United States. Canal Zone Government. License Section
Organizational Changes within the Canal Zone Government organization were effected of February 12, 1956, in the Civil Affairs Bureau with the transfer of the land license function of the former Real Estate Unit to the office of the Civil Affairs Director; and the absorption of the responsibility for contraband control, formerly in the office of the executive secretary, into the Customs Division. Canal Zone Government organization chart as of June 30, 1956: Civil Affairs Bureau. Licensing; The duties of the License Section were expanded this year to include the issuance of runners' and food delivery licenses, permits for hunting and to have and carry arms, and licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages. The addition of these functions centralized most of the Canal Zone Government licensing in one office, which should benefit the public and also allow more efficient utilization of licensing personnel. The discontinuance of chauffeurs' licenses and changes in operators' license renewal requirements have permitted a reduced force to accomplish more work
Canal Zone Government effective July 1, 1957, the Land License Unit and License Section were merged into one organizational unit, the License Section. On July 1, 1957, the operation of the License Section and the Land License Unit of the Civil Affairs Bureau were consolidated. The activities of the new License Section are under the supervision of the former chief of the Land License Unit. The mission of the section is to issue, administer, and effect collection of the appropriate fees for vehicular, land, and miscellaneous licenses and permits assigned to the section in conformity with all existing laws, treaties, regulations, polices, and tariffs.
The operations and financial results of the license section for the past 2 fiscal years are compared in the tabulation below 1952, 1951 vehicle license, vehicle registration, operators' license
The License Section is responsible for issuing motor vehicle operator's licenses, instruction permits, training school permits, temporary driving permits, vehicle licenses, peddler's licenses, vendor's licenses, dog licenses, runner's licenses, alcoholic beverage licenses, licenses for delivery of food and beverages supplied from Panama, hunting permits, fishing passes and target and official gun permits
A summary of the operations of the License Section for the past two fiscal years is given in the tabulation below. Effective August 1, 1953, the License Section was assigned the responsibility for licensing dogs in the Canal Zone.