Andrews, Isaac, approximately 1715-1775

Source Citation

p. 7, document 48, 1776. Our esteemed friend Isaac Andrews a well approved minister died after a short illness in the 61 year of his age and 36th of his ministry on the 15th of the 12 month last


Date: 1715 (Birth) - 1775-12-15 (Death)

Source Citation

<p>Andrews,Isaac, d. 1775.</p>
<p>s. of Edward and Sarah (Ong or Ongg) Andrews.</p>
<p>Apprenticed to Jonathan Wright, near Burlington, N.J.</p>
<p>Spent 2 years in lightness, gaity and mirth. At Little Egg Harbor (Tuckerton, N.J.) on the meadows and sea-shore had an experience resembling Saul's on the Damascus road.</p>
<p>After marriage settled at Mt. Holly, N.J., for c. 5 mos., then went to Haddonfield, N.J. Deeply tried with a feeling of desertion. 1740, a minister. 1746, travelled with John Woolman to Pa., Va., and Carolina. 1769, went with Ephraim Tomlinson to some meetings near Egg Harbour, N.J.</p>
<p>d. c. 15 December, 1775, Haddonfield, N.J. A minister ca. 35 yrs.</p>



Relation: acquaintanceOf Woolman, John, 1720-1772

Unknown Source


Relation: parentOf Andrews, Isaac, 1749-1820