McLaughlin, Ann Dore, 1941-

Source Citation

<p>Ann McLaughlin Korologos (born Ann Marie Lauenstein; November 16, 1941), formerly known as Ann Dore McLaughlin, was the United States Secretary of Labor from 1987 to 1989.</p>

<p>Korologos was born in Chatham, New Jersey, the daughter of Marie (née Koellhoffer) and Edward Joseph Lauenstein, a manufacturer representative for a wartime ammunitions company. She was educated at Saint Patrick School, the Academy of Saint Elizabeth, Marymount College, Tarrytown of Fordham University, where she spent a year studying abroad at the University of London, and earned an EMBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1988.</p>

<p>She has received honorary degrees from Marymount, the University of Rhode Island, the New England School of Law, the College of Saint Elizabeth, and Tri-State University.</p>


Source Citation

<p>Anne Dore McLaughlin was born on November 16, 1941, and earned her B.A. from Marymount College in 1963. She supervised network communications at ABC-TV in New York from 1963 to 1966 and was an account executive at Myers-Infoplan International from 1969 to 1971.</p>

<p>She later became director of communications for the Presidential Election Commission (1971-1972) and director of the Office of Public Information at the EPA (1973-1974). McLauglin worked for Union Carbide Corp. from 1974 to 1977 and then for McLaughlin and Co. from 1977 to 1981.</p>

<p>During the Reagan administration, she was assistant secretary for public affairs for the Department of the Treasury (1981-1984), undersecretary of the interior (1984-1987), and manager of Senator Robert Dole's 1987 presidential bid. McLaughlin returned to government work as secretary of labor (1987-1989).</p>


Unknown Source


Name Entry: McLaughlin, Ann Dore, 1941-

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "LC", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "lc", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
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