Gahan family

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Gahan Family; made up of Arthur Burton Gahan (born in Kansas on December 9, 1880; died May 23, 1960) and Emily Bonnet and their descendents. Arthur and Emily were married on September 30, 1908, and lived in College Park, Maryland. They had two children, James and Winifred. Arthur Gahan received his master's degree in entomology from Maryland Agricultural College in 1906, and worked at MAC as an assistant entomologist until 1913. The majority of his career was spent at the U. S. Bureau of Entomology.
James and Winifred Gahan also attended the University of Maryland, studying entomology and home economics, repsectively.
Arthur's sister Winifred E. Gahan was also employed by the University of Maryland, working in the Extension Service office for thirty-four years.
In 1981, James B. Gahan, Margaret (Horn) Gahan, and Winifred Gahan established the Gahan Scholarship Fund, a graduate-level fellowship in honor of their father, in the Department of Entomology at the University of Maryland. In 1986, the Gahans increased their contributions, establishing the Gahan Regents Fellowship, the first Regents Fellowship at the university. The fund continues to support fellowships in the Department of Entomology.


Place: College Park

Place: Prince George's County

Place: Kansas

Unknown Source


Name Entry: Gahan family

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