Trotti, Constance Anne Louise, marchioness Arconati-Visconti, 1800-1871

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Constance Anne Louise Trotti, marchioness Arconati-Visconti (21 July 1800 – 18 May 1871), was a Belgian noble who hosted a leading cultural salon in Brussels. She became known as a patron of artists and Belgian cultural life.<p>
She was born in Vienna to a functionary at the Austrian court and married her cousin Giuseppe Trotti in 1818. In 1821, the couple moved to Brussels, where she became a leading socialite. She hosted a salon which became the center of the Belgian aristocracy and the French exiled colony, and acted as a patron of Belgian cultural life.


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Trotti, Constance Anne Louise, marchioness Arconati-Visconti, 1800-1871

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "BL", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Arconati-Visconti, Costanza, marchesa

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest