Whitehurst, Sara A. (Sara Anderson), -1971

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Sara Anderson Whitehurst (Mrs. John L. Whitehurst) was born in Pennsylvania. She attended Hahnemann and Women's Medical Colleges in Philadelphia and studied psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.<p>
She served as state president of the Maryland Federation of Women's Clubs, 1930-1932. In 1933, she was the first woman appointed to the Board of Regents of the University of Maryland.
Before becoming GFWC President in 1942, she served in various Federation departments, including Legislation and Education. As GFWC's first vice-president in 1940, her primary responsibility was planning the Federation's Golden Jubilee celebration.
During her term, which coincided with U.S. participation in World War II, Sara Whitehurst's three major areas of interest were preservation of a representative form of government, a "return to religion," and national defense and war service issues.
After her GFWC presidency, Sara Whitehurst served as chairman of the Federation's Council of International Clubs and the Americanism Department.
She died on February 25, 1971.


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Whitehurst, Sara A. (Sara Anderson), -1971

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