Bombast von Hohenheim, Philipp Aureol Theophrast, called Paracelsus

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Epithet: called Paracelsus

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000217.0x00038a

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Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 20 b-25 Alfidius: Epitre de, au Roy Memphis: 16th cent.ff. 20 b-25 b Memphis; King of Egypt: Epître alchem... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2194Paper, in Quarto, ff. 91, XVII Century; bound with 2195. In the handwriting of Sir Hugh Platt.Collection of Alchymical notes and treatises; among which the following may be distinguished: —1. 'Tabula smaragdina, or the table of emerald say... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 2-43 Janus Therapus Lacinius, Calaber Minorita: Collectanea de Philo... British Library
referencedIn Owners of Manuscripts: Guide, Family of.includes:ff. 3-27 John Knap, MD: Anatomical discourse: 17th cent.ff. 28-54 Eccard Leichner, Medicus, Professor in Academia 'Erffurtina.': Responsio ad, ejus exercitationem Anti-Harveianam: 17th cent.ff. 55-... British Library
referencedIn Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, Baron; MD: Consilia et epistolæ medicæ: 1607-1653/4.: Lat. and Engl.Writers of Manuscripts: Mayerne (Theodore Turquet de), Baron; M.D.includes:ff. 1-28 Briot: Extracts from his Miscellanea, relating to Natural Science: ... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2193Paper, in Quarto, ff. 89, XVII Century.1. Treatise on the multiplication of metals; in question and answer. ff. 1-17.Beginning, 'Quest: First shewe mee in what thing of what thing or by what thing is the medicin or multiplication of mettel... British Library
referencedIn Glasses Drinking: Drawings and measurements: 1667-1671.John Greene, Citizen and Glass-Seller of London: Papers and letters relating to the Glass-Sellers' Company: 1670-1690.London; COMPANIES, LIVERY. GLASS-SELLERS COMPANY: Papers relating to the glas... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1627Paper, in 4to., ff. 66, XVII Cent., formerly belonging to Philip Moore.1. 'The chimicall and arteficiall theoricke and practise of nature; a booke verie philosophicall set furth for the commoditie of all such as bestowe ther studie in the ... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2011Chartaceus, in 4to., ff. 154, Sec. XVII.1. Collectanea medica et chymica ex libris Hippocratis, Arnaldi de Villanova, aliorumque. ff. 1-130.Codice inverso: — 2. Extracts and notes on Medical subjects, chiefly in French. ff. 153-131.include... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-39 Philipp Aureol Theophrast Bombast von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus: Alchemical treatises: 17th cent.ff. 1-39 b, 48-109 b Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological ord... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-4 b Timber: Opinion of A. C. touching the cutting down of certain timber within fourteen miles of the sea or any navigable river to convert the same or any part thereof for the making of iron: temp. James I.ff. 1-4 b A-C-: Opinion... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1996Paper, in folio, ff. 184, XVII Century.Theodori Turqueti de Mayerne Adversaria medica et chymica; scilicet; — 1. 'La maniere dextraire la quinte effence du froment.' ff. 1-4.2. 'Du sang de l'homme.' ff. 4b-7.3. 'Autre oeuvre d'Isaac.' ff. ... British Library
referencedIn Writers of Manuscripts: Mayerne (Theodore Turquet de), Baron; M.D.includes:f. 1 S-Du Val: Modus conficiendi Elixir in duabus lineis; condemned by: 17th cent.: Lat.ff. 3-37 Chemistry: Isagoge chymike: 17th cent.ff. 38-47 Philipp Aureol Theophra... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-25, 30-39 b (reversed) Medicine. Charms and Receipts: Orationes et receptæ medicæ.: 10th-18th centt.: Lat.... British Library
referencedIn William Courten, alias Charleton; of the Middle Temple: Letters and papers relating to natural history and vertu: 17th cent.includes:f. 1 County of Gloucester: List of deeds relating to, in possession of W. Charleton: 1668.f. 1 Evesham Manor; Wor... British Library
referencedIn Ramón Lull, of Majorca: Theorica, capp. 49-67: 16th cent.: Engl.Henry Clitherow, Merchant of London: Trading accompts: 1578-1580.Nicolaus de Comitibus, of Padua and Florence: Epistle on alchemy: 16th cent.William Blomefield, MB: Compendiary of alchem... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 1723Paper, in 4to., ff. 122, xvii Century; formerly belonging to Stephen Williams.Various Alchymical Treatises and Processes; among which are the following: — 1. 'Isaac his worke upon head.' ff. 3-17.2. A treatise intitled 'Theophrastis Parace... British Library
referencedIn Medicine: Collectanea medica: 13th-17th cent.: Engl., Lat., Dutch, Germ. and Fr.Magic: Tractatus et experimenta magica: 14th-17th centt.: Engl., Lat., Ital. and Fr.Owners of Manuscripts: Sommers (John), Lord Chancellor.Owners of Manuscripts: Jekyll ... British Library
referencedIn Medicine. Charms and Receipts: Orationes et receptæ medicæ.: 10th-18th centt.: Lat., Fr., Dutch, Engl., Germ., Ital., and Span.includes:f. 148 Philipp Aureol Theophrast Bombast von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus: Receipt for the weapon-salve: 17th ce... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2203Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 269, Sec. XVII; bound with 2204.1. Collection of medical receipts; with an index. ff. 2-69.2. A book of receipts collected by Sir Hugh Platt, having the following note prefixed by way of title, 'This present book... British Library
referencedIn Jacques Du Poirier, MD, of Amboise and Tours: Collectanea medica et chemica: 17th cent.includes:ff. 1-36, 139 b-167 Georgius Agricola, the Elder: Quædam de re Metallica ex: 17th cent.ff. 37, 39 h, 170-175 Bernardus Georgius Penotus: De vera præpa... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-8 Johannes Pauper: Breviarium seu breviloquium: 15th-17th cent.f. 29 Edward IV of England: Alchemical pr... British Library
referencedIn Jacques Du Poirier, MD, of Amboise and Tours: Collectanea medica et chemica: 17th cent.includes:ff. 1-134 b Theodoricus Echovius: Curatio morborum internorum ex: 17th cent.ff. 1-134 b Jean Riolan: Curatio morborum internorum ex: 17th cent.ff. 135... British Library
referencedIn includes:ff. 1-47 Salomon, King of Israel: Clavicle of Solomon: 1572.: Fr.ff. 47-53 Henricus Cornelius Agrippa: Extract from, relating to the planets: 17th cent.ff. 53 b-75 Philipp Aureol Theophrast Bombast von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus: Wor... British Library
referencedIn Sloane 2190Chartaceus, in Quarto, ff. 62, Sec. XVII.'Theophrasti Paracelsi summi philosophi ac medici, septem de Natura rerum libri; — opuscula vere philosophica ex Germanica lingua in Latinam translata:' — per M. Georgium Forbergium Mysum. ff. 1-61.... British Library
referencedIn Alchemy: General collections and anonymous treatises and processes in prose and verse; in chronological order: 14th-18th centt.includes:ff. 1-8 b Arnaldus de Villa Nova: Quæstiones essentiales et accidentales ad petitionem Regis Aragonum: 16th-18th... British Library
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Dieppe, Seine-Inférieure
Jerusalem, Israel
America, North America
Fawsley Lodge, Northamptonshire
Gloucestershire, England
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Denbighshire, Wales


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SNAC ID: 11498690