, and n.d.Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronol...
British Library |
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includes:f. 1 Medicine: Tract on polypus in the nose: 17th cent.: Imperf.f. 3 J-C-; Medicus Londinensis: "Uronoscopia": 17th cent.f. 4 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Notæ de fundatione et benefactionibus Coll. Med. Lo...
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Sloane 1895Paper, in Octavo, ff. 100; XVII Century.A collection of medical prescriptions, partly Latin, partly English, partly French. ff. 1-100.At f. 97b. is a list of the Fellows &c., of the Coll. of Physicians, 1667.Edward Browne, MD, son of, Sir ...
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronologically arranged: 17th-18th centt.includes:f. 1 Hans Gramm, Regius Professor in Copenhagen University: Letters to Sir H. Sloane: 1726-1736.: Lat.ff. 3, 117, 160 Walter Tullideph, of Antig...
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Sloane 1786Paper, in folio, ff. 191, XVII Century.1. A table of the contents of the first part of the MS. as far as fol. 99. f. 1.2. Account of the death of Queen Elizabeth with her declaration of her successor. ff. 3b-5.3. The manner of the sickness...
British Library |
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Sloane 1901Chartaceus, Octavo, ff. 84, Sec. XVII.'Statuta collegii Medicorum Londinensium.' ff. 1-84.Exstant impressa, Ed. Lond. 1693.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent.: Imperf.Owners of Manuscripts: Browne (...
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includes:ff. 1-64 b Giovanni Domenico Sala, Professor of Medicine at Padua: Methodus resolvendi casus medicos pro doctoratus examine privatim tradita Patavii: 1620.ff. 65-74 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th c...
British Library |
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Sloane 1815Paper, 12mo., ff. 136, XVII Century; intitled by Sir Hans Sloane in the orignal MS. Catalogue, 'Papers, &c., of Dr. Francis Bernard and Capt. Aston.'1. Articles of accusation against the College of Physicians. f. 1.2. Instructions in astro...
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Medicine. Charms and Receipts: Orationes et receptæ medicæ.: 10th-18th centt.: Lat., Fr., Dutch, Engl., Germ., Ital., and Span.includes:f. 6 Martin Browne, Surgeon: Ointment for a sore bloodshot eve: 17th cent.f. 7 Plague: Medicines against the p...
British Library |
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Sloane 1782Paper, in 4to., ff. 87, XVII Century.1. Collectiones variae astronomicae, cum nativitatum schematibus, et tabulis astronomicis. ff. 1-43.2. 'A true description out of the word of God of the visible church, 1589.' ff. 44-49.At the end is th...
British Library |
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Medical cases: 17th-18th centt.Medicine: Accounts of medical cases: 18th cent.includes:f. 1 Customs: Answers from two physicians to the Commissioners touching infected goods brought from Italy: 1743.f. 1 Matthew Lee, MD:...
British Library |
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Sloane 1783Paper, in Quarto, ff. 93, XVII Century; bound with the last.1. Some of Aesop's fables in English verse; with coloured drawings. (Imperfect). ff. 1-6.Begin: — 'A mouse and frogg most feircely combating.'2. 'An Inquisition uppon the Jesuits ...
British Library |
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includes:f. 2 James V of Scotland: Description of the crown sent him by the Pope: 17th cent.f. 2 Paul III; Pope: Description of the crown sent by, to James V. of Scotland: 17th cent.f. 3 Arthur Charlett, DD; Master of University College, Oxford...
British Library |
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronologically arranged: 17th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1, 45, 218 Levinus Vincent: Letters to Sir H. Sloane: 1725.f. 3 S-H-: Letter to Sir H. Sloane: 1725.ff. 5, 264-266 b Michael Angelo Tilli...
British Library |
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Sloane 1661Paper, in 4to, ff. 177, end of XVII Century.A note book of Dr. Richard Short, containing:— 1. A collection of moral observations, in French. ff. 1-129. There is a table of the principal part of the subjects of these at f. 172.2. A treatise...
British Library |
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includes:ff. 1-52 b London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent.: Imperf.ff. 53-65 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta: 17th cent.: Imperf.ff. 61-65 London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL ...
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London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.: Autogr.
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Vol. XXIII, 1688-1689.includes:ff. 3, 5 England; Parliament: Lords' address to the Prince of Orange, with reply: 1688.: Copies.f. 5 William III and Mary II of England: Reply to an address from the Lords: 1688.: Copy.ff. 14-111 b passim Newslett..., 1688-1689
British Library |
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John Downes, MD, Physician to St. Bartholomew's and Christ's Hospitals: Medical collections: 1640-1695.includes:f. 1 Thomas Croyden, MD of Padua; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge: Letter to J. Abdy: circ. 1647.ff. 1, 4, 5 Sir John Abdy: Corre...
British Library |
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London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.:
British Library |
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London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.: Autogr.
British Library |
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includes:ff. 1-23 b Medicine: Charms and Receipts. Orationes et receptæmedica.: 10th-18th centt.ff. 24-60 Spryng: Collection of medical receipts: 16th cent.ff. 61-70 b Parliament: Petition to the House of Commons from the brotherhood of Laboure...
British Library |
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Dalepater Menedemus: Objections to the method and exclusive practise of the College of Physicians: circ. 1664.Owners of Manuscripts: Bernard (Francis), M.D.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Attack on their method and exclusive ...
British Library |
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Owners of Manuscripts: Bateman (John), M.D.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Minutes of the Committees: 1681-1697.
British Library |
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Collection of his loose papers and letters: 17th-18th centt.includes:f. 15 Hippocrates: Explicatio Aphorismi xv., sect. 3: 17th cent.f. 16 Mrs Bowles: Receipts for ruptures: 17th cent.: Autogr.f. 18 Hoxton, Middlesex: ...
British Library |
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James Petiver, FRS, Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence (N.B. Petiver died in April 1718, but letters were written to him up to 12 Febr. 1719.): 1697-1718/9, and n.d.Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronol...
British Library |
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronologically arranged: 17th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-11 Charles Montague, Earl of Halifax: Letters to Sir H. Sloane: 1699, and n.d.f. 12 George Montagu, Earl of Halifax: Letters to Sir H. Slo...
British Library |
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Writers of Manuscripts: Foote (Daniel), M.D.Owners of Manuscripts: Foote (Daniel), M.D.Daniel Foote, MD, of Cambridge: Wrote MSS.includes:ff. 1-10 b, 27-52 b Christopher Merret, MD; Librarian to the College of Physicians: Extracts from the several ...
British Library |
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Medical cases: 17th-18th centt.includes:f. 1 Mapp, Professional Bonesetter: Letters relating to her cures: 1736.f. 2 A-Noakes: Letter from her to Sir H. Sloane: 1736.f. 4 H-Pine, of Impington, county Cambridgeshire: ...
British Library |
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Medicine: Collectanea medica: 13th-17th cent.: Engl., Lat., Dutch, Germ. and Fr.includes:ff. 126-173 Charles Drélincourt, junior, Professor of Medicine at Leyden: Observationes anatomicæ in privato collegio ejus: 17th cent.ff. 174 b-188 Charles D...
British Library |
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Charles Goodall, MD, Physician to the Charterhouse: Collections relating to the College of Physicians: 18th cent.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Collections relating to, by Dr. C. Goodall and others,: 17th, 18th centt.Owners ...
British Library |
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Sloane 1904Chartaceus, Quarto, ff. 8, Sec. XVII.'Statuta nova praesidentis collegii seu communitatis facultatis medicinae London. per praesidentem collegium seu communitatem praedictam per consensum praesidentis Collegii seu communitatis praedictae a...
British Library |
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includes:f. 1 Poetry LATIN: Epigrammata duo in medicos.: 17th cent.f. 1 London PARISHES AND LOCALITIES: Inscription in St. Mary Aldermary Church on its rebuilding after the Great Fire: 1681.: Lat.f. 1 b London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE...
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British Library |
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TRACTS AND PAPERS RELATING TO TRADE, the City of London, etc.; 16th cent. Some Latin and French. Copies. Contents list, f. iii. Some titles and notes, by Beale passim. 1. ff. 1-7b. 'A discourse touchinge clothes and clothe makinge', by John Leake, de..., 12th century-16th century
British Library |
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London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.:
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FLEMING PAPERS. Vol. VIII. 1924-1944.ff. 1-257. Papers and correspondence include:Emergency Public Health Laboratory ServiceInternational Society for MicrobiologyJohn Scott MedalKnighthoodMedical Research CouncilMinistry of HealthRoyal Institute of P..., 1924-1944
British Library |
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includes:ff. 1b-3b Theology: Tabula brevis in qua continentur singula disputatæ religionis capita, sumpta die: 16 Oct. 1690.f. 4 Melchior Leydecker, Professor of Theology at Utrecht University: Brevis analysis capitum quorundam synopseos ejus the...
British Library |
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Major Richard Salwey, Prisoner in the Tower: Allowance of materials to, for petitioning Charles II.: 1661.Philip V of Spain: Account of Spanish ships taken and burnt in Rodondello Harbour by the English and Dutch,: 1702.includes:f. 1 Elizabeth I of E...
British Library |
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Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet: Original correspondence, chronologically arranged: 17th-18th centt.James Petiver, FRS, Apothecary to the Charter-House: Miscellaneous correspondence (N.B. Petiver died in April 1718, but letters were written to him up to 12 ...
British Library |
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Thomas Stack, MD: Statuta Collegii Medicorum Londinensium: 1735, 1736.London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Statuta correcta ad fidem autographi per T. Stack: 1735, 1736.
British Library |
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London; SOCIETIES, MEDICAL. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS: Medical lectures of Dr. F. Glisson in: [1640].Francis Glisson, MD, Regius Professor of Physic at Cambridge: Medical lectures in the College of Physicians: 17th cent.: Engl. and Lat.:
British Library |