Constellation Similarity Assertions

Garcia Salinas, Francisco.

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

García Salinas, Francisco 1786-1841 (person)

Governor of Zacatecas. Born 1786 on the hacienda Santa Gertrudis in Zacatecas; died 1841 on his estate, San Pedro, in Zacatecas. García worked in the mining business in Zacatecas after completing his education in humanities. In 1821 he was regidor of the Zacatecas ayuntamiento, then became deputy to the state congress. In 1824 García became deputy for Zacatecas to the Congreso Constituyente, where he worked primarily on Treasury matters, authoring the sistema rentístico decreed by the Congres...
