Ompteda, Died. Heinr. Ludw., Freiherr von, 1746-1803



Source Citation


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Ompteda, Died. Heinr. Ludw., Freiherr von, 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "LC", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich Heinrich Ludwig von

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "BL", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich Heinrich Ludwig ˜vonœ 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich Heinrich Ludwig von?, Hanoverian minister at the Diet of the Empire

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "BL", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich H. von 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich H. von.

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Diedrich H. von 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Diedrich H. 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich Heinrich Ludwig Freiherr von 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Dietrich H. ˜vonœ 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Died. Heinr. Ludw. von

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Ludwig von 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Von Ompteda, Died. Heinr. Ludw., Freiherr, 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Diedrich H. von.

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Died. Heinr. Ludw. von, Freyherrn

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Diedrich H. ˜vonœ 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Ompteda, Ludwig ˜vonœ 1746-1803

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest