Kelen-d'Oxylion, Stephen, 1891-1964
Materials relating to the musical comedy written by Zora Neale Hurston and Dorothy Waring, with Stephen Kelen-d'Oxylion, Waring's husband, acting as producer. Three librettos: one typescript draft with paper covers, signed, with holograph annotations dated 1944 Mar 25; one typescript carbon draft with paper covers, undated; and one bound typescript, copyright 1944. Each libretto has a title label with Stephen Kelen-d'Oxylion's name and address printed on the cover; the cover title of the bound copy reads, "Polk County by Zora Neale Hurston and Dorothy Waring, a Comedy of Negro life on a sawmill camp with authentic Negro music, In 3 Acts." Accompanied by a fourteen-page typescript carbon containing suggested music and a synopsis of the musical, with a cover sheet containing Kelen-d'Oxylion's printed name and address.
Name Stephen Kelen D'Oxylion<p><p>
Sex Male<p>
Age 42<p>
Birth Year (Estimated) 1895<p>
Birthplace Budapest, Hungary<p>
Marital Status Single<p>
Race White<p>
Father's Name Arnem Kelen<p>
Mother's Name Melanie Tuchler D'Oxylion<p>
Spouse's Name Dorothy Kahn Waring<p>
Spouse's Sex Female<p>
Spouse's Age 36<p>
Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1901<p>
Spouse's Birthplace Montgomery, Ala.<p>
Spouse's Marital Status Divorced<p>
Spouse's Race White<p>
Spouse's Father's Name Charles M. Kahn<p>
Spouse's Mother's Name Caroline Abraham<p>
Marriage Date 01 Apr 1937<p>
Marriage Place Manhattan, New York, New York, United States<p>
Marriage Place (Original) Manhattan, New York<p>
(Jolie) Gabor arrived in the United States on December 30, 1945. She opened a successful costume jewelry business (called simply Jolie Gabor) in New York City in 1946, with $7,200 borrowed from her daughters. It later moved to 699 Madison Avenue. Gabor also established a branch of the firm in Palm Springs, California. Among the company's designers were Elsa Beck and Stephen Kelen d'Oxylion, as well as her own daughter, Magda.<p>
Note: Stephen Kelen d'Oxylion's name is properly spelled, per various published sources (including several books about Zora Neale Hurston), although Gabor spelled it as "d'Oxylian" in her autobiography.
Unknown Source
Name Entry: Kelen-d'Oxylion, Stephen, 1891-1964
Found Data: [
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest