White, Eva Whiting, 1885-1974

Source Citation

<p xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-33-4">Eva Whiting was born in Webster, Mass., in 1880, daughter of Frederick Herbert and Marie Emma (Le Roy) Whiting. In 1902 she married Wesley Dunn Allen White. Having earned the first B.S. in social work from Simmons College in 1907, she pursued graduate studies in social work at the University of Wisconsin and Columbia University.</p>
<p xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-33-4">Whiting was Headworker at Elizabeth Peabody House (EPH), 1909-1944; professor of social economy at Simmons College, 1922-1950; non-resident lecturer at Bryn Mawr College, 1917- 29; member of the Boston Board of Public Welfare, 1925-1947; director of the Americanization and Immigration Division of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1927-1950; and president of the Women's Educational and Industrial Union of Boston, 1929-1952. She was also active in other city, state, and federal government agencies concerned with health, education, and immigration.</p>


Unknown Source


Name Entry: White, Eva Whiting, 1885-1974

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "harvard", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Place: Boston

Found Data: Massachusetts--Boston
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.