Seligman, Arthur, 1871-1933

Source Citation

ARTHUR SELIGMAN was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on June 14, 1873. His education was attained at the Southmore College Preparatory School in Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1887, and at the Pierce College of Business in Philadelphia. He then established a successful career in the business world, with holdings in the banking and mercantile industries. Seligman first entered politics in 1906, serving as a member of the Territorial Board of Equalization, a position he held for two years. From 1910 to 1912 he served as the mayor of Santa Fe; and from 1910 to 1920 he presided over the Santa Fe County Commission. He also chaired the Santa Fe County Road Board from 1914 to 1916, as well as presiding over the Santa Fe County Council of Defense from 1917 to 1918. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions in 1916, 1920, 1924, and 1932; was a member of the Democratic National Committee from 1920 to 1930; and served as chairman of the Educational Survey Commission from 1921 to 1923. Seligman next secured the Democratic gubernatorial nomination, and was elected governor by popular vote on November 4, 1930. He was reelected to a second term in 1932. During his tenure, additional funding was secured for maintaining the state historical society; the state’s tourist attractions were promoted; and state spending was controlled. While still in office, Governor Seligman became ill and passed away on September 25, 1933. He was buried in the Fairview Cemetery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Source Citation

<p>Arthur Seligman (June 14, 1871 – September 25, 1933) was an American businessman and politician. He served in several offices in New Mexico, including mayor of Santa Fe and governor.</p>

<p>Seligman was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico Territory, the son of Bernard and Frances Seligman. In 1887, he graduated from the Swarthmore College Preparatory School, and in 1889 he graduated from Union Business College.</p>

<p>After completing his education, Seligman became active in his family's business enterprises. He was also president of the Seligman Brothers mercantile firm (1903–1926), president of the La Fonda Building Corporation (1920–1926), president of the First National Bank (1924–1933); and auditor and board of directors member of the Northern New Mexico Loan Association.</p>


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Seligman, Arthur, 1871-1933

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