Redman, Mercy Davis, 1722-1778

Source Citation

p.11. 1747. Whereas Thomas Redman of Haddonfield in the County of Gloucester in the western division of the province of New Jersey and Marcy Davis daughter of David Davis of the Township of Pilesgrove in the County of Salem western division and province aforesaid having declared their intentions of marriage with each other... this twenty ninth day of the seventh month in the year of our Lord on thousand seven hundred and forty seven...


Source Citation

REDMAN, Mercy (1721-1778). Mercy Davis was a daughter of David Davis, of Pilesgrove, Salem County, New Jersey. Born 12 mo. (February) 26, 1721/2. She married 7 mo. (Sept) 29, 1747 as his second wife, Thomas Redman [d.9.26.1766] of Haddonfield, N.J., nephew of Doctor John Redman, a Founder of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Their only child did not live. Mercy Redman was a minister and traveled somewhat in that capacity. She died at Haddonfield, 3mo. 15, 1778, and was buried in the Friends' Burial Ground at that place.


Source Citation

p.55. Thomas Redman of Haddonfield son of Thomas Redman late of the City of Philadelphia was born the 31st of the 3rd month 1714. Hannah his wife daughter of John Gill late of Haddonfield, was born the 7th of the 7th month 1719. Mary Redman their daughter... Sarah... Thomas... John... Marcy Redman second wife of the said Thomas Redman was born the 6th day of the 12th month in the year 1721/22. Marcy Redman widow of Thomas Redman, departed this life at her house in Haddonfield on the 15th of the 3rd mo 1778 a little past 12 o clock in the morning being the first day of the week... aged 56 years... Joseph Redman son of Thomas and Marcy Redman, was born the 18th of 11th Month 1749/50, 7 minutes past 10 o clock in the evening. Joseph Redman departed this life the 21st of the 11th month...


Source Citation

p.38. 1778. A Testimony from the Monthly Meeting of Friends at Haddonfield in New Jersey, concerning our Esteemed Friend Marcy Redman Deceased. Our said Friend was born the 6th of the 12th Mon 1721/2 of parents professing the Blessed Truth, and on the 29th of 7th month 1747, was married to our friend Thomas Redman Deceased, and settled at Haddonfield aforesaid; and having had the advantage of a Religious Education, and joining in with the manifestation of Truth in her own Heart, she received a gift in the ministry in the 27th year of her age... In the year 1754 in company with our friend Ann Gant, she visited the meetings of Friends on Long Island; and again in the year 1760, she in the company with the same Friend, visited Friends at New York, Long Island, Rhode Island and the Island of Nantucket, and by accounted received, her service was acceptable to Friends, and she was favoured to return with the Reward of PEace in her own Bosom... She departed this life at her House in Haddonfield, the 15th of the 3rd month 1778, aged 56 years, a minister about 29 years...


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Redman, Marcy Davis, 1722-1778

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