Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra

Source Citation

The Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra is a collegiate symphony orchestra comprised of Harvard students and based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in March 1808 as the Pierian Sodality, the Orchestra is the oldest symphony orchestra in the United States. The band contains over 100 members and is the largest orchestra at Harvard University. The group plays four season concerts every year at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre, regularly participates in the annual Arts First arts festival at Harvard, and sometimes gives concerts for children. Its alumni board is still known as the Pierian Sodality of 1808.



Source Citation

From the very beginning of the Pierian Sodality of 1808, its alumni formed a club of "graduate members" so that they could continue playing together after graduation. In those early decades the Pierian Sodality had less than a dozen members, consisting mostly of winds (including several players of wooden flutes and a serpent). This rag-tag ensemble, however, was more than adequate for their concerts of popular songs and ubiquitous serenading...


Source Citation

The Pierian Sodality was founded in 1808, and has always predominantly focused on instrumental music. The early society was especially well-known for its late-night serenading of young women. By 1900, the organization could refer to itself as the Harvard University Orchestra. Members joined the Radcliffe Orchestra for joint concerts during the 1930s, and in 1942, the two groups merged to found the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra.


Date: 1808 (Establishment)

Unknown Source


Name Entry: Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "LC", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Harvard University. Pierian Sodality

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "LC", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Pierian Sodality

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "lc", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Pierian Sodality Orchestra, Harvard University

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "harvard", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Pierian Sodality of Harvard University

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Harvard Radcliffe Symphony Orchestra

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: HRO

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Radcliffe College. Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Harvard University. Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest