Constellation Similarity Assertions

Habersham, James, 1712-1775.

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Habersham, James, 1715-1775 (person)

James Habersham (1712-1775) was born in Yorkshire, England in January, 1712. He came to Savannah in 1738 and founded the Bethesda Orphan Home with George Whitefield; from 1741 to 1744, Habersham ran the orphanage. In 1744, he left this position to start the firm Harris & Habersham, one of the earliest such businesses in Savannah. He married Mary Bolton on December 26, 1740. Habersham took an active part in the political affairs of Georgia: he was elected president of the upper house of the G...
