Constellation Similarity Assertions

Constable, Thomas, 1812-1881

Epithet: publisher

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000367.0x000375

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 2 possible matching Constellations.

Constable, Thomas, fl. 1874, (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.


Constable, Thomas (1812-1881: printer and publisher) (person)

Thomas Constable, printer and publisher, was born at Craigcrook, near Edinburgh, on 29 June 1812 . He learned the business of a printer in London, and successfully established his own position in Edinburgh soon after starting business there. On 07 September 1839 he was appointed Her Majesty's printer and publisher in Edinburgh. He purchased the copyright of Dr. Thomas Chalmers ( 1780-1847 ) works shortly after his death in 1847, and although a loss-maker his business continued. About 1854 his po...
