Cadwalader, Lambert, 1742-1823

Source Citation

CADWALADER, Lambert, a Delegate and a Representative from New Jersey; born near Trenton, N.J., in 1742; attended Dr. Alison's Academy, and the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia in 1760; member of the common council of Philadelphia at the beginning of the Revolution; signed the nonimportation agreement in 1765; delegate to the provincial convention in Pennsylvania in 1775 and to the State constitutional convention in 1776; entered the Revolutionary Army and commanded a regiment of ``The Greens''; lieutenant colonel of the Third Pennsylvania Battalion in 1776; colonel of the Fourth Pennsylvania Line; after being taken a prisoner at Fort Washington on the Hudson resigned from the Army; Member of the Continental Congress in 1785, 1786 and 1787; elected as a Pro-Administration candidate to the First Congress (March 4, 1789-March 3, 1791); elected as a Pro-Administration candidate to the Third Congress (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1795); died on his estate, ``Greenwood,'' near Trenton, N.J., September 13, 1823; interment in the Friends Burying Ground, Trenton, N.J.


Source Citation

<li>12/30/1794 NJ At-Large Lost 3.97% (-9.64%)</li>
<li>10/09/1792 NJ At-Large Won 10.08% (-6.22%)</li>
<li>01/26/1791 NJ At-Large Lost 7.04% (-12.86%)</li>
<li>02/11/1789 NJ At-Large Won 13.01% (+0.00%)</li>
<li>12/31/1786 NJ Continental Congress Won 100.00% (+100.00%)</li>
<li>12/31/1785 NJ Continental Congress Won 100.00% (+100.00%)</li>
<li>12/31/1784 NJ Continental Congress Won 100.00% (+100.00%)</li>
<li>12/31/1783 NJ Continental Congress Won 100.00% (+100.00%)</li>
<li>01/11/1795 NJ At-Large - Special Election Won 0.00% (-2.91%)</li>


Source Citation

<p>Lambert Cadwalader (December 1742 – September 13, 1823) was an American merchant and leader in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He fought in the Revolutionary War, then represented New Jersey in the Continental Congress and the U.S. Congress.</p>

<p>Lambert was born in Trenton, New Jersey, to Doctor Thomas and Hannah (née Lambert) Cadwalader. By 1750, his family had returned to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he attended Dr. Allison's Academy.</p>

<p>In 1757, he entered the College of Philadelphia (later the University of Pennsylvania), but did not graduate. Instead, he went into business with his brother John Cadwalader.</p>


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Cadwalader, Lambert, 1742-1823

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