Constellation Similarity Assertions

Birch, William, fl. 1590.

William Birch the younger (fl. 1590) was the son of William Birch fl. 1560 and cousin of Anthony Higgin, Dean of Ripon (1608-1624). The attribution of this miscellany is made to him because one of the works included in it, namely, "Problemata logicorum", by R. Goclenius, 1590/1, is inscribed "Liber G. Byrch"

From the guide to the Miscellany notebook on philosophical subjects, compiled possibly by William Birch the younger, ca.1590?, (GB 206 Leeds University Library)

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Birch, William, fl. 1560. (person)

William Birch, uncle of Anthony Higgin, Dean of Ripon (1608-24), was Warden of Manchester College in 1560 From the guide to the Miscellany notebook, mainly containing summaries of Greek and Latin works by Aristotle, Cicero, Homer, and Hesiod, compiled by William Birch, with notes in English by Anthony Higgin, ca.1550-1607, (GB 206 Leeds University Library) From the guide to the Miscellany notebook on theological subjects, including summaries of controversial works, compiled ...
