Constellation Similarity Assertions

Massachusetts. State House Commission.

St. 1857, c 65 created a commission comprised of the sergeant-at-arms and the secretary and treasurer of the Commonwealth, by 1895 (see St 1895, c 284, s 1) called the State House Commission, to have charge of the appropriations for repairs, improvements, and furniture of the State House and contingent expenses of offices in the State House and of the Council and General Court (per St 1887, c 128, contingent expenses limited to the General Court; per RL 1902 c 10, s 17, appropriations broadened in scope to include those for any building or part thereof owned or leased by the Commonwealth for the use of public affairs). St 1895, c 284 (RL 1902 c 10, ss 4, 17) assigned the sergeant-at-arms alone responsibility for requisitions for repairs, improvements, and supplies, reserving approval of requisitions for new furniture and fixtures to the commission. Pursuant to St 1916, c 17 the commission assumed the powers and duties of the State House Building Commission. St 1919, c 350, s 17 abolished the commission; its powers and responsibilities (along with related responsibilities of the sergeant-at-arms) were vested in the newly established post of Superintendent of Buildings.

NAME AUTHORITY NOTE. Series relating to the agency described above can be found by searching the following access point for the time period stated: 1857-1919--Massachusetts. State House Commission.


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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Massachusetts. State House Construction Commission (corporateBody)

St 1889, c 394 provided for appointment by the governor of three state house construction commissioners, soon thereafter referred to as the State House Construction Commission, to oversee alterations and construction of an addition to the State House on its north side (replacing the Bryant addition of 1853-1854--see: Massachusetts. Commissioners for the Enlargement of the State House). When the addition was completed in 1895, the commission continued in charge of preservation and re...
