Chacón, Arnold A., 1956-
<p>Arnold A. Chacón (born 1956) is an American government official.</p>
<p>Ambassador Chacon grew up in Denver and received a bachelor's degree in international affairs from the University of Colorado at Boulder where he attended on a full-ride academic scholarship granted by the Boettcher Foundation. His wife of 30 years, Alida Chacón, is also a member of the U.S. Foreign Service. They have three children.</p>
<p>He was most recently the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. He was previously the United States Ambassador to Guatemala from August 29, 2011, to March 5, 2014. A career U.S. Foreign Service officer, he has served in a number of leadership positions in Latin America and Europe, including Deputy Chief of Mission in Madrid. He has led initiatives to promote free and fair elections, advance respect for human rights, and support rule of law. While ambassador, Chacón also directed crisis management operations, worked with international partners to combat human trafficking, and advanced regional free trade agreements.</p>
<p>Chacón has served as the State Department Deputy Executive Director in Washington, D.C. and at the United States Mission to the United Nations. He was a Fellow at the American Political Science Association, and is the recipient of the State Department's Presidential Rank Award and other leadership honors. He speaks Spanish and Italian.</p>
<p>Ambassador Chacon joined the National Defense University as its Senior Vice President in August 2018. He is a career member of the U.S. Foreign Service and holds the rank of Career Minister.</p>
<p>Prior to NDU, Ambassador Chacon served as Diplomat in Residence at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has held senior leadership positions in the U.S. Department of State, including Chief of Mission in Guatemala and Chief Human Capital Officer. He is widely recognized for his expertise in Latin American and European affairs, talent management, communication strategies and building a diverse workforce.</p>
<p>As Director General of the Foreign Service from 2014-2017, Ambassador Chacon developed strategic guidance for the Human Resources Bureau of 900 employees who carry out the full range of human resources activities for the State Department’s 75,000 worldwide workforce. As Ambassador to Guatemala from 2011-2014, he implemented one of the largest economic development, counter-narcotics and rule of law programs in Latin America, directing 500 staff and representing a dozen U.S. Government agencies. Prior to his service in Guatemala, he was Acting Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission in Spain, engaging a key NATO and EU ally on regional issues including counter-terrorism, the global financial crisis, Afghanistan, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. His other diplomatic assignments include postings to U.S. Missions in Honduras, Mexico, Chile, Italy, Peru, Ecuador and the United Nations. He also served as the Deputy Executive Secretary of the State Department’s Executive Secretariat and in the Bureaus of Western Hemisphere Affairs and European Affairs.</p>
<p>A life member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Ambassador Chacon has received numerous leadership awards, including the Presidential Rank Award, Superior Honor Awards and Performance Pay. He is a Boettcher Foundation Scholar and studied International Affairs at the University of Colorado where he was in the Presidents Leaders Class. His wife Alida Chacon is retired from the Foreign Service and they have three children.</p>
<p>After 30 years in the Foreign Service, Arnold A. Chacon received his first appointment as ambassador, to Guatemala, in June 2011. He was confirmed by the Senate on August 2.</p>
<p>Originally from Denver, Chacon is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder, with a BA in international affairs. From 1974-1980, he was involved in Amigos de las Américas (AMIGOS), a program that encourages young adults to volunteer in Latin America. Chacon began as a volunteer in Nicaragua and Honduras; worked as staff in Nicaragua, Ecuador and Mexico; and then served on the International Office staff.</p>
<p>He began his diplomatic career in 1981.</p>
<p>He has served in a number of overseas posts including and political/consular officer in Honduras, staff assistant to the chief of mission in Mexico, political officer in Italy and Chile, political counselor in Peru, and deputy chief of mission in Ecuador (2002-2005).</p>
<p>Chacon also served as an American Political Science Association Fellow, watch officer in the State Department’s Operations Center, political advisor at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Italy desk officer, special assistant to the assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs, and deputy director of Central American affairs.</p>
<p>His last three assignments before becoming ambassador were deputy executive secretary in the State Department’s Executive Secretariat (2005-2007), director of Andean affairs in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, and deputy chief of mission at the embassy in Madrid, Spain.</p>
<p>Chacon and his wife, Alida (originally from Honduras), have two daughters and a son.</p>