Court of Star Chamber (active 1400-1641)

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referencedIn A Volume, in folio, on paper : containing, 1. The Placeing of Estates and Degrees of Nobility in England. pag. 1. 2. Carta Johannis Regis quæ vocatur Rumnemede. Anno 17 Reg. Johannis. ibid. 3. De Seneschalcia Angliæ. p. 17. 4. A Description of the Hi... British Library
referencedIn LEEDS PAPERS. Vol. LX (ff. 137). Tracts, etc.; 1637-1694:-(1) Information brought by Sir John Bankes, Attorney-General, in the Star Chamber against John Bostwick, Henry Burton, William Prynne and others, accused of the publication of seditious libel..., 1637-1694 British Library
referencedIn VOL. I. Chronicles and historical works, f. 1;-Public records, registers, etc., f. 69;-Parliamentary proceedings, f. 73;-Petitions, f. 79;-Proceedings of the Privy Council, f. 84;-Royal writs, proclamations, etc., 1174-1839, f. 86;-Star-chamber, f. 1..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn " THE METHODICALL PROSEC[UTION] Of causes in the high Court of Star Chamber from the originall subp[oena] vnto the hearing and end of the cause. Allso the order and proceedings of the Court vpon the sitting dayes in the hearing of causes and motions.... British Library
referencedIn SPEECHES OF SIR NICHOLAS BACON, LORD KEEPER; 1558-1579. Copies, late 16th cent. Numerous other copies of Bacon's speeches are extant: most of the items in the present MS. occur in Harley MS. 398, a manuscript formerly owned by Sir Christopher Hatton...., 1558-1580 British Library
referencedIn A Volume in folio; on paper: containing,1. " Leicester's Common-Wealthe. The Coppye of a Letter wrightten by a Mr. of Arts of Cambridge to his frends in London concerninge some talke paste betweene two worll and grave men about the present State, and... British Library
creatorOf PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS AND THE CASE OF SIR JOHN ELIOT; Jan. 1629-Feb. 1630. 1. ff. 2-88b. The 'True Relation', or proceedings in the House of Commons in the second session of the third parliament of Charles I; Jan.-March 1629. The Common..., 1629-1630 British Library
referencedIn STAR-CHAMBER CASES. The first part (ff. 1-66) contains brief records of cases in the Court of Star-Chamber in 1565, 1607, 1608, 1610-1615,1617,1621-1623. The second part (ff.67-188) contains a detailed account of the action brought by the Crown again... British Library
referencedIn A Volume of Miscellaneous and Law Papers: in folio; containing,1. Queen Elizabeth's Letter to Sultan Mahomet Cham. A. D. 1602. (Latin).fol. 1. 2. The Orders of Trayninge to be observed by the Muster Maisters A. D. 1599. fol. 3. 3. Thomas Walker to Mr... British Library
referencedIn 1. History of the Star Chamber, in three parts, [by William Hudson, of Gray's Inn] f. 1. 2. "An exact compendium of the whole course of proceeding in the Court of Starr-Chamber by Isaack Cotton, late the Register of that Court," f. 151. 3. "A discour..., 16th century-17th century British Library
referencedIn ENGLISH LEGAL TREATISES of the I7th century, viz.:-(1) 'An abstracte of severall extents, Inquisicions, Lettres patents, Charters, Acts of parliamente and other wrytings touchinge ye Pryncipallytie of Wales Dukedome of Cornwall & Earldome of Chester..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn Commission from Charles "Prince of Great Brittaine", letter of credence from Charles I, letter of George Whitefield, "Thexpences of the dyettes provided for the Queenes maties most honorable Counsell at her Graces Starre-chamber during, this Hillary ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, chiefly political; 1540-1629. 1. " Certaine articles put forth vnto the Bishoppes . . . by the kinges maiestie in Juine, ao Do. 1540 [concerning Sacraments], to make an answeare vnto by ther learninges." See Strype, Cranmer, ed.... British Library
referencedIn TREATISE of the Court of Star-Chamber, compiled by William Hudson, of Gray's Inn, Esq. ; copied out by his son Christopher Hudson, in the year 1634 ;-Cases in Banco Regis, from Trinity term, 4 Jac. I., to Michaelmas term, 5 Jac. I. xvii. cent. Folio...., 17th century British Library
referencedIn STAR CHAMBER PAPERS, etc.; temp. Elizabeth I. Partly Latin and French. Copies, except where otherwise described. Notes, titles, etc., by Beale passim. 1. ff. 1-4. Chancery fees and ordinances; n.d. Not included in G. Saunders, Orders of the High Cour..., 1271-1605 British Library
referencedIn An older Copy of the same Treatise. Folio; on paper. Sæc. XVII.Court of Star Chamber: Treatises on the Court of. British Library
referencedIn RADCLYFFE PAPERS. Correspondence and papers, chiefly legal, of members of the Roman Catholic family of Radclyffe al. Radcliffe, of Dilston, Northumberland, Earls of Derwentwater; 1530-1688. On the family see The History of Northumberland, x, 1914, pp..., 1530-1688 British Library
referencedIn 7. Supplementary Privy Council papers.TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vols. CLXXV-CLXXXII. Papers of William Trumbull as Clerk of the Privy Council, etc.; 1573-1635 and n.d. Partly fair copies and drafts. These papers supplement the others that are distributed amon..., 1573-1635 British Library
referencedIn " A TREATIS Of the high courte of Starr Chamber . . . . . written in the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles." The treatise is divided into three parts, the first dealing with the antiquity and general character of the Court and its officers, ... British Library
referencedIn SCUDAMORE PAPERS. VOL. VIII. Account of Proceedings in the Star Chamber concerning the censure of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, and Lambert Osbaldeston; 14 Feb. 1639. Printed by J. Rushworth, Historical Collection, ii, 1721, pp. 805-817. Paper; f... British Library
referencedIn TRESHAM PAPERS. Vol. II (ff. 250). Correspondence and papers ; 1598-1605. Included are :--1. " Whether ye innocentt husbande may by law be bound to pay for his wyfe's recusancye." In Tresham's hand. An unascribed memorandum on this subject is calend..., 1598-1605 British Library
referencedIn SHREWSBURY (TALBOT) PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 175). Correspondence, etc., of the Talbots and their relatives: circ. 1400-1858. The writers include the Giffards of Chillington, in Brewood, co. Staff., the Lyttletons of Frankley, co. Worc., and the Needhams..., approximately 1400-1858 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XLII (ff. 258).Court of Star Chamber: 'A Treatise of the Courte of Star-chamber', by W. Hudson: 17th cent.William Hudson, d 1635 lawyer: 'A Treatise of the Courte of Star Chamber': 17th cent. British Library
referencedIn SCATTERGOOD COLLECTIONS. Vol. V. Notes on law lectures given by Readers of the Inner Temple, whose names are given in the Index, 1632-1641. At the end (ff. 168b-138 reversing the volume) are rough notes on cases in the Court of Star Chamber, April 1..., 1632-1641 British Library
referencedIn REPORTS OF STAR CHAMBER CASES, 1-3 Charles I; 1625-1628. Mostly French. An English translation of the same reports, Lansdowne MS. 620, omits some notes in the present MS., e.g. those recording the adjournments of the court in the Trinity and Michaelm..., 1625-1628 British Library
referencedIn A Treatise on the Court of Star-Chamber: compiled by William Hudson, of Gray's Inn, Esqr . Folio; on paper.This Manuscript is a transcript from the Harleian MS. num. 1226.Court of Star Chamber: Treatises on the Court of.William Hudson: Treatise of, o... British Library
referencedIn A Treatise of the High Court of Star Chamber. Folio; on paper. A Manuscript Note in Mr. Hargrave's hand-writing says, " According to the Copy of this Manuscript in the Harleian Collection, this Treatise was by Mr. Hudson; and this I take to be the ac... British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of the Collections made by Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and Master of the Rolls, temp. James I containing the following legal,and miscellaneous Papers and Letters; most of which are originals:-Notes by Sir J. Cæsa... British Library
referencedIn REPORTS OF STAR CHAMBER CASES, etc.; 1573-1622. Mostly French. Copies, temp. Charles I[between 1625-1649]. In two sections: (a) Notes on cases in Star Chamber; 1573-1622. Mostly notes of precedents, rulings by the court, etc., rather than full report..., 1625-1649 British Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of the Collections made by Sir Julius Caesar, Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and Master of the Rolls, temp. James I containing the following miscellaneous Papers and Letters, for the most part Originals: Papers respecting the petition... British Library
referencedIn THE ART of Prophesying, or a Treatise concerning the sacred and onely true manner and methode of preaching ; first written in Latine by Wm. Perkins, and now faythfully translated into English by Thomas Tuke ;-Theological memoranda ;-Briefe notes of a..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of original papers and letters of Sir Julius Cæsar, Master of the Rolls, relating chiefly to Chancery cases submitted to him for his opinion or adjudication; 1582-1619. For other volumes of Caesar's collections see Lansdowne MSS. 124-174, ..., 1582-1619 British Library
referencedIn 25,564-25,734. ACQUITTANCES for rents of Crown-lands, lands of recusants, subsidies, Star-chamber fines, Custom-dues, benevolences, pardons, etc., from 1564 to 1673, in -Co. Berks; 1575-1588 (25,564-25,567). Co. Buckingham; 1576-1615 (25,568-25,571,... British Library
referencedIn TRUMBULL PAPERS. Vol. CLXXX (ff. 147). Miscellaneous Privy Council papers, including orders, etc., in the Star Chamber; 1603, 1618-1635, n.d. Included are some outsize documents. From Misc. XVIII, XXXVI, XXXVII, XL, XLI and Add. 7, 13, 14, 16, 19, 36..., 1603-1635 British Library
referencedIn REPORTS of several Cases in the Star Chamber, 9 Car. I. ;-Instructions to the Master of the Wards and Liveries, for the better execution of his office, temp. Jac. I.;-Discourse of Wardship and Tenures;-Arguments in the Court of Exchequer in defence ..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn HEATH AND VERNEY PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 321). Miscellaneous State papers, etc., 1603-1659. The principal contents are as follows :-1. Weekly statistics of burials in London from the plague and otherwise, 24 Dec. 1602-22 Dec. 1603, and 6 Jail.-22 Dec. 16..., 1602-1659 British Library
creatorOf PAPERS OF ROBERT BEALE RELATING TO RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS; 1535-1593, n.d. Latin and English. Copies (except where otherwise described), with headings, notes and corrections by Beale passim. 1. ff. 9-24b. Papers relating to the trial and imprisonment of J..., 1461-1599 British Library
referencedIn VERNON PAPERS. Vol. LXVIII (ff. 56). Transcripts of political papers, 1599-1622, many of them summarized in Calendars of State Papers Domestic, viz.:-1. "A Coppie of an aduertisment to Sir Ed. Cooke [Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice], Anno 1617."..., 1599-1622 British Library
referencedIn A Volume in quarto, on paper; consisting Of Miscellaneous Law Tracts: and containing,1. The ordinary Course of Proceedings in Causes depending in his Mats. most honorable Court of Star-Chamber. fol. 1. 2. Report of the Case of Perrin v. Blake B. R. H... British Library
referencedIn WILLIAM HUDSON, 'A TREATISE OF THE COURTE OF STARR CHAMBER'; 17th cent. Differs slightly from the text printed in Collectanea Juridica, ii, 1792, pp. 1-240. The present version also lacks the list of contents published on pp. 239-240 and found with t..., 17th century British Library
referencedIn MR. [Edward] Littleton, of the Inner Temple (afterwards Lord Keeper of the Great Seal) his argument and others [viz. William Mason, (afterwards Recorder of London) John Prynne, and the Attorney General, Sir Wm. Noye] in defence of Mr. Stephens his pl..., 1596-1631 British Library
referencedIn BLENHEIM PAPERS. Vol. DLXXXIII (ff. 93). Political, literary and family papers; [1601?]-1659, n.d. The position of some of these papers in the list in H.M.C. 8th Report, pt. 1, pp. 2-12, suggests that they may be associated with Add. MSS. 61681 and 6..., 1601-1659 British Library
referencedIn COMMONPLACE-BOOK of Gilbert Frevile, of Bishop Middleham, co. Durham, containing notes of sermons by Puritan and other divines, miscellancous historical matter, etc. Tables of contents are at ff. 2 b, 188. The date 1591 on the cover is perhaps that o..., 1579-1622 British Library
referencedIn A Volume, in folio, on paper: containing, 1. Of the Court called the Starr Chamber. Autore Willielmo Lambert Lincolniensi. fol. 1. 2. Orders made by the Clerks of the Court for the Lord Keeper Williams, Mich. 1621. fol. 27. 3. Lord Keeper Egerton's O... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION Of political tracts, state letters and papers relating to Home and Foreign affairs, chiefly in the reigns of Qu. Elizabeth and James I., many of them having been transeribed from original documents; 1509-1628. Other copies of artt. 2, 3, 1... British Library
referencedIn COLLECTION of papers relating to Trade, the Admiralty, Chancery, Exchequer, Star-chamber, etc., formed by Sir Julius Cæsar, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Master of the Rolls, temp. Jac. I [between 1603-1625]. Folio. [11,574.], 1603-1625 British Library
referencedIn WOOD COLLECTION. Vol. II. Transcript of the Muster roll for co. Brecon, A.D. 1539. Included are (f. 81) Starchamber proceedings, temp. Henry VIII, and (f. 136) transcripts of various wills. Index of names, f. 236. ff. 333. A.D. 1917. (Originally " Co..., 1917 British Library
referencedIn "A DISCOURSE, of the courte called the Starre Chamber made the xxth daie of Marche, 1585"[6]. The author's name is erased; but the opening sentence is substantially the same as that of the treatise attributed to William Lambarde [see Hargrave MS. 237... British Library
referencedIn PAPERS concerning the revenue, taxes, coinage, royal fisheries, etc.; 1433-1770. Among the contents are:-1. Extracts from the Rolls of Parliament for 11, 12 Hen. VI., being pp. 431-440 of vol. iv. of the printed edition. ff. 3-7. 2. Account of gold ... British Library
referencedIn A COLLECTION Of miscellaneous political and other tracts, etc., in different hands; 1572-1635. 1. Star Chamber cases, viz. :-(a) Judgments against Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, late Lord Treasurer, Catherine, his wife, and Sir John Bingley, for tak... British Library
referencedIn TRESHAM PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 297). Correspondence and papers ; 1440-1597. A few at the beginning relate to earlier Treshams. Included are :-1. Extracts from the Patent Rolls relating to William Tresham, Speaker of the House of Commons; 15 May 18 Hen. ..., 1440-1597 British Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
Place Name Admin Code Country
Adbaston, Staffordshire
Yaxley, Huntingdonshire
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
Berkshire, England
India, Asia
Ireland, Europe
Derbyshire, England
Wymondham, Norfolk
Queen's House, Greenwich
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland
Cadiz, Spain
Dover, Kent
Lesness, Kent
Waterford, Ireland
Bermuda Islands, North Atlantic Ocean
Waterfall, Staffordshire
Honeybourne, Gloucestershire
Little Gidding, Huntingdonshire
Herefordshire, England
Cornwall, England
Kent, England
Oxfordshire, England
Elstead, Surrey
Norfolk, England
Rothwell, Northamptonshire
Houghton in the Spring, Durham
Edington, Berkshire
Weymouth, Dorset
Essex, England
Ireland, Europe
Rhé, Brittany
Field Dalling, Norfolk
Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Greenwich, Kent
Wimbish, Essex
Hindringham, Norfolk
Gloucestershire, England
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
East Meon, Hampshire
Temple Newsam, Yorkshire
Cadiz, Spain
Norwich, Norfolk
Streatlam, Barnard Castle
Farnham, Surrey
Bearwood, Berkshire
Highgate, Middlesex
Southampton, Hampshire
Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire
Northamptonshire, England
Martock, Somerset
Ubley, Somerset
Grendon, Northamptonshire
Whiteparish, Wiltshire
Canterbury, Province of, Kent
London, England
Emborrow, Somerset
Alstoe, Hundred of, Rutland
Somerset, England
Buckworth, Huntingdonshire
Northamptonshire, England
Northamptonshire, England
Brandon, Warwickshire
Studley, Oxfordshire
Aller, Somerset
Rutland, England
Cheshire, England
Suffolk, England
Great Houghton, Northamptonshire
Devenish, Fermanagh
Barne Elmes, Surrey
Yarmouth, Norfolk
Templeton, Somerset
Collyweston, Northamptonshire
Alveton, Warwickshire
Meon, Hampshire
India, Asia
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Rushton, Northamptonshire
Longford, Shropshire
Ireland, Europe
Rushton, Northamptonshire
Royston, Hertfordshire
Brecknockshire, Wales
Benefield, Northamptonshire
Wales, United Kingdom
Orton, Northamptonshire
Otford, Kent
Heighington, Durham
Boulogne, France
Colchester, Essex
Mucklestone, Staffordshire
Seal, Surrey
Ireland, Europe
Hopton and Coton, Staffordshire
Oléron, France
Tottenham, Middlesex
King's Cliffe, Northamptonshire
Maldon, Essex
Bristol, Gloucestershire
Gap, France
Elton, Cheshire
Droitwich, Worcestershire
Cascaes, Portugal
Woodstock, Oxfordshire
Hampton Lovett, Worcestershire
Littleham, Devon
Newark, Nottinghamshire
Lexden, Essex
Hackthorn, Lincolnshire
Ireland, Europe
Sywell, Northamptonshire
London, England
Eccleshall, Staffordshire
Chester, Cheshire
Africa, Africa
Saxlingham, Norfolk
Healing, Lincolnshire
Merton, Oxfordshire
Metheringham, Lincolnshire
Soham, Cambridgeshire
Frensham, Surrey
Colchester, Essex
London, England
Brasted, Kent
Lincolnshire, England
Worcestershire, England
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Bentley, Southampton
Cauldon, Staffordshire
Bradley, Wolsingham
Northampton, Northamptonshire
Saxilby, Lincolnshire
Maldon, Essex
Islington, Middlesex
River Wandle, Surrey
Gellifowland, Flintshire
Spanish Netherlands, Europe
Brussels, Belgium
Winterton Nesse, Lincolnshire
London, England
Bishampton, Worcestershire
Somerset, England
Tresham, Gloucestershire
Boulogne, France
Keyhaven, Hampshire
Gainford, Durham
Wexford, Ireland
Hampton Court, Middlesex
Cottesmore, Rutland
County Durham, England
East, Hundred of, Rutland
Heybridge, Essex
Witham, Essex
Ireland, Europe
Langley, Northumberland
Scotland, Kingdom of, United Kingdom
Shropshire, England
Warmington, Northamptonshire
Ely, Cambridgeshire
Alstonefield, Staffordshire
Portugal, Europe
Sussex, England
Virginia, U.S.A.

Corporate Body

Active 1400

Active 1641

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Ark ID: w6c636rs

SNAC ID: 10428944