Constellation Similarity Assertions

White, Louisa

Lousia White was the Director of the University of Rhode Island Nursing Program from its inception in 1947 until her retirement in 1957. In 1970, she was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science degree by URI at the spring commencement. When the building that now houses the College of Nursing was completed in 1977, it was given the name of White Hall in honor of Professor White. Louisa White was a Rhode Island native, born in Hillsgrove, R.I., April 1, 1894. In 1914, she enrolled in the Rhode Island Hospital School of Nursing, receiving her R.N. in 1917. For the next seven years, Ms. White was a private nurse specializing in obstetrics and pediatrics. Later, she received both her B.S. and M.S. from Columbia University. Before accepting the position at then Rhode Island State College, Louisa White was the R.I. State Director of Nursing Education and Executive Secretary of R.I. Nurses’ Association. She was instrumental in developing the nursing program at R.I.S.C. and was asked to be its part time director in 1947. The position soon became full time. Professor White served as Director until her retirement in 1957.

From the guide to the Louisa White Papers, White (Louisa) Papers, 1917-1972, (bulk 1924-1972), (University of Rhode Island Library, Special Collections and University Archives)

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

White, Louisa, 1894- (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.
