Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010






Source Citation

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<ead_entity altrender=":::PWEBRECON=^Haig%2C+Alexander+Meigs%2C+1924-2010+Correspondence.^" en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" role="subject" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010--Correspondence.</ead_entity>


Source Citation

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<ead_entity altrender=":::PWEBRECON=^Haig%2C+Alexander+Meigs%2C+1924-2010+Correspondence.^" en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" role="subject" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010--Correspondence.</ead_entity>


Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity en_type="persname" rules="ncarules">Haig, Alexander Meigs, b 1924, US General and public official</ead_entity>



Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity en_type="persname">Haig, Alexander Meigs</ead_entity>


Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity altrender=":::PWEBRECON=^Haig%2C+Alexander+Meigs%2C+1924-2010.^" en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" role="subject" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010.</ead_entity>





Source Citation

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<ead_entity altrender=":::PWEBRECON=^Haig%2C+Alexander+Meigs%2C+1924-2010+Correspondence.^" en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" role="subject" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010--Correspondence.</ead_entity>





Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity altrender=":::PWEBRECON=^Haig%2C+Alexander+Meigs%2C+1924-2010+Correspondence.^" en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" role="subject" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010--Correspondence.</ead_entity>



Source Citation


Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity en_type="persname">Haig, Alexander Meigs, Jr., 1924-</ead_entity>





Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity altrender=":::PWEBRECON=^Haig%2C+Alexander+Meigs%2C+1924-2010.^" en_type="persname" encodinganalog="100" role="creator" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010.</ead_entity>



Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity en_type="persname">Haig, Alexander Meigs</ead_entity>




Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity en_type="persname" encodinganalog="700" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-</ead_entity>





Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity en_type="persname" encodinganalog="600" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924</ead_entity>


Source Citation

<container xmlns="">
<ead_entity authfilenumber="n 81017000 " en_type="persname" encodinganalog="'600$a'" normal="Haig, Alexander Meigs" role="subject" source="lcnaf">Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010</ead_entity>


Unknown Source


Name Entry: Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-2010

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "cjh", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "LC", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "lc", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander Meigs, 1924-....

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "WorldCat", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "umi", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "fivecol", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "NLA", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "nara", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander Meigs

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" }, { "contributor": "harvard", "form": "authorizedForm" }, { "contributor": "nyu", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander M. (1924- ).

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander (Alexander Meigs), 1924-2010

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander M., Jr.

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander 1924-2010

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" }, { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander Meigs, b 1924

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "ahub", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander Meigs, Jr., 1924-

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "harvard", "form": "authorizedForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Kheĭg, Aleksandr 1924-2010

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander, 1924-

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander M. 1924-2010

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander M.

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: ヘイグ, アレクサンダー・M

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Kheĭg, Aleksandr, 1924-2010

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Kheig, Aleksandr 1924-

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander M. (Alexander Meigs), 1924-

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "nara", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Name Entry: Haig, Alexander M. 1924- (Alexander Meigs),

Found Data: [ { "contributor": "VIAF", "form": "alternativeForm" } ]
Note: Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest

Place: Europe

Found Data: Europe
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: United States

Found Data: United States
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Republic of Yemen

Found Data: Yemen
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: United States

Found Data: United States
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Southeast Asia

Found Data: Southeast Asia
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Southeast Asia

Found Data: Southeast Asia
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Europe

Found Data: Europe
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Republic of Turkey

Found Data: Turkey
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Lebanon

Found Data: Lebanon
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Southeast Asia

Found Data: Southeast Asia
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Palestine

Found Data: Palestine
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Soviet Union

Found Data: Soviet Union
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Iran

Found Data: Iran
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: El Salvador

Found Data: El Salvador
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: United States

Found Data: United States
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Palestine

Found Data: Palestine
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Islamic Republic of Iran

Found Data: Iran
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Yemen

Found Data: Yemen
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Congo (Democratic Republic)

Found Data: Congo (Democratic Republic)
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Lebanon

Found Data: Lebanon
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Europe

Found Data: Europe
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Turkey

Found Data: Turkey
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Nicaragua

Found Data: Nicaragua
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Middle East

Found Data: Middle East
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Iran

Found Data: Iran
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: United States

Found Data: United States
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Zaire

Found Data: Zaire
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: El Salvador

Found Data: El Salvador
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Turkey

Found Data: Turkey
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Greece

Found Data: Greece
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Vietnam

Found Data: Vietnam
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Palestine

Found Data: Palestine
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Soviet Union

Found Data: Soviet Union
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Soviet Union

Found Data: Soviet Union
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Greece

Found Data: Greece
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Middle East

Found Data: Middle East
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Nicaragua

Found Data: Nicaragua
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Hellenic Republic

Found Data: Greece
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Middle East

Found Data: Middle East
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.

Place: Lebanon

Found Data: Lebanon
Note: Parsed from SNAC EAC-CPF.