Karlin-Neumann, Zev M.

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<p> Zev Karlin-Neumann's writing has been hailed as "passionate and poignant" by NBC, listed as one of "The Best Commencement Speeches, Ever" by NPR, and called “biased and ignorant” by an Internet commenter. </p>

<p> For the past decade, Zev has helped some of the world's most significant leaders tell their stories and advance their agendas--from the C-Suite to the campaign trail to the White House. </p>

<p> Whether writing a stump speech, op-ed, or book--whether the setting is a college commencement or a foreign parliament--Zev's work is deeply researched, memorably written, and highly impactful. </p>


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Karlin-Neumann, Zev M.

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